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Simple Log Service:Use Simple Log Service SDK for PHP to use the Dedicated SQL feature

Last Updated:Jun 24, 2024

This topic describes how to use Simple Log Service SDK for PHP to use the Dedicated SQL feature.


  • A Resource Access Management (RAM) user is created, and the required permissions are granted to the RAM user. For more information, see Create a RAM user and grant permissions to the RAM user.

  • The ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. For more information, see Configure environment variables.

    • The AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. We recommend that you use the AccessKey pair of a RAM user to call API operations or perform routine O&M.

    • We recommend that you do not save the AccessKey ID or AccessKey secret in your project code. Otherwise, the AccessKey pair may be leaked, and the security of all resources within your account may be compromised.

  • Simple Log Service SDK for PHP is installed. For more information, see Install Simple Log Service SDK for PHP.

Background information

Simple Log Service provides the Dedicated SQL feature to enhance SQL analysis capabilities. You can use this feature to process hundreds of billions of data records. For more information, see Enable Dedicated SQL.

Simple Log Service provides the Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest and Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest operations. You can call the operations to use the Dedicated SQL feature in an efficient manner.

  • Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest: uses the Dedicated SQL feature in a specified Logstore. This operation supports the standard SQL-92 syntax. A query statement is in the Search statement|Analytic statement format, and the analytic statement follows the standard SQL-92 syntax.

  • Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest: uses the Dedicated SQL feature in a specified project. This operation supports the standard SQL-92 syntax. You must specify a filter condition and a time range in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement.


If you want to filter data before you analyze the data, we recommend that you call the Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest operation and specify a query statement in the Search statement|Analytic statement format to improve analysis efficiency.

Sample code

The following sample code provides an example on how to use the Dedicated SQL feature. For more information, see Alibaba Cloud Simple Log Service SDK for PHP.

require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . './aliyun-log-php-sdk-master/Log_Autoload.php');
class test

    public static function main()
        // The Simple Log Service endpoint. In this example, the Simple Log Service endpoint for the China (Hangzhou) region is used. Replace the parameter value with the actual endpoint.
        $endpoint = '';
        // In this example, the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are obtained from environment variables.
        $accessKeyId = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID');
        $accessKey = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET');
        // The name of the project. 
        $project = 'aliyun-test-project';
        // The name of the Logstore. 
        $logstore = 'aliyun-test-logstore';
        // The Security Token Service (STS) token. 
        $token = '';
        // Create a Simple Log Service client. 
        $client = new Aliyun_Log_Client($endpoint, $accessKeyId, $accessKey, $token);

        // Execute an SQL statement in the specified Logstore.  
        $from = time() - 3600;
        $to = time();
        $query = "* | select count(0)";
        $request = new Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest($project, $logstore, $from, $to, $query, true);
        try {
            $response = $client->executeLogStoreSql($request);
            foreach ($response->getLogs() as $log) {
                print $log->getTime() . "\t";
                foreach ($log->getContents() as $key => $value) {
                    print $key . ":" . $value . "\t";
                print "\n";
            // Display the statistics about the analysis results. 
            // The number of lines of log data that is processed. 
            print "proccesedRows:" . $response->getProcessedRows() . "\n";
            // The time that is required to execute the SQL statement. 
            print "elapsedMilli:" . $response->getElapsedMilli() . "\n";
            // The CPU time that is consumed to execute the SQL statement after the Dedicated SQL feature is enabled. Unit: seconds. You are charged for the Dedicated SQL feature based on the CPU time. For more information, see the topics that are related to billable items.
            print "cpuSec:" . $response->getCpuSec() . "\n";
            // The number of CPU cores that are used to execute the SQL statement after the Dedicated SQL feature is enabled.
            print "cpuCores:" . $response->getCpuCores() . "\n";

        } catch (Aliyun_Log_Exception $ex) {
        } catch (Exception $ex) {

        // Execute an SQL statement in the specified project. 
        $query = "select count(0) from gs-api where __time__ > to_unixtime(now()) - 300 and __time__ < to_unixtime(now())";
        $request = new Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest($project, $query, True);
        try {
            $response = $client->executeProjectSql($request);
            #$response = $client->getProjectLogs($request);
            foreach ($response->getLogs() as $log) {
                print $log->getTime() . "\t";
                foreach ($log->getContents() as $key => $value) {
                    print $key . ":" . $value . "\t";
                print "\n";
            // Display the statistics about the analysis results. 
            // The number of lines of log data that is processed.
            print "proccesedRows:" . $response->getProcessedRows() . "\n";
            // The time that is required to execute the SQL statement. 
            print "elapsedMilli:" . $response->getElapsedMilli() . "\n";
            // The CPU time that is consumed to execute the SQL statement after the Dedicated SQL feature is enabled. Unit: seconds. You are charged for the Dedicated SQL feature based on the CPU time. For more information, see the topics that are related to billable items.
            print "cpuSec:" . $response->getCpuSec() . "\n";
            // The number of CPU cores that are used to execute the SQL statement after the Dedicated SQL feature is enabled.
            print "cpuCores:" . $response->getCpuCores() . "\n";
            print "requestId:" . $response->getRequestId() . "\n";

        } catch (Aliyun_Log_Exception $ex) {
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
  • Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest operation

    You can call the Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest operation to use the Dedicated SQL feature. Requests must be in the following format:

    $from = time()-3600;
    $to = time();
    $query = "* | select count(0)";
    $request = new Aliyun_Log_Models_LogStoreSqlRequest($project,$logstore,$from,$to,$query,$powerSql);

    The following table describes the parameters.










    The name of the project.

    When you create a Simple Log Service client, you must specify a value for the $project parameter. Therefore, you do not need to configure the parameter again.





    The name of the Logstore.

    When you create a Simple Log Service client, you must specify a value for the $logstore parameter. Therefore, you do not need to configure the parameter again.





    The beginning of the time range to query. The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.





    The end of the time range to query. The value is a UNIX timestamp representing the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.




    "* | select count(method)"

    The query statement. Format: Search statement|Analytic statement. For more information, see Syntax.

    By default, Simple Log Service returns 100 rows of data. You can use a LIMIT clause to specify the number of data rows to return. For more information, see LIMIT clause.





    Specifies whether to use the Dedicated SQL feature. For more information, see Enable Dedicated SQL. Valid values:

    • true: uses the Dedicated SQL feature.

    • false (default): uses the Standard SQL feature.

  • Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest operation

    You can call the Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest operation to use the Dedicated SQL feature. Requests must be in the following format:

    $query = "select count(0) from sls_operation_log where __time__ > to_unixtime(now()) - 300 and __time__ < to_unixtime(now())";
    $request = new Aliyun_Log_Models_ProjectSqlRequest($project,$query,$powerSql);   

    The following table describes the parameters.










    The name of the project.

    When you create a Simple Log Service client, you must specify a value for the $project parameter. Therefore, you do not need to configure the parameter again.




    " select count(method) from sls_operation_log where __time__ > to_unixtime(now()) - 300 and __time__ < to_unixtime(now())"

    The SQL statement. You must specify the search condition and time range in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement.

    By default, Simple Log Service returns 100 rows of data. You can use a LIMIT clause to specify the number of data rows to return. For more information, see LIMIT clause.





    Specifies whether to use the Dedicated SQL feature. For more information, see Enable Dedicated SQL. Valid values:

    • true: uses the Dedicated SQL feature.

    • false (default): uses the Standard SQL feature.