This topic describes how to manage queues when you use the Timeline model.

Obtain a Queue instance

A Queue is an abstract of a message queue. A Queue corresponds to all messages of an identifier of a TimelineStore. You can call the required operation of TimelineStore to create a Queue instance.

TimelineIdentifier identifier = new TimelineIdentifier.Builder()
        .addField("timeline_id", "group_1")

// The Queue corresponds to an identifier of a TimelineStore.
TimelineQueue timelineQueue = timelineStore.createTimelineQueue(identifier);

The Queue instance manages a message queue that corresponds to an identifier of a TimelineStore. This instance provides operations such as Store, StoreAsync, BatchStore, Delete, Update, UpdateAsync, Get, and Scan.


You can call this operation to synchronously store messages. To use this operation, you can set SequenceId manually or by using an auto-increment column.;//Generate the SequenceId value by using an auto-increment column., message);//Manually set the SequenceId value.


You can call this operation to asynchronously store messages. You can customize callbacks to process successful or failed storage. This operation returns Future<TimelineEntry>.

TimelineCallback callback = new TimelineCallback() {
    public void onCompleted(TimelineIdentifier i, TimelineMessage m, TimelineEntry t) {
        // do something when succeed.

    public void onFailed(TimelineIdentifier i, TimelineMessage m, Exception e) {
        // do something when failed.

timelineQueue.storeAsync(message, callback);//Generate the SequenceId value by using an auto-increment column.
timelineQueue.storeAsync(sequenceId, message, callback);//Manually set the SequenceId value.


You can call this operation to store multiple messages in the callback and non-callback ways. You can customize callbacks to process successful or failed storage.

timelineQueue.batchStore(message);//Generate the SequenceId value by using an auto-increment column.
timelineQueue.batchStore(sequenceId, message);//Manually set the SequenceId value.

timelineQueue.batchStore(message, callback);//Generate the SequenceId value by using an auto-increment column.
timelineQueue.batchStore(sequenceId, message, callback);//Manually set the SequenceId value.


You can call this operation to read a single row based on the SequenceId value. If no messages exist, no error occurs and the system returns an empty string.



You can call this operation to read the latest message. If no messages exist, no error occurs and the system returns an empty string.



You can call this operation to obtain the SequenceId value of the latest message. If no messages exist, no error occurs and the system returns 0.



You can call this operation to synchronously update a message based on the SequenceId value.

TimelineMessage message = new TimelineMessage().setField("text", "Timeline is fine.");

//update message with new field
message.setField("text", "new value");
timelineQueue.update(sequenceId, message);


You can call this operation to asynchronously update a message based on the SequenceId value. You can customize callbacks to process a successful or failed update. This operation returns Future<TimelineEntry>.

TimelineMessage oldMessage = new TimelineMessage().setField("text", "Timeline is fine.") ;
TimelineCallback callback = new TimelineCallback() {
    public void onCompleted(TimelineIdentifier i, TimelineMessage m, TimelineEntry t) {
        // do something when succeed.

    public void onFailed(TimelineIdentifier i, TimelineMessage m, Exception e) {
        // do something when failed.

TimelineMessage newMessage = oldMessage;
newMessage.setField("text", "new value");
timelineQueue.updateAsync(sequenceId, newMessage, callback);


You can call this operation to delete one row based on the SequenceId value.



You can call this operation to read messages in a single Queue in order forwards or backwards based on the Scan parameter. This operation returns Iterator<TimelineEntry>. You can iterate all result sets by using the iterator.

ScanParameter scanParameter = new ScanParameter().scanBackward(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0);
