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Simple Application Server:Billable items

Last Updated:Jul 17, 2024

This topic describes billable items of Simple Application Server and provides billing examples of the service.

Billable items

Simple application server


The prices in this topic are provided only for reference. The prices that are displayed on the buy page of simple application servers take precedence.

Billable item


Billing method

Billing rule

Plan specifications

The combination of computing resources, storage resources, and network resources. For more information about plans, see Pricing of resource plans.


Price of plan specifications × Subscription duration

Data disks (optional)

If you mount a data disk to your simple application server, you must pay for the data disk based on its capacity. If you do not mount a data disk to your simple application server, this fee does not occur.


Only enhanced SSDs (ESSDs) of performance level 0 (PL0) and standard SSDs can be used as data disks of simple application servers.

The prices of disks of the same category may vary with regions. You can view the prices of disks in different regions on the Elastic Block Storage Price tab of the Elastic Block Storage Pricing page.

The prices of disks of the same category may vary with regions. You can go to the Pricing tab of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) product page and click the Storage tab to view the prices of disks in different regions.


Unit price of data disks × Capacity of the data disk × Subscription duration

Excess data transfers (optional)

A plan contains a monthly data transfer quota. After the data transfer quota is exhausted, you are charged for the excess data transfers based on the pay-as-you-go billing method.

The unit price for excess data transfers:

  • Germany (Frankfurt) and UK (London): USD 0.07/GB

  • US (Virginia): USD 0.076/GB

  • US (Silicon Valley) and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur): USD 0.077/GB

  • Singapore, Philippines (Manila), and Thailand (Bangkok): USD 0.081/GB

  • Japan (Tokyo): USD 0.087/GB

  • India (Mumbai) Closing Down and Indonesia (Jakarta): USD 0.09/GB

  • Australia (Sydney): USD 0.096/GB

  • South Korea (Seoul): USD 0.123/GB

  • China (Hong Kong): USD 0.153/GB

  • Data transfers in Simple Application Server refer to outbound data transfers. You are not charged for inbound data transfers.

  • Alibaba Cloud resets the data transfer quota for a simple application server on the first day of each calendar month. After the quota is reset, the server starts to calculate the data transfers for the month.

  • Some plans do not contain monthly data transfer quotas. Example: a plan that consists of 1 vCPU, 1 GB memory, 1 Mbit/s bandwidth, and a 20 GB standard SSD. Servers that use these plans do not incur excess data transfers. You are not charged for excess data transfers.


Unit price of data transfers × Excess data transfers


A snapshot is a point-in-time backup of a disk. Snapshots can be used to back up data, recover data after misoperations on servers, recover data after network attacks, and create custom images.


You are not charged for creating snapshots. The maximum number of snapshots that can be retained in an Alibaba Cloud account is triple the number of simple application servers that you have. The value cannot be greater than 15.

Free of charge


Custom images

A custom image is created based on a snapshot of a simple application server. You can use a custom image to create multiple simple application servers that have the same configurations. You can also share custom images with ECS and use the shared images to create ECS instances or replace the OSs of existing ECS instances.


You are not charged for creating custom images. The maximum number of custom images that can be retained in an Alibaba Cloud account is triple the number of simple application servers that you have. The value cannot be greater than 15.

Free of charge


Shared images

You can share a custom image created in Simple Application Server with ECS. If a shared image is created based on an application image, whether you are charged for using the shared image depends on the billing method of ECS instances created by using the shared image.

  • If you use a shared image to create subscription ECS instances, you are charged for using the shared image.

  • If you use a shared image to create pay-as-you-go ECS instances, you are not charged for using the shared image.


Image price = Unit price of the image × Subscription duration.

  • Unit price of the image: The unit price that is displayed on the ECS buy page when you create the ECS instance takes precedence.

  • Subscription duration: The duration that you specify when you create the ECS instance takes precedence.

Service interconnection

By default, simple application servers that belong to the same Alibaba Cloud account and region are deployed in the same virtual private cloud (VPC). These servers can communicate with each other over the VPC free of charge.


If you want simple application servers that belong to different Alibaba Cloud accounts or regions to be interconnected, go to the Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) console to make settings. You are charged for service interconnection across Alibaba Cloud accounts or regions. For more information, see Billing rules.

Free of charge


Billing examples

The following table describes how to calculate the price of using a simple application server in different scenarios.




Example 1: Plan price + Data disk price

You select the following region and resources to create a simple application server:

  • Region: China (Hong Kong)

  • Image: CentOS 7.6

  • Plan specifications: USD 3.5 per month (standard SSD)

  • Data disk capacity: 20 GB

  • Unit price of data disks in the China (Hong Kong) region: USD 0.187 per GB-month

  • Subscription duration: three months

Total price = Plan price × Subscription duration + Data disk price × Subscription duration

Data disk price = Unit price of data disks × Data disk capacity (GB)

In this example, the total configuration price of the simple application server is USD 21.72, which is calculated based on the following formula: 3.50 × 3 + 0.187 × 20 × 3 = USD 21.72.

Example 2: Price of excess data transfers

A simple application server that is deployed in the China (Hong Kong) region transfers additional 8 GB of data to the Internet after the data transfer quota in the plan is used up.

  • Excess data transfers: 8 GB

  • Unit price of data transfers: USD 0.153 per GB

Price of excess data transfers = Unit price of data transfers × Excess data transfers.

In this example, the price of excess data transfers is USD 1.224, which is calculated based on the following formula: 0.153 × 8 = USD 1.224.