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ApsaraVideo VOD:Error codes

Last Updated:Aug 27, 2024

This topic describes the error codes of the short video SDK, which are categorized by feature.


Error code



Logs are uploaded to Simple Log Service.


The request failed.


The parameter is invalid.


An unknown error occurred.


A status error occurred.

Video muxer

Error code



The remuxing context failed to be created.


The audio remuxing context failed to be created.


The remuxing stream failed to be created.


The video remuxing context failed to be created.


The remuxing data package failed to be created.


An exception occurred when you configured the parameters of the audio and video streams.


A remuxing status error occurred.


The remuxing file header failed to be written.


The remuxing file trailer failed to be written.


One or more parameters that you specified are invalid. For example, you specified an empty value for the input path, output path, audio sample rate, number of audio channels, or resolution.


The specified encoder type for remuxing cannot be found.


The remuxing stream failed to be created.


The remuxing context failed to be created.


The remuxing I/O context failed to be created.

Video demuxer

Error code



The file failed to be parsed.


The file is being parsed repeatedly.


The file failed to be opened.


The file stream was not found.


An error occurred when the file parsing was complete.

Video encoder

Error code



The video encoder failed to be created because the parameters are invalid.


The video encoder failed to be created because it does not meet the requirements of the encoding scenario.


The video encoding component does not work properly because no output data receiver is configured for the component.


The video encoder was interrupted because an error was reported when the video encoder runs.


The video hardware encoder failed to be created due to an incorrect system version.


The video encoder failed to start.


The input data of the video frame is invalid.


The internal cache of the video encoder is full. Wait for a few seconds and try again.


An error occurred in the session for iOS video hardware encoding.


The presentation timestamp (PTS) of the input data does not meet the encoding requirements.


The video encoder is paused and awaits wake-up.


The video encoder is paused and awaits wake-up.


The video encoder returned empty data and the encoding failed.


OpenH264 initialization failed.


The input data of OpenH264 is invalid.


The OpenH264 encoder failed to be initialized.


The format is not supported for OpenH264.


OpenH264 encoding failed.


OpenH264 encoding generates no output.


The sequence parameter set (SPS) failed to be parsed during OpenH264 encoding.


A MediaCodec status error occurred.


A MediaCodec buffer error occurred.


A MediaCodec error of other types occurred.


The input is NULL during encoding on Android.


The output handler is NULL during encoding on Android.


The feat is not supported for encoding on Android.


The format is not supported for encoding on Android.


Initialization failed during encoding on Android.


The output frame failed to be obtained during encoding on Android.


The bitrate failed to be updated during encoding on Android because the bitrate is out of range.


The bitrate failed to be updated during encoding on Android because the encoder is released.


The bitrate failed to be updated during encoding on Android due to other reasons.


The bitrate failed to be updated during encoding on Android because the width of the video exceeds 4,096 pixels.


The creation failed when you use FFmpeg.


FFmpeg could not find the encoder.


FFmpeg encoding failed.


FFmpeg encoding failed.


Initialization failed during mixed encoding.


Hardware encoding initialization failed during mixed encoding.


Decoding failed to start during mixed encoding.


Software encoding initialization failed during mixed encoding.


The software encoding service failed to start during mixed encoding.

Video decoder

Error code



No SPS exists.


The H.264 decoding task failed to be created.


The high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) decoding task failed to be created.


The decoding task failed to be created.


A decoding status error occurred.


The decoding task failed to be created.


The cache for decoding is insufficient.


Decoding was interrupted.


The SPS data failed to be decoded.


The resources failed to be decoded.


The decoding failed.


The OES output format is not supported for software decoding.


The corresponding decoder for the codec could not be found during software decoding.


The context could not be found during software decoding.


The context failed to be created during software decoding.


The software decoder failed to be opened.


One frame failed during software decoding.


An unknown output format was found during software decoding.


An unknown type of input frame was found during software decoding.


Flushing failed during software decoding.


The object is not supported for hardware decoding on Android because the object is in the blacklist.


The encoding type is not supported for hardware decoding on Android.


SurfaceTexture failed to be created during hardware decoding on Android.


MediaCodec initialization failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The configure operation of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


An unknown type of input frame was found during hardware decoding on Android.


The queueInput method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The start method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The dequeueInput method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The dequeueInput method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The dequeueOut method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The queueIn method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The queueIn method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The queueIn method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The flush method of MediaCodec failed during hardware decoding on Android.


The flush method timed out during hardware decoding on Android.


The flush method was interrupted during hardware decoding on Android.


A too low version causes HEVC failures during hardware decoding on iOS.


The hardware is not supported for hardware decoding on iOS.


The hardware decoding on iOS does not support the decoding type.


The input frame is invalid during hardware decoding on iOS.


The input frame failed to be parsed during hardware decoding on iOS.


A compilation platform error occurred during hardware decoding on iOS.


The createSession method failed during hardware decoding on iOS.


The createBuffer method failed during hardware decoding on iOS.


The createSampleBuffer method failed during hardware decoding on iOS.


The kVTInvalidSessionErr error occurred during hardware decoding on iOS.


The hardware decoding on iOS failed.


A decoding callback error occurred during hardware decoding on iOS.


The format failed to be created during hardware decoding on iOS.


No video format is available during hardware decoding on iOS.

Audio encoder

Error code



The audio encoder failed to be created because the parameters are invalid.


The status of the audio encoding component is invalid.


The input data of the audio frame is invalid.


The audio encoder was interrupted and could not continue to work.


The audio encoding component does not work properly because no output data receiver is configured for the component.


No encoder that meets the requirements of the encoding scenario is available.


The open method failed.


The set bitrate method failed.


The set sample rate method failed.


The set aot method failed.


The set transmux method failed.


The set singlemode method failed.


The set channel method failed.


The set channelloader method failed.


The set afterburner method failed.


The get info method failed.


No encoder exists.


The input configuration for audio initialization is invalid.


The initialization is repeated.


The encoder failed to be created.


No encoder that meets the requirements of the encoding scenario is available.


No encoder instance exists.

Audio decoder

Error code



The audio decoder failed to be created because the parameters are invalid.


The status of the audio decoding component is invalid and repeated creation or destruction occurs.


The audio packet data that is input is invalid.


The internal cache of the audio decoder is full. Wait for a few seconds and try again.


The audio decoder failed to be opened.


The audio decoding type is not supported.


One frame failed to be decoded by the audio decoder.


The audio decoder cannot be created due to insufficient memory.


The decoder already exists.


The audio decoder failed to be created because the parameters are invalid.


The decoder already exists.


The decoder already exists.


The decoder failed to be created.


The input data of the decoder is incorrect.


The cookie data failed to be configured for the decoder.


Error code



The first frame has been rendered.


An EGL error occurred.


A GL error occurred.


The data that you want to render is invalid.


The size of the render window is invalid.


An orchestration exception occurred on the render node.


An exception occurred when the parameters were configured for the render node.


An exception occurred in render orchestration and building.


An exception occurred when the parameters of the frame animation were passed.


The GL context failed to be created.


eglSwapBuffers failed.

Data pool

Error code



The status of the data pool is invalid.


The data pool processing failed.


The disk space is insufficient.


An error occurred when the group of pictures (GOP) of videos in the data pool was parsed.


The audio streams in the data pool failed to be initialized.


The video streams in the data pool failed to be initialized.


A buffer overflow occurred in the data pool.


The media stream does not exist in the data pool.

Audio processing

Error code



A creation failure occurred.


Repeated creation occurred.


A destruction failure occurred.


Repeated destruction occurred.


The stream failed to be configured.


The attribute failed to be configured.


The algorithm module failed.


The memory is full.


The application failed to be configured.


A dragging failure occurred.


An unknown configuration was found.


Empty data was pushed.


The kernel failed to be created.


The audio rendering task already exists.


The volume failed to be muted.


Error code



The license is invalid because the license has expired or you are not authorized to use the license.


A license verification exception occurred because you do not have music video (MV) permissions.


A license verification exception occurred because you do not have permissions on the animated stickers or subtitles.


A license verification exception occurred because you do not have the cropping permissions.


The license is invalid.

Short videos

Error code



You have not paid for the effect.


The effect resources do not exist.


The effect cannot overwrite existing effects.


The effect failed to be used.


You do not have Android device permissions, such as audio collection, file read/write, camera use, and network access.


The parameters that you specified for background music are invalid. For example, the path of the background music and time parameters are invalid.


The format of the background music that you specified is not supported.


Error code



The player was not ready.


An exception occurred during multiple calls.


An error occurred on the input audio stream.


A video rendering exception occurred.


The effect is already added.


The status is invalid.


Error code



A parameter exception occurred.


The parameter is invalid.


The input path is empty.


The input video path is empty.


The file does not exist.


The clip index is invalid because the maximum number of clips in the list is exceeded or the index is invalid.


The clip is invalid because the clip is NULL.


No clip exists in the list and you cannot perform the deletion operation.


The size specified for the video is invalid.


An exception occurred when you specified the duration of the video or audio.


An animation path exception occurred.


A resource parsing exception occurred.


An image path exception occurred.


A filter path exception occurred.


The PictureSize parameter is invalid.


The watermark object is empty.


The doodles are invalid.


The periods of time to which the effects apply conflict. For example, the periods of time of two animated filters overlap.


The project is empty.


The media file failed to be added.


The output path is invalid.


An MV path exception occurred.


Error code



The video format is not supported.


The audio format is not supported.


The image format is not supported.


The media type is not supported.


An internal error occurred in the video encoder.


An internal error occurred in the audio encoder.


The image failed to be cropped.


An internal error occurred in the video decoder.


A parameter error occurred in the video encoder.


A parameter error occurred in the audio encoder.


An internal error occurred in the audio decoder.


The pixel format is not supported.


An internal error occurred in the player.


The pixel format is not supported.


The encoding component failed to be initialized.


The input file failed to be parsed.


The video queue is empty.


The audio queue is empty.


More than two input streams exist. A maximum of two input streams are supported during audio processing.


Audio processing initialization failed.


The MV configuration file failed to be parsed.


Error code



The preview failed to be enabled.


The camera failed to be enabled.


Camera switching failed.


The temporary recording file failed to be created.


Audio recording failed.


The camera parameters that you specified are invalid.


The camera was disabled.


The camera type is not supported.

Video recording

Error code



The video input handle is set to NULL.


The video input handle is set to NULL.


The audio input handle is set to NULL.


Recording failed to end.


Recording failed to stop.


The recording encoder failed to be initialized.


Recording was not ready.


The maximum recording duration is reached.


The recording service failed to be created.


The recording proxy failed to be created.


The status of the recording service is invalid.


The data collected from recording is not supported.


The information about the SurfaceTexture class could not be found.


The rendering layout for duet recording failed.

Video editing

Error code



A system error, such as codec error, occurred in the editing module.


An error occurred when you prepared for editing.


An error occurred when you started editing, for example, when you started to play or produce a video.


An error occurred when you stopped editing, for example, when you stopped playing or producing a video.


An error occurred when you paused editing, for example, when you paused video playback or production.


An error occurred when you continued editing, for example, when you continued to play or produce a video.


An error occurred when you fast-forwarded a video during editing.


The multi-clip video does not support time effects during editing, including looping and reverse playback.


Editing initialization failed.


The component of a mode failed before de-initialization when you switched modes during editing.


The corresponding display output settings were not found when you set the mode during editing.


The interval between fast-forwards is too short.


The display parameters failed to be configured during editing.


The corresponding file cannot be found during editing.


The effect resources failed to be parsed.


The type of the image effect is not supported.


The demuxer failed to parse the file.


A production status error occurred.


An editing status error occurred.


The production is invalid because the required parameters are empty.


The production initialization failed.


The transition duration is invalid.


The components which are required for production are empty, usually because the components are in an incorrect status.


Editing initialization has not been performed.

Video upload

Error code



An upload failure occurred.


The upload parameters are empty.


The upload status is invalid.


Error code



The recording failed due to an incoming call.


An error occurred when the application was switched to the background.


The internal logic of the thumbnail is invalid.


The color space conversion for thumbnails failed to be initialized.


The color space conversion for thumbnails failed.


An internal error occurred in the thumbnail decoder.


An error occurred during thumbnail stream parsing.


Thumbnails failed to be prepared.


The transcoding status is invalid.


The transcoding parameters are invalid.


An error occurred when the application was switched to the background during transcoding.


The parameters for transcoding initialization are invalid.