| object | | |
AclType | string | The type of the access control list (ACL). Valid values:
- white: a whitelist. Only requests from the IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ACL are forwarded. Whitelists apply to scenarios where you want to allow only specific IP addresses to access an application. Your service may be adversely affected if the whitelist is not properly configured. If a whitelist is configured, only requests from IP addresses that are added to the whitelist are forwarded by the listener.
If you enable a whitelist but do not add an IP address to the ACL, the listener forwards all requests.
- black: a blacklist. All requests from the IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the network ACL are rejected. Blacklists apply to scenarios where you want to block access from specified IP addresses to an application.
If a blacklist is configured for a listener but no IP address is added to the blacklist, the listener forwards all requests.
This parameter is required when AclStatus is set to on.
| white |
XForwardedFor_ClientCertClientVerify | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_ClientCertClientVerify header is used to retrieve the verification result of the client certificate. Valid values:
| off |
CACertificateId | string | The ID of the certification authority (CA) certificate. | idkp-234-cn-test-0** |
RequestId | string | | 365F4154-92F6-4AE4-92F8-7FF3******** |
HealthCheckConnectPort | integer | The port that is used for health checks.
This parameter is required when HealthCheck is set to on.
| 8080 |
BackendServerPort | integer | The backend port that is used by the CLB instance. | 8080 |
CookieTimeout | integer | The timeout period of a cookie. | 500 |
HealthCheckDomain | string | The domain name that you want to use for health checks. | www.test.com |
XForwardedFor | string | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-For header is used to retrieve client IP addresses. Valid values:
| on |
XForwardedFor_ClientCertFingerprint | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_ClientCertFingerprint header is used to retrieve the fingerprint of the client certificate. Valid values:
| off |
IdleTimeout | integer | The timeout period of an idle connection. Valid values: 1 to 60. Default value: 15. Unit: seconds.
If no request is received within the specified timeout period, CLB closes the connection. When a request is received, CLB establishes a new connection. | 23 |
ListenerPort | integer | The frontend port that is used by the CLB instance. | 80 |
HealthCheckURI | string | The URL path that is used for health checks. | /test/index.html |
XForwardedFor_SLBPORT | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_SLBPORT header is used to retrieve the listening port. Valid values:
| off |
StickySessionType | string | The method that is used to handle a cookie.
Valid values: insert and server.
insert: inserts a cookie.
CLB inserts a cookie (SERVERID) into the first HTTP or HTTPS response packet that is sent to a client. The next request from the client will contain this cookie, and the listener will distribute this request to the recorded backend server.
server: rewrites a cookie.
When CLB detects a user-defined cookie, it overwrites the original cookie with the user-defined cookie. The next request from the client carries the user-defined cookie, and the listener will distribute the request to the recorded backend server.
| insert |
Scheduler | string | The routing algorithm. Valid values: wrr and rr.
- wrr: Backend servers that have higher weights receive more requests than backend servers that have lower weights.
- rr: Requests are distributed to backend servers in sequence.
| wrr |
XForwardedFor_proto | string | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Proto header is used to retrieve the listener protocol. Valid values:
| on |
HealthCheckMethod | string | The health check method used by HTTP listeners. Valid values: head and get.
This parameter is available only when HealthCheck is set to on.
| get |
TLSCipherPolicy | string | The Transport Layer Security (TLS) security policy for a high-performance CLB instance.
Each security policy contains TLS protocol versions and cipher suites available for HTTPS. Valid values:
Supported TLS versions: TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2
Supported cipher suites: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES128-SHA256, AES256-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES128-SHA, AES256-SHA, and DES-CBC3-SHA
Supported TLS versions: TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
Supported cipher suites: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES128-SHA256, AES256-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES128-SHA, AES256-SHA, and DES-CBC3-SHA
Supported TLS version: TLS 1.2
Supported cipher suites: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384, AES128-GCM-SHA256, AES256-GCM-SHA384, AES128-SHA256, AES256-SHA256, ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, AES128-SHA, AES256-SHA, and DES-CBC3-SHA
Supported TLS version: TLS 1.2
Supported TLS versions: TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3
| tls_cipher_policy_1_0 |
Status | string | The status of the listener. Valid values:
| stopped |
VServerGroupId | string | The ID of the associated server group. | rsp-cige6j5e******** |
XForwardedFor_ClientSrcPort | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_ClientSrcPort header is used to retrieve the client port. Valid values:
| off |
Cookie | string | The cookie that is configured on the server. | B490B5EBF6F3CD402E515D22BCDA1598 |
Gzip | string | Indicates whether Gzip compression is enabled. Valid values:
| on |
EnableHttp2 | string | Indicates whether HTTP/2 is used. Valid values:
| off |
Bandwidth | integer | The maximum bandwidth of the listener. Unit: Mbit/s. | -1 |
Description | string | The name of the listener. | test |
HealthCheckTimeout | integer | The maximum timeout period of a health check. Unit: seconds. | 3 |
AclStatus | string | Indicates whether access control is enabled. Valid values:
| off |
UnhealthyThreshold | integer | | 4 |
XForwardedFor_SLBID | string | Indicates whether the SLB-ID header is used to retrieve the ID of the ALB instance. Valid values:
| on |
XForwardedFor_ClientCertSubjectDN | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_ClientCertSubjectDN header is used to retrieve information about the owner of the client certificate. Valid values:
| off |
SecurityStatus | string | Indicates whether the listener is in the Secure state. Valid values:
| on |
HealthCheckHttpCode | string | The HTTP status code for a successful health check. | http_2xx,http_3xx |
RequestTimeout | integer | The timeout period of a request. Valid values: 1 to 180. Default value: 60. Unit: seconds.
If no response is received from a backend server within the specified timeout period, CLB returns the HTTP 504 status code to the client. | 43 |
HealthCheckInterval | integer | The interval at which health checks are performed. Unit: seconds. | 5 |
ServerCertificateId | string | The ID of the server certificate. | idkp-123-cn-test-0** |
AclId | string | The ID of the network ACL that is associated with a listener.
This parameter is required when AclStatus is set to on.
| nacl-a2do9e413e0spzasx**** |
XForwardedFor_ClientCertIssuerDN | string | Indicates whether the XForwardedFor_ClientCertIssuerDN header is used to retrieve information about the authority that issues the client certificate. Valid values:
| off |
HealthyThreshold | integer | | 4 |
XForwardedFor_SLBIP | string | Indicates whether the SLB-IP header is used to retrieve the virtual IP address requested by the client. Valid values:
| on |
StickySession | string | Indicates whether session persistence is enabled. Valid values:
| on |
HealthCheck | string | Indicates whether the health check feature is enabled. Valid values:
| on |
Rules | array<object> | The list of forwarding rules that are associated with the listener. | |
| object | | |
VServerGroupId | string | The ID of the server group that is associated with the forwarding rule. | 12 |
Url | string | | /example |
Domain | string | | www.example.com |
RuleName | string | The name of the forwarding rule. | example |
RuleId | string | The ID of the forwarding rule. | 23 |
DomainExtensions | array<object> | A list of additional certificates. | |
| object | | |
ServerCertificateId | string | The ID of the server certificate that is associated with the domain name. | 13344444**** |
Domain | string | | www.example.com |
DomainExtensionId | string | The ID of the additional domain name. | 12 |
LoadBalancerId | string | | lb-bp1mxu5r8lau**** |
Tags | array<object> | | |
| object | | |
TagKey | string | The key of tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag key cannot be an empty string. The tag key can be up to 64 characters in length, and cannot start with aliyun or acs: . The tag key cannot contain http:// or https:// . | TestKey |
TagValue | string | The value of tag N. Valid values of N: 1 to 20. The tag value can be an empty string. The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length, and cannot start with acs: . The tag value cannot contain http:// or https:// . | TestValue |