Community Blog Alibaba Cloud Releases OpenSearch, Leading to Value Reconfiguration of the Search Business in the Cloud Era

Alibaba Cloud Releases OpenSearch, Leading to Value Reconfiguration of the Search Business in the Cloud Era

This article briefly explains how the OpenSearch team plans to help customers achieve success in the cloud era.

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By ELK Geek, with special guest, Wu Shilong, Senior Product Expert of Alibaba Group

In a recent questionnaire about the search business sent to Alibaba Cloud's customers, we were able to conclude that:

  • 71.4% of enterprises have two years or less search industry experience
  • 56.8% of enterprises have one or less full-time search R&D personnel
  • 85.2% of enterprises have one or less enterprise search algorithm personnel

The data above shows that most enterprises have insufficient industry experience, human resources, value, and driving force in the search business. They also lack methods for sustainably and systematically transforming the value of the search business.

The OpenSearch team has been thinking about how to help customers achieve success in the cloud era. At first, the team focused on how to provide more powerful technical capabilities. Now, the team believes that business experience and capabilities should be provided at the same time to help customers at the business level.

1. OpenSearch Console 2.0 Released

Alibaba Cloud perfects the form of business reports and reconfigures the information architecture (IA) on the console. By doing so, Alibaba Cloud provides open search capabilities to fit customers' businesses. This will help customers understand the current status, trends, and development of their business.



2. Search Evaluation Service 1.0 Released

Alibaba Cloud provides customers with systematic and complete evaluation capabilities, including various evaluation dimensions, comprehensive evaluation reports, and clear suggestions for improvement. These capabilities can provide a sufficient basis for continuous iteration of the search business, improvement of user experience, and business value transformation. It can also lay a solid foundation for the systematic and efficient transformation of business value.


3. Industrial Search 2.0 Released

Different industries have their own characteristics and are different in "tokenizing characteristics" and "intention understanding" in terms of the search service. These differences require customized optimization. Therefore, Alibaba Cloud released the E-Commerce Industry 2.0 and the Content Industry 2.0 of OpenSearch. The OpenSearch will continuously ensure a high-quality search experience and the transformation of search value for users.


4. Hybrid Cloud Search Service Released

Alibaba Cloud provides search services based on scenarios in medicine, government affairs, justice, and logistics (address). These services will help governments and enterprises to improve their search capabilities in the AI era.


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