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ApsaraVideo VOD:Access limits

Last Updated:Jun 13, 2024

You can configure a Referer blacklist or whitelist, User-Agent blacklist or whitelist, and IP address blacklist or whitelist to control access to resources in ApsaraVideo VOD. This topic describes the access limits.


You can configure access control policies in the cloud to provide basic protection for video resources. The access control feature is easy to use and related settings quickly take effect. You do not need additional development. The common access control policies include:


You cannot configure a User-Agent blacklist or whitelist in the ApsaraVideo VOD console because the configurations are complex and misoperations may occur. To configure a User-Agent blacklist or whitelist, submit a ticket or contact Alibaba Cloud customer service.

Referer blacklist or whitelist

  • Overview

    • Referer is used to track and identify the source of requests based on the HTTP Referer mechanism. You can configure a Referer blacklist or whitelist to identify and filter users. This allows you to control access to Apsaravideo VOD resources.

    • After you configure a Referer whitelist or a Referer blacklist, user requests are sent to a point of presence (POP). Then, the POP authenticates the user identity based on the preset Referer whitelist or blacklist. If a request meets the rules, video data is returned. If a request does not meet the rules, the request is denied and HTTP status code 403 is returned.

    • After you configure a Referer blacklist or whitelist, wildcard domain names are automatically supported. For example, if you specify as the domain name, the wildcard domain * takes effect. This means that the Referer blacklist or whitelist settings take effect on all domain names that match *

    • In most cases, mobile devices do not provide the Referer header. By default, access requests that have an empty Referer header are allowed. You can disable access from requests that have an empty Referer header.

    For more information, see Configure a Referer whitelist or blacklist to enable hotlink protection.

  • Sample request

    Set the Referer whitelist of the domain name in ApsaraVideo VOD to and disable access from requests that have an empty Referer header. Sample code:

    curl -i '****/5101d1f8-1643f9a****.mp4'
  • Sample response

    A success response is returned for the following request that contains an allowed Referer:

    curl -i '****/5101d1f8-1643f9a****.mp4' \
    -H 'Referer:' 

User-Agent blacklist or whitelist

  • Overview

    User-Agent is a special string header. It helps the server identify the operating system type and version, CPU type, browser type and version, browser rendering engine, language, and plug-in that are used by users. You can configure a User-Agent blacklist or whitelist to control access from specific browsers or devices.

  • Example

    • User-Agent header for Internet Explorer 9.0 on a PC:

    • Simulate the following HTTP request for verification:

      curl -i '****.mp4' \
      -H 'User-Agent: iPhone OS;MI 5'

IP address blacklist or whitelist

ApsaraVideo VOD allows you to configure an IP address blacklist or whitelist to deny or allow access only from specific IP addresses.

  • You can add a list of IP addresses and CIDR blocks.

    For example, you can add the CIDR block to the IP address blacklist or whitelist. The first 24 bits are network bits. The remaining 8 bits are host bits. The subnet can accommodate 254 hosts. Therefore, the CIDR block specifies IP addresses from to

  • You can choose whether to preferentially use remote_addr or X-Forwarded-For (XFF) to determine the IP address of the request source. You can also use both remote_addr and X-Forwarded-For (XFF).

For more information, see IP address blacklist or whitelist.


  • The access control feature requires only simple configurations and provides basic protection for ApsaraVideo VOD resources, especially for access from web clients.

  • Referer and User-Agent are common HTTP headers, which are prone to forgery and have low security.

  • If you configure an IP address blacklist or whitelist, you cannot distribute content to a large number of consumers. Therefore, IP-based access control is not suitable for widespread content distribution. In addition, illegal access may occur even when the access limit is not exceeded.