You can call the DescribeTable operation to query the description such as the schema information, reserved read throughput, and reserved write throughput of a table.

Note For more information about the DescribeTable operation, see DescribeTable.


  • TableStoreClient is initialized. For more information, see Initialization.
  • A table is created.

API operations

// Query the description of a table by using the table name. 
DescribeTable(request *DescribeTableRequest) (*DescribeTableResponse, error)


TableNameThe name of the table.


The following code provides an example on how to query the description of a table:

describeTableReq := new(tablestore.DescribeTableRequest)
describeTableReq.TableName = tableName
describ, err := client.DescribeTable(describeTableReq)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("failed to update table with error:", err)
} else {
    fmt.Println("DescribeTableSample finished. Table meta:", describ.TableOption.MaxVersion, describ.TableOption.TimeToAlive)


For the detailed sample code, visit DescribeTable@GitHub.