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Server Load Balancer:AScript functions

Last Updated:Feb 04, 2024

This topic describes different categories of AScript built-in functions.



Logical functions

and, or, not, eq, ne, and null

Numeric functions

add, sub, mul, div, mod, gt, ge, lt, le, floor, and ceil

String functions

substr, concat, format, upper, lower, len, byte, match_re, capture_re, gsub_re, split, split_as_key, tohex, tobin, tostring, tochar, reverse, find, and trim

Dictionary functions

set, get, foreach, and del

Request processing functions

add_req_header, del_req_header, add_rsp_header, del_rsp_header, encode_args, decode_args, rewrite, say, print, and exit

Time functions

today, time, now, localtime, utctime, cookie_time, http_time, parse_http_time, and unixtime

Cipher algorithm functions

aes_new, aes_enc, aes_dec, sha1, sha2, hmac, hmac_sha1, md5, and md5_bin

JSON functions

json_enc and json_dec

Miscellaneous functions

base64_enc, base64_dec, url_escape, url_unescape, randomseed, rand, rand_hit, crc, tonumber, base64_enc_safe, and base64_dec_safe

Array functions

arr_concat, arr_insert, arr_remove, arr_sort, and arr_len

Request logic functions

server_addr, server_port, client_addr, client_port, req_uri, req_uri_basename, req_uri_ext, req_uri_seg, req_uri_arg, req_uri_query_string, req_scheme, req_method, req_host, req_user_agent, req_referer, req_cookie, req_first_x_forwarded, and req_header