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Simple Log Service:Manage a project

Last Updated:Sep 02, 2024

If you delete a project, the data of the project may be lost. To prevent data loss, make sure that you no longer use the data of the project, such as Logstores, Metricstores, and Eventstores or the data is backed up. This topic describes how to create and delete a project in the Simple Log Service console.


A Simple Log Service project is a resource management unit that is used to isolate and manage resources. A project contains resources such as Logstores, Metricstores, Eventstores, and machine groups. You can access Simple Log Service resources in a project. For more information, see Project.

Create a project


For more information about the maximum number of projects that you can create for an Alibaba Cloud account, see Basic resources.

  1. Log on to the Simple Log Service console.

  2. In the Projects section, click Create Project.

  3. In the Create Project panel, configure the parameters and click Create. The following table describes the parameters.



    Project Name

    The name of the project. The name must be globally unique within Alibaba Cloud and cannot be changed after the project is created.

    Project Description

    The description of the project.


    The region of the project. You can select a region based on log sources. After you create a project, you cannot change the region where the project resides or migrate the project to another region.

    If you want to collect logs from an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, we recommend that you select the region where the instance resides. This way, Simple Log Service can use the internal network of Alibaba Cloud to accelerate log collection.

    Storage redundancy type

    The disaster recovery type of the project. After the project is created, you cannot change the disaster recovery type.

    • Locally Redundant Storage

      Locally redundant storage (LRS) stores multiple copies of your data on multiple devices of different facilities in the same zone. LRS ensures data durability and availability regardless of whether hardware failures occur.

    • Zone-redundant Storage

      Zone-redundant Storage (ZRS) stores multiple copies of your data across multiple zones in the same region. If a zone becomes unavailable, data that is stored in other zones in the same region is still accessible.

      • Simple Log Service ZRS is in public preview. To enable ZRS, submit a ticket.

      • Simple Log Service ZRS is supported in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), China (Zhangjiakou), China (Ulanqab), China (Shenzhen), China (Hong Kong), and Singapore.

      • You cannot disable ZRS after it is enabled.

      For more information about ZRS, see Zone-redundant Storage.

    Enable Log Collection

    The service logs that you want to store. After you select the service logs, Simple Log Service stores the logs that are generated in the current project in the specified project. For more information, see Service logs.

    • If you select Detailed Logs, Simple Log Service stores full operation logs in a Logstore of the specified project.

    • If you select Important Logs, Simple Log Service stores the logs of the consumer group latency and Logtail heartbeats in a Logstore of the specified project.

    • If you select Job Operational Logs, Simple Log Service stores the logs of data import, Scheduled SQL, and data shipping jobs in a Logstore of the specified project.

    Log Storage Location

    After you select the service logs, you must select a project to store the service logs. Valid values:

    • Automatic creation (recommended)

    • Current Project

    • Other project in the same region as your project

View the endpoint of a project

After you create a project, you can view the endpoint of the project on the Project Overview tab.

  1. In the Projects section, click the project that you want to manage.


  2. On the Project Overview tab, view the endpoint of the project or enable the Acceleration Endpoint. For more information about the private endpoint and public endpoint, see Endpoints.


Delete a project


After you delete a project, all logs stored in the project and the configurations of the project are deleted and cannot be restored. Proceed with caution.

  1. In the Projects section, find the project that you want to delete and click Delete in the Actions column.

  2. In the Delete Project panel, enter the project name and select a reason. Then, click OK.

Project-related API operations


API operation

Create a project


Delete a project


Query a project


Query all projects


Modify a project
