Community Blog Accessing Presto through Gateway

Accessing Presto through Gateway

This article describes how to use an HAProxy reverse proxy to access Presto service through a Gateway node.

Gateway is an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) server located in the same intranet as the E-MapReduce (EMR) cluster. It can be used for load balancing and security isolation. You can create Gateway nodes of corresponding clusters through the Console Page > Configuration Management > Overview > Create Gateway.

Note: The HAProxy service is installed on the Gateway node by default, but it is not started automatically.

Common Cluster

It is relatively simple to configure the Gateway proxy for a common cluster. You only need to configure the HAProxy reverse proxy, and implement the reverse proxy for port 9090 of the Presto Coodrinator on the Header node of the EMR cluster. The configuration steps are as follows:

Configure HAProxy

Log on to the Gateway node through SSH and modify the HAProxy configuration file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. Add the following:


# Global settings




## Configure the proxy to map the port 9090 of Gateway

## to the port 9090 of emr-header-1.cluster-xxxx

listen prestojdbc: 9090

mode tcp

option tcplog

balance source

server presto-coodinator-1 emr-header-1.cluster-xxxx:9090

Save and exit. Run the following command to restart the HAProxy service:

$> service haproxy restart

Configure Security Groups

The rules to be configured are as follows:

Direction Configuration rule Description
Internet inbound Customize TCP, and enable 9090 port This port is used for the coordinator port on the Header node of the HAProxy proxy

Now, you can delete the public IP of the Header node on the ECS console, and access the Presto service through Gateway on your client.

  • For an example of the command line using Presto, see here: Presto CLI
  • For an example of JDBC accessing Presto, see here: Presto JDBC

High Security Cluster

The Presto service in the high security EMR cluster uses Kerberos service for authentication. The Kerberos KDC service is located on emr-header-1 on port 88, and supports TCP/UDP protocol. To use Gateway to access the Presto service in the high security cluster, proxies must be implemented for both the Presto Coordinator service port and Kerberos KDC.

In addition, the EMR Presto Coordinator cluster uses the keystore with CN configured as emr-header-1 by default, but it can only be used within the Intranet. Therefore, it is necessary to regenerate the keystore with CN configured as emr-header-1.cluster-xxx.

HTTPs Authentication

Create a keystore with CN configured as emr-header-1.cluster-xxx for the server:

[root@emr-header-1 presto-conf]# keytool -genkey -dname "CN=emr-header-1.cluster-xxx,OU=Alibaba,O=Alibaba,L=HZ, ST=zhejiang, C=CN" -alias server -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore -keypass 81ba14ce6084 -storepass 81ba14ce6084 -validity 36500


The JKS keystore uses a proprietary format. It is recommended to migrate to PKCS12 which is an industry standard format using "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore -destkeystore keystore -deststoretype pkcs12".

Export the certificate:

[root@emr-header-1 presto-conf]# keytool -export -alias server -file server.cer -keystore keystore -storepass 81ba14ce6084

The certificate stored in the file <server.cer>


The JKS keystore uses a proprietary format. It is recommended to migrate to PKCS12 which is an industry standard format using "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore -destkeystore keystore -deststoretype pkcs12".

Create a keystore for the client:

[root@emr-header-1 presto-conf]# keytool -genkey -dname "CN=myhost,OU=Alibaba,O=Alibaba,L=HZ, ST=zhejiang, C=CN" -alias client -keyalg RSA -keystore client.keystore -keypass 123456 -storepass 123456 -validity 36500


The JKS keystore uses a proprietary format. It is recommended to migrate to PKCS12, which is an industry standard format, using "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.keystore -destkeystore client.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12".

Import the certificate to the keystore of the client:

[root@emr-header-1 presto-conf]# keytool -import -alias server -keystore client.keystore -file server.cer -storepass 123456

Owner: CN=emr-header-2.cluster-xxx, OU=Alibaba, O=Alibaba, L=HZ, ST=zhejiang, C=CN

Publisher: CN=emr-header-2.cluster-xxx, OU=Alibaba, O=Alibaba, L=HZ, ST=zhejiang, C=CN

Serial number:4247108

Validity period: Thu Mar 01 09:11:31 CST 2018 to Sat Feb 05 09:11:31 CST 2118

Certificate fingerprint:

MD5:  75:2A:AA:40:01:5B:3F:86:8F:9A:DB:B1:85:BD:44:8A

SHA1: C7:25:B9:AD:5F:FE:FC:05:8E:A0:24:4A:1C:AA:6A:8D:6C:39:28:16

SHA256: DB:86:69:65:73:D5:C6:E2:98:7C:4A:3B:31:EF:70:80:F0:3C:3B:0C:14:94:37:9F:9C:22:47:EA:7E:1E:DE:8C

Name of the signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA

Subject public key algorithm: 2048bit RSA key

Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false

SubjectKeyIdentifier [

KeyIdentifier [

0000: 45 1D A9 C7 D5 4E BB CF  BD CE B4 5E E2 16 FB 2F  E.... N..... ^... /

0010: E9 5D 4A B6  .] J.



Do you trust this certificate? [No]: Yes

The certificate has been added to the keystore


The JKS keystore uses a proprietary format. It is recommended to migrate to PKCS12, which is an industry standard format, using "keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.keystore -destkeystore client.keystore -deststoretype pkcs12".

Copy the generated file to the client:

$> scp root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/etc/ecm/presto-conf/client.keystore . /

Kerberos Authentication

Add the client user principal:

[root@emr-header-1 presto-conf]# sh /usr/lib/has-current/bin/hadmin-local.sh /etc/ecm/has-conf -k /etc/ecm/has-conf/admin.keytab

[INFO] conf_dir=/etc/ecm/has-conf

Debug is  true storeKey true useTicketCache false useKeyTab true doNotPrompt true ticketCache is null is Initiator true KeyTab is /etc/ecm/has-conf/admin.keytab refreshKrb5Config is true principal is kadmin/EMR.xxx.COM@EMR.xxx.COM tryFirstPass is false useFirstPass is false storePass is false clearPass is false

Refreshing Kerberos configuration

principal is kadmin/EMR.xxx.COM@EMR.xxx.COM

Will use keytab

Commit Succeeded

Login successful for user: kadmin/EMR.xxx.COM@EMR.xxx.COM

enter "cmd" to see legal commands.

HadminLocalTool.local: addprinc -pw 123456 clientuser

Success to add principal: clientuser

HadminLocalTool.local: ktadd -k /root/clientuser.keytab clientuser

Principal export to keytab file: /root/clientuser.keytab successful .

HadminLocalTool.local: exit

Copy the generated file to the client:

$> scp root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/root/clientuser.keytab . /

$> scp root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/etc/krb5.conf . /

Modify the following two points in the krb5.conf file copied to the client:


kdc_realm = EMR.xxx.COM

default_realm = EMR.xxx.COM

# Change to 1, so that the client can use TCP protocol to communicate with KDC (because HAProxy does not support UDP protocol)

udp_preference_limit = 1

kdc_tcp_port = 88

kdc_udp_port = 88

dns_lookup_kdc = false


EMR.xxx.COM = {

# Set to the Internet IP of the Gateway

kdc = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:88


Modify the hosts file of the client host, and add the following:

#  gateway ip

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx emr-header-1.cluster-xxx

Configure Gateway HAProxy

Log on to the Gateway node through SSH and modify /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg. Add the following:


# Global settings




listen prestojdbc :7778

mode tcp

option tcplog

balance source

server presto-coodinator-1 emr-header-1.cluster-xxx:7778

listen kdc :88

mode tcp

option tcplog

balance source

server emr-kdc emr-header-1:88

Save and exit. Run the following command to restart the HAProxy service:

$> service haproxy restart

Configure Security Group Rules

The rules to be configured are as follows:

Direction Configuration rule Description
Internet inbound Customize UDP, and enable port 88 This port is used for KDC on the Header node of the HAProxy proxy
Internet inbound Customize TCP, and enable port 88 This port is used for KDC on the Header node of the HAProxy proxy
Internet inbound Customize TCP, and enable port 7778 This port is used for the Coodinator port on the Header node of the HAProxy proxy

Now, you can delete the public IP of the Header node on the ECS console, and access the Presto service through Gateway on your client.

Example of Using JDBC to Access Presto

The code is as follows:

try {


} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {

LOG.error("Failed to load presto jdbc driver.", e);



Connection connection = null;

Statement statement = null;

try {

String url = "jdbc:presto://emr-header-1.cluster-59824:7778/hive/default";

Properties properties = new Properties();

properties.setProperty("user", "hadoop");

// Https related configuration

properties.setProperty("SSL", "true");

properties.setProperty("SSLTrustStorePath", "resources/59824/client.keystore");

properties.setProperty("SSLTrustStorePassword", "123456");

// Kerberos related configuration

properties.setProperty("KerberosRemoteServiceName", "presto");

properties.setProperty("KerberosPrincipal", "clientuser@EMR. 59824. COM");

properties.setProperty("KerberosConfigPath", "resources/59824/krb5.conf");

properties.setProperty("KerberosKeytabPath", "resources/59824/clientuser.keytab");

// Create a Connection object

connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties);

// Create a Statement object

statement = connection.createStatement();

// Execute the query

ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from table1");

// Obtain the result

int columnNum = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();

int rowIndex = 0;

while (rs.next()) {


for(int i = 1; i <= columnNum; i++) {

System.out.println("Row " + rowIndex + ", Column " + i + ": " + rs.getString(i));



} catch(SQLException e) {

LOG.error("Exception thrown.", e);

} finally {

// Destroy the Statement object

if (statement ! = null) {

try {


} catch(Throwable t) {

// No-ops



// Close the Connection

if (connection ! = null) {

try {


} catch(Throwable t) {

// No-ops





This article describes how to use the HAProxy reverse proxy to access the Presto service through the Gateway node. The method can also be extended to other components, such as Impala.

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