ApsaraVideo VOD provides various built-in special effects. You can choose to use the effects during online editing based on your business requirements. This topic allows you to preview different types of special effects.
Opening SubType: open |
Closing SubType: close |
Horizontal blur SubType: h_blur |
Vertical blur SubType: v_blur |
Blur SubType: blur |
Slight shake SubType: slightshake |
Zoom in SubType: zoominout |
Slim down SubType: movie |
Slight close-in SubType: zoomslight |
Gradual close-in SubType: zoom |
Circle open SubType: withcircleopen |
Circle close SubType: withcircleclose |
Spotlight shake SubType: withcircleshake |
Flashlight SubType: withcircleflashlight |
Wipe SubType: disappear |
Shock SubType: shock |
Blur open SubType: bluropen |
Blue close SubType: blurclose |
Click SubType: photograph |
Fade SubType: black |
Circle blur SubType: blurring |
Black and white fade in SubType: color_to_grey |
Black and white fade out SubType: grey_to_color |
Square open SubType: slightrectshow |
Slowly fade in SubType: slightshow |
Four box wipe SubType: wipecross |
White open SubType: whiteshow |
Image in image SubType:image_in_image |
Color dissolve SubType: color_difference |
Rainbow speed line SubType: colorfulradial |
Starry sky SubType: colorfulstarry |
Firefly SubType: flyfire |
Heart shape fireworks SubType: heartfireworks |
Meteor shower SubType: meteorshower |
Star and moon SubType: moons_and_stars |
Star spike SubType: sparklestarfield |
Spot falling SubType: spotfall |
Star bomb SubType: starexplosion |
Starlight SubType: starry |
White flash SubType: white |
Negative flicker SubType: minus_glitter |
Jitter SubType: jitter |
Shadow flicker SubType: soulout |
Scan line SubType: scanlight |
Swing SubType: swing |
Heartbeat SubType: heartbeat |
Flash screen SubType: flashingscreen |
Illusion SubType: illusion |
Video split SubType: segmentation |
Neon light SubType: neolighting |
Rolling SubType: curl |
Flashing SubType: shine |
Small jitter SubType: smalljitter |
Flashlight SubType: flashinglight |
Blur wipe SubType: windowblur |
Blur grid SubType: windowblur2 |
Kaleidoscope SubType: kaleidoscope |
Light effects
Moon crop SubType: moon_projection |
Star crop SubType: star_projection |
Heart shape crop SubType: heart_projection |
Grid crop SubType: sunset_projection |
Rolling grid SubType: carwindow_projection |
Twinkling star SubType: shinningstar_light |
Halo SubType: anglelight |
Aurora SubType: darknight_rainbow |
Moving circle SubType: fallingcircle |
Ellipse light SubType: lightcenter |
Sunshine SubType: lightsweep |
Eclipse SubType: moon |
Roaming spotlight SubType: rotationspotlight |
Television noise SubType: blackwhitetv |
Light scan SubType: edgescan |
Static noise SubType: oldtv |
TV flicker SubType: oldtvshine |
Night vision SubType: nightvision |
TV show SubType: tvshow |
Colorful sun SubType: colorfulsun |
Big sun SubType: bigsun |
Heart shape rain SubType: fallingheart |
Colorful fireworks SubType: colorfulfireworks |
Heart shot SubType: heartshot |
Twinkling stars SubType: starfieldshinee |
Shining stars SubType: starfieldshinee2 |
Fireworks SubType: fireworks |
Circling heart SubType: heartsurround |
Rising heart SubType: risingheartbubble |
Star shot SubType: starfield |
Colorful ripples SubType: colorfulripples |
Colorful bubbles SubType: colorfulbubbles |
Twinkling hearts SubType: heartbubbleshinee |
Sparkling stars SubType: starsparkle |
Drizzle SubType: rainy |
Ripple SubType: waterripple |
Snowy SubType: snow |
Foggy SubType: foggy |
Rainy SubType: meteor |
Lightning SubType: stormlaser |
Immerse SubType: simpleripple |
Black shadow fade SubType: fadeshadow |
Split screen
Marquee SubType: marquee |
Dynamic split screen SubType: livesplit |
2x split screen SubType: splitstill2 |
3x split screen SubType: splitstill3 |
4x split screen SubType: splitstill4 |
9x split screen SubType: splitstill9 |
6x split screen SubType: splitstill6 |
Black and white split SubType: blackwhitesplit |
Blur split SubType: blurthreesplit |
Colorful SubType: colorful |
Black shade SubType: blackshade |
Rainbow filter SubType: rainbowfilter |
Moving rainbow SubType: movingrainbow |
disco SubType: discolights |
Fish eye SubType: fisheye |
Mosaic SubType: mosaic_rect |
Glass SubType: glass |
Panorama SubType: planet |