Community Blog How to Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 16.04 to Setup CouchCMS

How to Install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 16.04 to Setup CouchCMS

In this article, you will find some useful information for the installation of LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 16.04 in preparation for CouchCMS setup.

In this tutorial, we will be using an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) insatnce with Ubuntu 16.04 installed on it.

Update Your Ubuntu 16.04 System

Before proceeding with installation of any kind of package, use the following command to update your Ubuntu system. To execute this command, remember to login from non-root user with sudo privileges.

# sudo apt-get update

You will be prompted to enter your password. Now type your password and hit Enter key and wait for updating.

Now execute the following command to upgrade packages:

# sudo apt-get -y upgrade

You will be prompted to configurations below. Select the option to install the package maintainer's version

To install LAMP Stack & other necessary packages on Ubuntu 16.04 to setup CouchCMS, you can go to How to Install CouchCMS on Ubuntu 16.04 – Part 1 LAMP Stack Setup. After the successful installation, you can learn how configure your domain in Alibaba Cloud DNS, how to create virtual host to point your domain name to your ECS IP address and how to finally install CouchCMS on our ECS instance in the second part.

Related Blog Posts

How to Install CouchCMS on Ubuntu 16.04 – Part 1 LAMP Stack Setup

In this tutorial, we will add super user, setup firewalls, setup Apache Server, MySQL Server, install PHP 7 and its various modules, and install various other necessary packages.

How to Install CouchCMS on Ubuntu 16.04 – Part 2 Installing CouchCMS

In this part, we will learn to configure your domain, creating virtual host and installing Let's Encrypt SSL to your website. We will also be installing CouchCMS and configuring it.

Related Market Products

There are other CMS with LAMP built by partners can be quickly launched on Alibaba Cloud servers.

Forum phpBB powered by MIRI Infotech (LAMP & Ubuntu 16)

phpBB is designed to help you build an interactive community with users or members. It is a web forum package written in the PHP scripting language.

Croogo powered by Miri Infotech(LAMP&UBUNTU)

Croogo automatically differentiates between types of content: blog posts, pages, and nodes (used for content that can't be easily categorized as a blog post or page).

SugarCRM powered by Miri Infotech(LAMP&UBUNTU 16)

SugarCRM is used for executing successful marketing programs, increase sales, retain customers, and create customized business applications.

Related Documentation

There are some documentation may be useful to you.

Continuous delivery
Install VNC on Ubuntu

Related Products

For the CMS systmes on LAMP in Ubuntu, you may also need the following products to optimize your experience with the system.

Elastic Compute Service

An online computing service that offers elastic and secure virtual cloud servers to cater all your cloud hosting needs.

Simple Application Server

A single server-based service for application deployment, security management, O&M monitoring, and more

Related Courses

We also have some courses to help you have a better understanding of the tools for your websites.

Achieve CI&CD with Jenkins

This course introduces the basic concepts, features and benifits of CI/CD compared with traditional software developing mode. Then we have a detailed introduction about the features and benefits of Jenkins software and also the installation of Jenkins based on Ubuntu operating system. Finally we introduced the detailed operations on Jenkins console with a brief demonstration.

You can begin your study here.

Deploy Web Service on ECS - Live Demo

This is a step by step operations demonstration on how to quickly deploy web service using ECS

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