Community Blog Glue Terraform Ecosystem into Kubernetes World

Glue Terraform Ecosystem into Kubernetes World

In this article, we will introduce how to integrate terraform modules into KubeVela by fixing a real world problem.

By Jianbo Sun

If you're looking for something to glue Terraform ecosystem with the Kubernetes world, congratulations! You're getting exactly what you want in this blog.

We will introduce how to integrate terraform modules into KubeVela by fixing a real world problem -- "Fixing the Developer Experience of Kubernetes Port Forwarding" inspired by article from Alex Ellis.

In general, this article will be divided into two parts:

  • Part.1 will introduce how to glue Terraform with KubeVela, it needs some basic knowledge of both Terraform and KubeVela. You can just skip this part if you don't want to extend KubeVela as a Developer.
  • Part.2 will introduce how KubeVela can 1) provision a Cloud ECS instance by KubeVela with public IP; 2) Use the ECS instance as a tunnel sever to provide public access for any container service within an intranet environment.

OK, let's go!

Part 1. Glue Terraform Module as KubeVela Capability

In general, KubeVela is a modern software delivery control plane, you may ask: "What benefit from doing this":

1.  The power of gluing Terraform with Kubernetes ecosystem including Helm Charts in one unified solution, that helps you to do GitOps, CI/CD integration and application lifecycle management.

  • Thinking of deploy a product that includes Cloud Database, Container Service and several helm charts, now you can manage and deploy them together without switching to different tools.

2.  Declarative model for all the resources, KubeVela will run the reconcile loop until succeed.

  • You won't be blocked by the network issues from terraform CLI.

3.  A powerful CUE based workflow that you can define any preferred steps in the application delivery process.

  • You can compose the way you like, such as canary rollout, multi-clusters/multi-env promotion, notification.

If you're already a good hand of terraform, it's pretty easy for this integration.

Build Your Terraform Module

This part can usually be skipped, if you already have a well-tested terraform module,

Before start, make sure you have:

Here's my terraform module for this demo.

  • Clone this module:
git clone https://github.com/wonderflow/terraform-alicloud-ecs-instance.git
cd terraform-alicloud-ecs-instance
  • Initialize and download the latest stable version of the Alibaba Cloud provider:
terraform init
  • Configure the Alibaba Cloud provider credentials:
export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY="your-accesskey-id"
export ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="your-accesskey-secret"
export ALICLOUD_REGION="your-region-id"

You can also create an provider.tf including the credentials instead:

provider "alicloud" {
    access_key  = "your-accesskey-id"
    secret_key   = "your-accesskey-secret"
    region           = "cn-hangzhou"
  • Test creating the resources:
terraform apply -var-file=test/test.tfvars
  • Destroy all resources of tests:
terraform destroy  -var-file=test/test.tfvars

You can customize this module per your needs and push to github of your own.

Make the Terraform Module as KubeVela Capability

Before start, make sure you have installed kubevela control plane, don't worry if you don't have Kubernetes cluster, velad is enough for the quick demo.

We'll use the terraform module we have already prepared just now.

  • Generate Component Definition
vela def init ecs --type component --provider alibaba --desc "Terraform configuration for Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service" --git https://github.com/wonderflow/terraform-alicloud-ecs-instance.git > alibaba-ecs-def.yaml

Change the git url with your own if you have customized.

  • Apply it to the vela control plane
vela kube apply -f alibaba-ecs-def.yaml

vela kube apply works the same with kubectl apply.

Then the extension of ECS module has been added, you can learn more details from here.

We have finished the integration, the end user can discover the capability immediately after the apply.

The end user can use following commands to check the parameters:

vela show alibaba-ecs

They can also view it from website by launching:

vela show alibaba-ecs --web

That's all of the integration needed.

Part 2. Fixing the Developer Experience of Kubernetes Port Forwarding

In this part, we will introduce a solution that you can expose any of your Kubernetes service to public with a specific port. The solution is composed by:

  • KubeVela environment, you already have if you have practiced in part 1.
  • Alibaba Cloud ECS, KubeVela will create a tiny ecs(1u1g) automatically by access key.
  • frp, KubeVela will launch this proxy both at server-side and client-side.

Prepare KubeVela Environment

Install KubeVela

curl -fsSl https://static.kubevela.net/script/install-velad.sh | bash
velad install

Check this doc to learn more details of installation.

  • Enable Terraform Addon and Alibaba Provider
vela addon enable terraform
vela addon enable terraform-alibaba
  • Add credentials as a provider
vela config create terraform-alibaba-default -t terraform-alibaba ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY=<"your-accesskey-id"> ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY="your-accesskey-secret" ALICLOUD_REGION=<your-region> 

Before the 1.6.0 version:

vela provider add terraform-alibaba --ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY <"your-accesskey-id"> --ALICLOUD_SECRET_KEY "your-accesskey-secret" --ALICLOUD_REGION <your-region> --name terraform-alibaba-default

Check this doc for more details about other clouds.

Launch a ECS with Public IP and Deploy the frp Server

After the environment prepared well, you can create an application as below.

cat <<EOF | vela up -f -
# YAML begins
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: ecs-demo
    - name: ecs-demo
      type: alibaba-ecs
          name: terraform-alibaba-default
          name: outputs-ecs          
        name: "test-terraform-vela-123"
        instance_type: "ecs.n1.tiny"
        host_name: "test-terraform-vela"
        password: "Test-123456!"
        internet_max_bandwidth_out: "10"
        associate_public_ip_address: "true"
        instance_charge_type: "PostPaid"
        user_data_url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wonderflow/terraform-alicloud-ecs-instance/master/frp.sh"
        - 8080
        - 8081
        - 8082
        - 8083
        - 9090
        - 9091
        - 9092
          created_by: "Terraform-of-KubeVela"
          created_from: "module-tf-alicloud-ecs-instance"
# YAML ends

This application will deploy an ECS instance with a public ip, explanation of some useful fields:

Field Usage
providerRef reference to the provider credentials we added
writeConnectionSecretToRef the outputs of terraform module will be written into the secret
name name of the ecs instance
instance_type ecs instance type
host_name hostname of the ecs
password password of the ecs instance, you can connect by ssh
internet_max_bandwidth_out internet bandwidth of the ecs instance
associate_public_ip_address create public IP or not
instance_charge_type the charge way of the resource
user_data_url the installation script after the ecs instance created, we have installed the frp server in the script
ports ports that will be allowd in the VPC and security group, 9090/9091 is must for frp server while others are preserved for client usage
tags tags of the ECS instance

You can learn more fields by:

vela show alibaba-ecs

After applied, you can check the status and logs of the application by:

vela status ecs-demo
vela logs ecs-demo

You can get the secret from the terraform resource contains the output values.

You may already see the result in vela logs, you can also check the output information from Terraform by:

$ kubectl get secret outputs-ecs --template={{.data.this_public_ip}} | base64 --decode

KubeVela will soon support query resource like this https://github.com/kubevela/kubevela/issues/4268

As a result, you can visit the frp server admin page on port :9091, the admin password is vela123 in the script.

By now, we have finished the server part here.

Use frp client in KubeVela

The usage of frp client is very straight-forward, we can provide public IP for any of the service inside the cluster.


1) Deploy as standalone to proxy for any Kubernetes Service.

cat <<EOF | vela up -f -
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: frp-proxy
    - name: frp-proxy
      type: worker
        image: oamdev/frpc:0.43.0
          - name: server_addr
            value: ""
          - name: server_port
            value: "9090"
          - name: local_port
            value: "80"
          - name: connect_name
            value: "velaux-service"
          - name: local_ip
            value: "velaux.vela-system"
          - name: remote_port
            value: "8083"

In this case, we specify the local_ip by velaux.vela-system, which means we're visiting the Kubernetes Service with name velaux in the namespace vela-system.

As a result, you can visit velaux service from the public IP

2) Compose two components together for the same lifecycle.

cat <<EOF | vela up -f -
# YAML begins
apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: composed-app
    - name: web-new
      type: webservice
        image: oamdev/hello-world:v2
          - port: 8000
            expose: true
    - name: frp-web
      type: worker
        image: oamdev/frpc:0.43.0
          - name: server_addr
            value: ""
          - name: server_port
            value: "9090"
          - name: local_port
            value: "8000"
          - name: connect_name
            value: "composed-app"
          - name: local_ip
            value: "web-new.default"
          - name: remote_port
            value: "8082"

Wow! Then you can visiting the hello-world by:


The webservice type component will generate a service with the name of the component automatically. The frp-web component will proxy the traffic to the service web-new in the default namespace which is exactly the service generated.

When the application deleted, all of the resources defined in the same app are deleted together.

You can also compose the database together with them, then you can deliver all components needed in one time.

Clean Up

You can clean up all the applications in the demo by vela delete:

vela delete composed-app -y
vela delete frp-proxy -y
vela delete ecs-demo -y

I think you've learned how to use KubeVela in this scenario now, just try it in your environment!

What's More

In this blog, we have introduced the way to integrate Terraform module with KubeVela. It provides interesting use case that allow you to expose any of inner service to public.

While KubeVela can do more things than that, go and discover it at kubevela.io!

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