This topic describes how to use resource functions to pull data from another logstore to enrich log data in a logstore.
Background information
A hotel stores the personal information of guests in a logstore named user_logstore and stores the check-in information of guests in a logstore named check-in_logstore. The hotel wants to obtain some fields from the check-in_logstore logstore and concatenate the fields with the fields in the user_logstore logstore. The hotel can use the res_log_logstore_pull function to pull data from the check-in_logstore logstore and use the e_table_map function to map data. For more information about the res_log_logstore_pull function, see res_log_logstore_pull. For more information about the e_table_map function, see e_table_map.
Data transformation
Raw data
The logstore named user_logstore that is used to store personal information
topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12345 name:maki topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12346 name:vicky topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12347 name:mary
The logstore named check-in_logstore that is used to store check-in information
time:1567038284 status:check in cid:12345 name:maki room_number:1111 time:1567038284 status:check in cid:12346 name:vicky room_number:2222 time:1567038500 status:check in cid:12347 name:mary room_number:3333 time:1567038500 status:leave cid:12345 name:maki room_number:1111
Transformation rule
NoteThe res_log_logstore_pull function allows you to set a time range or a start time for data enrichment.
If you set a time range in the transformation rule, for example, from_time=1567038284 and to_time=1567038500, data that is received in the specified time range by Simple Log Service is pulled for data enrichment.
If you set a start time in the transformation rule, for example, from_time="begin", data that is received from the specified time by Simple Log Service is pulled for data enrichment.
For more information about the fields of the res_log_logstore_pull function, see res_log_logstore_pull.
e_table_map function
This function maps two log entries by using the cid field. If the value of the cid field in the two log entries equals each other, data mapping succeeds. The room_number field and field value are returned and concatenated with the log entry in the check-in_logstore logstore.
e_table_map(res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, fields=["cid","room_number"], from_time="begin", ), "cid","room_number")
e_table_map function
topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12345 name:maki room_nuber:1111 topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12346 name:vicky room_number:2222 topic:xxx city:xxx cid:12347 name:mary room_number:3333
Configure a whitelist rule and a blacklist rule to filter data
Configure a whitelist rule
Transformation rule
Use the fetch_include_data field to configure a whitelist rule. In this example, the fetch_include_data="room_number:1111" expression is included in the res_log_logstore_pull function. This expression indicates that only the log entries whose room_number field value is 1111 are pulled.
res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, ["cid","name","room_number","status"],from_time=1567038284,to_time=1567038500,fetch_include_data="room_number:1111")
Retrieved data
status: check in cid:12345 name:maki room_number:1111 status:leave cid:12345 name:maki room_number:1111
Configure a blacklist rule
Transformation rule
Use the fetch_exclude_data field to configure a blacklist rule. In this example, the fetch_exclude_data="room_number:1111" expression is included in the res_log_logstore_pull function. This expression indicates that only the log entries whose room_number field value is 1111 are dropped.
res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, ["cid","name","room_number","status"],from_time=1567038284,to_time=1567038500,fetch_exclude_data="room_number:1111")
Retrieved data
status:check in cid:12346 name:vicky room_number:2222 status:check in cid:12347 name:mary room_number:3333
Configure a blacklist rule and a whitelist rule
Transformation rule
If you configure a blacklist rule and a whitelist rule, the blacklist rule is applied first and then the whitelist rule. In this example, the fetch_exclude_data="time:1567038285",fetch_include_data="status:check in" expression is included in the res_log_logstore_pull function. This expression indicates that the log entries whose time field value is 1567038285 dropped first and then the log entries whose status field value is check in are pulled.
res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, ["cid","name","room_number","status"],from_time=1567038284,to_time=1567038500,fetch_exclude_data="time:1567038285",fetch_include_data="status:check in")
Retrieved data
status:check in cid:12345 name:maki room_number:1111 status:check in cid:12346 name:vicky room_number:2222 status:check in cid:12347 name:mary room_number:3333
Enable primary key maintenance to pull data from destination logstores
To discard data before transforming it, you can enable the primary key maintenance feature. For example, you want to pull the check-in data of customers who have checked in but not checked out from the logstore named check-in_logstore. If a pulled log entry of a customer includes the status:leave field, the customer has checked out. You can set the primary_keys
parameter of the res_log_logstore_pull function and the log entry is not transformed.
You can set a single field as the value of the primary_keys parameter. The field must exist in the fields field.
Before you enable the primary key maintenance feature, make sure that the logstore from which you want to pull data has only one shard.
If you enable the primary key maintenance feature, you cannot set the delete_data field to None.
Transformation rule
res_log_logstore_pull(endpoint, ak_id, ak_secret, project, logstore, ["cid","name","room_number","status","time"],from_time=1567038284,to_time=None,primary_keys="cid",delete_data="status:leave")
Retrieve data
The status:leave field in the preceding log entry indicates that the customer whose name is maki has checked out. Therefore, this log entry is not transformed.
time:1567038284 status:check in cid:12346 name:vicky room_number:2222 time:1567038500 status:check in cid:12347 name:mary room_number:3333