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Alibaba Mail:Bounce Notification: too frequently sending

Last Updated:Mar 04, 2024


Sending mail using Alibaba Mail failed with the following error:

454 Transient reject by behaviour spamANTISPAM_BAT[01201311R1468S45301xxxxx, a0330021xxxxx]: too frequently sending
454 Transient reject by behaviour spam at Rcpt State(Connection IP address:x.x.x.x)ANTISPAM_BAT[01201311R9368Sxxxxx, xxxx]: too frequently sendingCONTINUE
554 Reject by behaviour spamANTISPAM_BAT[01201311R196xxxxx, c01a1xxxxx]: too frequently sending
554 Reject by behaviour spam at Rcpt State(Connection IP address:x.x.x.x)ANTISPAM_BAT[01201311R1568Sxxxxx, xxxx]: too frequently sendingCONTINUE


The possible causes of the sending failure are as follows:

1. The sender's sending frequency or number exceeds the limitation of Alibaba Mail.


For the normal and safe use of global mailbox users, the Alibaba Mail has certain restrictions on the frequency and quantity of emails sent by senders, including every minute, hour and day. If the corresponding limit of emails is exceeded, the system will refuse to send and report an error. The above frequency or quantity limits are confidential data owned by Alibaba Cloud and cannot be provided for security reasons.

2. The password setting of the sender's email account is too simple, and the system automatically limits the number of emails that can be sent.


The accounts with weak password are easy to be stolen by others and used to maliciously send spam emails. Therefore, to avoid such situations and affect the security of email accounts, the Alibaba Mail system has imposed sending rules on email accounts with weak passwords. After reaching the limit, it cannot continue to send out emails.


Select one of the following steps based on your business requirements.

Solution to Cause 1:

Decrease Sending Frequency

  • Please reduce the frequency and quantity of sending letters at the sending system and standardize the sending behavior, which will automatically lift the restrictions on sending emails. Please refer to the following for details:

    • If the delivery time exceeds the per-minute or per-hour limit, you must pause the delivery for a period of time and then retry the delivery.

    • If the daily delivery limit is exceeded, you need to suspend the delivery on the same day and try again 24 hours later.

  • The Alibaba Mail system has multiple parallel receiving policies, and the details of the specific rules are system secrets and will not be disclosed to the public. If the current emails to be sent is required for special usage scenarios, please contact the technical support for corresponding assistance.

Solution to Cause 2:

Change the password of email address


The policy for setting the password is as follows:

  • The password must be 8 to 64 characters in length.

  • It must contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters.

  • The password cannot contain the email account.