This topic describes common errors that are reported by Tablestore, including permission verification errors, HTTP message errors, and API operation errors. You can fix the errors based on the error messages.
If the value in the Retry column is Yes, you can retry the operation to fix the error. Otherwise, you cannot retry the operation to fix the error.
Permission verification errors
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description | Retry |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The AccessKeyID does not exist. | The AccessKey ID does not exist. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The AccessKeyID is disabled. | The AccessKey ID is disabled. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The user does not exist. | The specified user does not exist. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The instance is not found. | The specified instance does not exist. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The user has no privilege to access the instance. | You do not have permissions to access the instance. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | The instance is not running. | The instance is not in the Running state. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | Signature mismatch. | The request signature that is calculated by Alibaba Cloud does not match the signature that you provided. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | Mismatch between system time and x-ots-date: | The difference between the server time and the time specified by the x-ots-date parameter in the request header is out of the specified range. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | Request denied by instance ACL policies. | The request is rejected because the network type of the client is not allowed by the instance. For more information, see the "Request denied by instance ACL policies" exception that occurs when you use a Tablestore SDK to access Tablestore. | No |
403 | OTSNoPermissionAccess | You have no permission to access the requested resource, please contact the resource owner | You do not have permissions to manage the resource. Contact the owner of the resource for authorization. For more information, see Use a RAM policy to grant permissions to a RAM user. | No |
HTTP message errors
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description | Retry |
413 | OTSRequestBodyTooLarge | The size of POST data is too large. | The size of data that is sent by using the POST request exceeds the specified threshold. | No |
408 | OTSRequestTimeout | Request timeout. | The request has timed out on the client side. | No |
405 | OTSMethodNotAllowed | OTSMethodNotAllowedOnly POST method for requests is supported. | The request method is not supported. Only POST requests are supported. | No |
403 | OTSAuthFailed | Mismatch between MD5 value of request body and x-ots-contentmd5 in header. | The MD5 value that is calculated by using the request body is different from the MD5 value that is specified by the x-ots-contentmd5 parameter in the request header. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Missing header: | A required header is missing. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid date format: | The format of the specified date is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Unsupported operation: | The name of the operation in the request URL is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Can not reserve read capacity unit on capacity. | Reserved read throughput or reserved write throughput cannot be specified for tables in capacity instances. | No |
400 | OTSForbiddenUpdateCapacityUnit | Your instance is forbidden to update capacity unit. | Reserved read throughput or reserved write throughput cannot be updated for tables in capacity instances. | No |
API operation errors
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description | Retry |
500 | OTSInternalServerError | Internal server error. | An internal error occurred. If the error persists after you retry the operation multiple times, submit a ticket. | Yes |
403 | OTSQuotaExhausted | Too frequent table operations. | The frequency at which operations are performed on the table exceeds the specified threshold. | Yes |
403 | OTSQuotaExhausted | Number of tables exceeded the quota. | The maximum number of tables has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid instance name: | The specified instance name is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid table name: | The specified table name is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid column name: | The specified column name is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid |
| The type of the primary key column is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid |
| The type of the attribute column is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The number of primary key columns must be in range: | The number of primary key columns is 0 or exceeds the specified threshold. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Value of column | The values of the column are not encoded in UTF-8. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The length of attribute column: | The maximum length of the attribute column name has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No row specified in the request of BatchGetRow. | No row is specified for the BatchGetRow operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicated table name: | Tables with the same name are specified for the BatchGetRow or BatchWriteRow operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicated primary key name: | Duplicate primary keys exist. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The limit must be greater than 0. | The value specified for the limit parameter is less than or equal to 0. The value of the limit parameter must be greater than 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicated attribute column name with primary key column: | The name of an attribute column is the same as the name of a primary key column in the row. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Rows count exceeds the upper limit: | The maximum number of rows that can be written into a table has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No version condition is specified while querying row. | The number of versions is not specified as a query condition. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No row is specified in BatchWriteRow. | No row is specified for the BatchWriteRow operation. At least one row must be specified for the BatchWriteRow operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No operation is specified for table: | No operation is specified for the table in the BatchWriteRow operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The type of row in batch write operation is invalid. | The row type that is specified in the BatchWriteRow operation is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The modify type is invalid. | The operation type that is specified in the BatchWriteRow operation is invalid. Only the PUT, UPDATE, and DELETE operation types are supported. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The total data size of BatchWriteRow request exceeds the limit, limit size: | The maximum size of data allowed for the BatchWriteRow operation has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Time-to-live is missing while creating table. | Time to live (TTL) is not specified when the table is created. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | MaxVersions is missing while creating table. | No value is specified for the max versions parameter when the table is created. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Start and end time must be given at the same time. | The StartTime and EndTime parameters must be configured in pairs for the GetRange operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid column type, only STRING,INTEGER,BINARY is allowed. | The specified column type is invalid. The primary key columns support only the STRING, INTEGER, and BINARY types. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid column type: | The column type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid return type: | The return type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid condition: | The specified condition is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The value of read capacity unit can not be less than | The read capacity unit (CU) value is less than the lower limit. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The value of write capacity unit can not be less then | The write CU value is less than the lower limit. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | AUTO_INCREMENT primary key must be integer. | Only columns of the INTEGER type can be set to auto-increment primary key columns. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | AUTO_INCREMENT primary key count must <= 1. | Multiple auto-increment primary key columns are specified. You can specify only one auto-increment primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Column value cannot be given when type is DELETE_ONE_VERSION,DELETE_ALL_VERSION. | Attribute column values cannot be specified for delete operations, such as DELETE_ONE_VERSION or DELETE_ALL_VERSION. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Timestamp must be given when type is DELETE_ONE_VERSION. | No version number is specified. To delete a version, you must specify a version number. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Timestamp cannot be given when type is DELETE_ALL_VERSION. | A version number is specified. To delete all versions, you cannot specify a version number. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No name is given for attribute column. | No attribute column name is specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No value is given for column name. | No attribute column value is specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | OpType cannot be given for column name: | An operation type is specified for PutRow. You can specify an operation type only for UpdateRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Attribute column is missing. | No attribute column is specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The number of attribute columns exceeds the limit, limit count: | The number of attribute columns exceeds the value specified for the limit parameter. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The length of primary key column: | The maximum length of the primary key has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No name is given for primary key. | No name is specified for the primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No value is given for primary key name: | No value is specified for the primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | OpType cannot be given for primary key name : | An operation type is specified for the primary key. You cannot specify an operation type for the primary key. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Timestamp cannot be given for primary key name: | A timestamp is specified for the primary key. You cannot specify a timestamp for the primary key. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicated primary key name: | Duplicate primary keys exist. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Attribute column cannot be given while reading data. | The value of the attribute column does not need to be specified for a read operation. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Delete marker cannot be given. | The operation does not support the DeleteMarker parameter. Only delete operations support the DeleteMarker parameter. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The number of columns from the request exceeds the limit, limit count: | The maximum number of columns allowed for the request has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Timestamp must be in range [0, INT64_MAX/1000). | The timestamp must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the value specified by INT64_MAX/1000. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | TimeToLive cannot be 0 or less than -1. | The value of TTL cannot be set to 0 or a value less than -1. However, you can set the value of TTL to -1. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The maximum versions cannot be less than or equal to 0. | The value specified for the max versions parameter cannot be less than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Specific timestamp cannot be less than 0. | The specified timestamp is less than 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The maximum deviation must be in range [0, INT64_MAX/1000000]. | The value of the max version offset parameter is out of the specified range. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Deserialize filter failed. | Filter deserialization failed. The filter format encapsulated by the SDK is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Offset in ColumnPaginationFilter must be greater than or equal to 0. | The offset value of ColumnPaginationFilter is less than 0. The offset value of ColumnPaginationFilter must be greater than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Limit in ColumnPaginationFilter must be greater than 0. | The Limit value of ColumnPaginationFilter is less than 0. The Limit value of ColumnPaginationFilter must be greater than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Deserialize relation filter failed. | The deserialization for the single column filter failed. The filter format encapsulated by the SDK may be invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Deserialize composite filter failed. | The deserialization for the combined filter failed. The filter format encapsulated by the SDK may be invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Deserialize column pagination filter failed. | The deserialization for the wide row filter failed. The filter format encapsulated by the SDK may be invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The count of filter exceeds the max: | The maximum number of filters has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Specific tiemstamp and max versions cannot be given at the same time. | A timestamp and the max versions parameter cannot be specified at the same time. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Specific tiemstamp and time range cannot be given at the same time. | A timestamp and a timestamp range cannot be specified at the same time. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Specific timestamp, time range and max versions cannot be given at the same time. | A timestamp, a timestamp range, and the max versions parameter cannot be specified at the same time. Only one element can be specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicated attribute column name with primary key column: | The name of the attribute column is the same as the name of the primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The total data size of PutRow request exceeds the limit, limit size: | The maximum size of data allowed for the PutRow operation has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The total data size of UpdateRow request exceeds the limit, limit size: | The maximum size of data allowed for the UpdateRow operation has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | No parameter is specified in table options. | No parameter is specified in TableOption. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Input encoded PK broken, invalidate cell key type:xx. | The primary key that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The cell type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Input encoded PK broken, length is shorter than expect. | The primary key that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The length of the primary key is less than expected. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | PKAutoIncr can't be used for read operations. | The auto-increment primary key column attribute is specified for the read operation. You cannot specify the auto-increment primary key column attribute for read operations. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Begin key must less than end key in FORWARD. | The value of the start key is not less than the value of the end key for forward query. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Begin key must more than end key in BACKWARD. | The value of the start key is not greater than the value of the end key for backward query. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Repeated rows do not support row exist expectation check in BatchModify. | Row existence check is not allowed for rows on which duplicate operations are performed in BatchWriteRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Repeated rows do not support row condition check in BatchModify. | Conditional update is not allowed for rows on which duplicate operations are performed in BatchWriteRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | PK column size not the same for all rows in table: | Different rows have different numbers of primary key columns. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicate rows detected in MultiPut. | Duplicate rows exist in MultiPut. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Duplicate rows detected in MultiGet. | Duplicate rows exist in MultiGet. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Column does not exist: | The specified column does not exist. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid max scan size: | The value that is specified for the limit parameter for range query exceeds the threshold. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | data format is invalid. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | double can not be used as primary key. | The double type cannot be used for primary keys. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | data format is invalid, unknown variant type occured. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The value type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Parse PBMessage from RawString failed. | The deserialization by using Protobuf failed. The SDK serialization code may be invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, mismatch header, actual: | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid due to header mismatch. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, PK value cannot be NULL, name: | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The value of the primary key that corresponds to PkName is empty. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, PK is empty. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The primary key is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, no PK follow PKTag. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The primary key does not follow the primary key tag. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, attr has no name. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The attribute column name is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, attr has no value, name: | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The attribute column value is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, no Cells follow CellTag. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The cell content does not follow the cell tag. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, no valid element in Cell, name: | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid due to different cell formats. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, cell is not end with checksum[ | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The cell does not end with CheckSumFlag after cell encoding is complete. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, row is not end with checksum tag. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The row data does not end with CheckSumTag after data encoding is complete. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, mismatch tag, actual tag( | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The specified tag does not exist. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, wrong string format, size: | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The encoding format of the string is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid Capacity Unit for UpdateTable: Either read( | The number of read CUs or write CUs is less than 0. The number of read CUs and the number of write CUs must both be greater than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Auto increment pk must be integer, name: | The auto-incremental primary key column is not of the integer type. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cannot deserialize the request data. | The deserialization of data in the request failed due to the empty value or invalid format. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid row: missing checksum. | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The checksum value of the row is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid Column( | The column data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The checksum value of the cell is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, checksum is mismatch, | The row data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The value of UserChecksum is different from the value of SeviceChecksum that is calculated by the server. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Cell data broken, has more data in cell, but they can't be parsed. | The column data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid due to excessive data. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | NaN can't be set to double value. | The value of a column of the Double type is set to NaN. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Infinity can't be set to double value. | The value of a column of the Double type is set to Infinity. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid max versions: | The value specified for the max versions parameter is invalid. The value must be greater than 0 or equal to -1. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | invalid range, the begin's type is different from the end's, | The type of the start key is different from that of the end key for range query. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid offset of Filter: | The value of offset in the filter is less than 0. The value of offset in the filter must be greater than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid Capacity Unit: | The value of CU is less than 0. The value of CU must be greater than or equal to 0. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Unknown or unsupported CellType in primary key: | The cell type of the primary key cannot be identified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid boolean real value, value length: | The column data that is encoded in the PlainBuffer format is invalid. The length of the value of the Boolean type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | invalid name of column: empty name. | The name of the attribute column is left empty. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid ModifyType: | The update type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid relation operator: | The relational operator is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid type of filter: | The filter type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid NOT operator: the number of sub-filters must be 1. | More than one subfilter is specified for the NOT operator. The NOT operator supports only one subfilter. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid AND/OR operator: the number of sub-filters must be 2. | The number of specified subfilters is not two. You must specify two subfilters for the AND or OR operator. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid type of sub-filter: | The subfilter type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid |
| More than one auto-increment primary key column exists. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid action: | The operation type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid row-existence expectation: | The specified row existence condition is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid row to delete which with pk auto increment. | The auto-increment primary key column attribute is specified for the delete operation. You cannot specify the auto-increment primary key column attribute for delete operations. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid expect: | The existence condition is invalid for the specified row with an auto-increment primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Can't set condition when modify row with pk auto increment. | Conditional update is configured for the row with an auto-increment primary key column. You cannot configure conditional update for rows with auto-increment primary key columns. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid expect: | The existence condition of the specified row that needs to be modified in the table with an auto-increment primary key column is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid cell: | The timestamp is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid cell timestamp: | The specified timestamp is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid timestamp. Cell: | Data can be written only when the specified timestamp in milliseconds divided by 1000 is within the valid version range. The valid version range is calculated by using the following formula: Valid version range = [max{Data written time - Max version offset, Data written time - TTL value}, Data written time + Max version offset) | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid timestamp for cell: | A version is specified when DELETE_ALL_VERSION is used to delete all versions. You cannot specify a version when DELETE_ALL_VERSION is used to delete all versions. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid op type of cell: | The operation type is invalid. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid cell: | The value of the cell is not specified. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid request of delete row: missing RowDeleteMarker in request. | RowDeleteMarker is not contained in the delete request. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid request of put/update row: unexpected RowDeleteMarker in request. | RowDeleteMarker is contained in PutRow or UpdateRow. RowDeleteMarker cannot be contained in PutRow or UpdateRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid update row request: missing cells in request. | The values of the attribute columns are not specified in UpdateRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid delete row request: unexpected cells in request. | The value of an attribute column is specified in DeleteRow. The values of the attribute columns cannot be specified in DeleteRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Invalid request of put row: find cells without values. | The values of the attribute columns are not specified in PutRow. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Can not reserve read capacity unit on hybrid storage cluster: | The reserved read CUs are specified for capacity instances. Reserved read CUs cannot be specified for capacity instances. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Can not reserve write capacity unit on hybrid storage cluster: | The reserved write CUs are specified for capacity instances. Reserved write CUs cannot be specified for capacity instances. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | First primary key can't be auto increment, table: | The first primary key column is specified as an auto-increment primary key column. The first primary key column cannot be specified as an auto-increment primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | PkAutoIncr cannot be set as first pk column. | The auto-increment primary key column is set to the first primary key column. The auto-increment primary key column cannot be set to the first primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | the count of auto-incremental primary keys can not be more than 1. | Multiple auto-increment primary key columns are specified. You can specify only one auto-increment primary key column. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Can't write index table directly. | Write operations cannot be performed on index tables. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Try to call method using explicit transaction on explicit-transaction-disabled table. | Local transaction is disabled for the table. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | Table[tablename] who has at least one search index cannot be deleted. | Tables with indexes cannot be deleted. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | nested field aggregation/groupby must not be recursive. | Recursive GroupBy or Aggregation cannot be used in nested fields. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | The number of defined columns must be in range: [0, 32]. | The number of predefined columns exceeds 32. The number of predefined columns cannot exceed 32. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | failed to query index, please check if 'Index' is enabled for query fields. | Indexing is disabled for the field based on which you want to perform the query. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | [table ttl] must be bigger than or equal search index ttl, but table ttl is xxxx and search index ttl is [ | The TTL value of the data table is smaller than the TTL value of the search index that is created for the data table. The TTL value of a data table must be greater than or equal to the TTL value of the search index that is created for the data table. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | the number of index in creating has exceed the instance quota, limit: 10 | The sum of the number of search indexes that are being created and search indexes whose schema is being dynamically modified cannot exceed 10. Wait until the synchronization of the search indexes that are being created is complete and try again. | No |
400 | OTSParameterInvalid | can't delete analytical store with sql binding | The analytical store that is used in a mapping table cannot be deleted. Delete the mapping table before you delete the analytical store. | No |
400 | OTSInvalidPK | Primary key schema mismatch. | The specified primary key does not match the primary key of the data table. | No |
400 | OTSOutOfRowSizeLimit | The total data size of columns in one row exceeded the limit. | The maximum size of data in all columns of the row has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSOutOfColumnCountLimit | The number of columns in one row exceeded the limit. | The maximum number of columns in the row has been reached. | No |
400 | OTSTunnelServerUnavailable | OTSTrimmedDataAccess Requested stream data is already trimmed or does not exist. | Stream logs have expired and data has not been pulled for a long period of time. | No |
Tablestore errors
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description | Retry |
503 | OTSServerBusy | Server is busy. | An internal server of Tablestore is busy. Try again later. | Yes |
503 | OTSPartitionUnavailable | The partition is not available. | The partition is being loaded. Try again later. | Yes |
503 | OTSTimeout | Operation timeout. | An internal operation of Tablestore has timed out. | Yes |
503 | OTSServerUnavailable | Server is not available. | An internal server of Tablestore is inaccessible. | Yes |
409 | OTSRowOperationConflict | Data is being modified by the other request. | Concurrent requests to write data in the same row cause a conflict. | Yes |
409 | OTSObjectAlreadyExist | Requested table already exists. | The data table or index table that you want to create already exists. | No |
404 | OTSObjectNotExist | Requested table does not exist. | The requested table does not exist. | No |
404 | OTSTableNotReady | The table is not ready. | The table is being initialized. Wait for a few seconds and try again. | Yes |
403 | OTSTooFrequentReserved ThroughputAdjustment | Capacity unit adjustment is too frequent. | The read/write CUs are frequently adjusted. | Yes |
403 | OTSCapacityUnitExhausted | Capacity unit is not enough. | The read/write CUs for the partition are exhausted. | No |
403 | OTSConditionCheckFail | Condition check failed. | Condition check failed. | No |
429 | OTSFlowControl | The requests have been throttled. | The error must be analyzed based on the actual scenario. Submit a ticket to contact Tablestore technical support for troubleshooting. | No |