Community Blog How to Back Up and Recover Your Data Securely and Efficiently with Alibaba Cloud

How to Back Up and Recover Your Data Securely and Efficiently with Alibaba Cloud

This article explains how to back up and recover your data securely and efficiently with Alibaba Cloud.

By Alain Francois

Alibaba Cloud Well-Architectured Framework is formed by three pillars: Reliability, Security, and Performance. They help you to build a solid cloud platform. Reliability shows how to maintain the high availability of your environment. This includes the Alibaba Cloud Backup services that can help you back up your easily data at any time. It is always necessary to be able to ensure your business continuity whenever a problem occurs. Alibaba Cloud offers some services to ensure that you can back up your data properly anywhere at any time.

What Is Alibaba Cloud Hybrid Backup Recovery (HBR)?

Hybrid Backup Recovery is a fully-managed online backup service that allows you to back up data to the cloud conveniently, efficiently, and securely. You can use HBR to back up data to a cloud vault from Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, ECS databases, ECS files, Apsara File Storage NAS file systems, NAS clusters, Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets, and self-managed data centers that store files, databases, virtual machines (VMs), and large scale NAS file systems. You can also implement disaster recovery and archive data based on the archive policies that you configure for the preceding resources.

You can use HBR for the following scenarios:

  • Back up data to the cloud
  • Back up on-premises data to the cloud or a backup vault on the cloud
  • Backup and disaster recovery of ECS instances across regions using high-performance and mirror vaults
  • Migrate VMware VMs to the cloud by performing incremental migration with ease
  • Archive files from on-premises NAS file systems to the cloud

HBR offers some advantages:

  • It can identify and delete duplicate data with high accuracy and efficiency.
  • It supports automatic backup and monitoring.
  • It provides a user-friendly GUI that shows the list of backup plans, disaster recovery records, and recovery points.
  • The immutable backup feature improves the security management of your data backup and ensures data protection against unexpected operations, malicious attacks, and unauthorized backup or restoration.
  • You can assign different permission levels to operators with RAM, reducing the number of backup access paths.
  • High-efficiency deduplication at the source reduces the network consumption and the backup storage size

Configure the Hybrid Backup Recovery (HBR) Service

Log in to your Alibaba Cloud console and go to Hybrid Backup Recovery to create your backup service:


You will have an overview of what is available:


We will create a NAS Backup, and you will need to confirm some authorization. If you want to configure this backup, you need a previous NAS configuration. You can create a backup for your ECS files if you don't have a NAS service configured:


Create a backup plan:


During the creation, you will need to select the NFS file system that you have created. You can define the backup interval, retention period, start time, etc.


Validate it to see your new backup plan:


Run it directly and go to the Backup job section to see if it is running:


Restore Your Data with HBR

Go to the Restore job section to configure a restore job and restore your data:


Select the NFS file system and the source path for the restoration:


You will be asked to choose the items to restore. You can include all the files or exclude specific files:


Indicate the restore destination:


Next, you can specify where to restore the data and if it should be done to the original path or not:


The restoration process will proceed:



Many organizations need efficient backup services because they store most (or all) of their business-critical data and applications on cloud servers. Alibaba Cloud HBR Backup Services can ensure rapid data recovery and reliable disaster recovery and safeguard data and apps.

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