Simple Log Service allows you to dynamically attach different action policies to the same alert policy by using the dynamic action policy mechanism. This mechanism specifies an action policy based on alert monitoring rules instead of alert policies.
Mechanism description
If you select Dynamic Action Policy for Action Policy when you create an alert policy, the action policy that you specify when you configure an alert monitoring rule is used.
If you select an action policy other than Dynamic Action Policy when you create an alert policy, the selected action policy is used. In this case, you need only to select Advanced Mode for Alert Policy and select the alert policy when you configure an alert monitoring rule. You do not need to select an action policy because the policy does not take effect even if you select it.
In this example, two alert monitoring rules are created. After alerts are generated, Simple Log Service merges the alerts based on the built-in dynamic alert policy and sends alert notifications based on Action Policy 1 and Action Policy 2.
By default, Action Policy in the built-in dynamic alert policy is set to Dynamic Action Policy.
Alert Monitoring Rule 1
Enable group evaluation. Set Alert Policy to Standard Mode and Action Policy to Action Policy 1.
Alert Monitoring Rule 2
Do not enable group evaluation. Set Alert Policy to Standard Mode and Action Policy to Action Policy 2.