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Simple Application Server:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Jan 17, 2025
This product(SWAS-OPEN/2020-06-01) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


CreateInstancesCreateInstancesCreates subscription simple application servers.
StartInstanceStartInstanceStarts a simple application server.
StartInstancesStartInstancesStarts simple application servers.
ListInstanceStatusListInstanceStatusQueries the status of simple application servers.
StopInstanceStopInstanceStops a simple application server.
StopInstancesStopInstancesStops simple application servers.
UpdateInstanceAttributeUpdateInstanceAttributeModifies the information of a simple application server, including the server name and the password that you use to log on to the server.
ListInstancesListInstancesQueries the information about simple application servers in a region.
LoginInstanceLoginInstanceLogs on to a simple application server on Workbench.
DescribeInstanceVncUrlDescribeInstanceVncUrlQueries the VNC connection address of a simple application server.
ModifyInstanceVncPasswordModifyInstanceVncPasswordChanges the VNC password of a simple application server.
ListInstancePlansModificationListInstancePlansModificationQueries the plans to which you can upgrade your simple application server.
ListInstancesTrafficPackagesListInstancesTrafficPackagesQueries the details about data transfer plans of simple application servers.
DescribeInstancePasswordsSettingDescribeInstancePasswordsSettingChecks whether a password is set for a simple application server.
InstallCloudMonitorAgentInstallCloudMonitorAgentInstalls the CloudMonitor agent for a simple application server.
DescribeCloudMonitorAgentStatusesDescribeCloudMonitorAgentStatusesQueries the status of the CloudMonitor agent on simple application servers.
DescribeMonitorDataDescribeMonitorDataQueries the monitoring information about vCPUs, memory, disk IOPS, and traffic of a simple application server.
DescribeSecurityAgentStatusDescribeSecurityAgentStatusQueries the status of the Security Center agent on a simple application server.
RebootInstanceRebootInstanceRestarts a simple application server.
RebootInstancesRebootInstancesRestarts simple application servers.
UpgradeInstanceUpgradeInstanceUpgrades the plan for a simple application server.
RenewInstanceRenewInstanceRenews a simple application server.
ResetSystemResetSystemResets a simple application server.

Key Pairs

CreateInstanceKeyPairCreateInstanceKeyPairCreates a key pair for a simple application server.
CreateKeyPairCreateKeyPairCreates a key pair.
UploadInstanceKeyPairUploadInstanceKeyPairImports a key pair for a simple application server.
ImportKeyPairImportKeyPairImports an existing key pair to the Simple Application Server console.
DescribeInstanceKeyPairDescribeInstanceKeyPairQueries information about the key pair of a simple application server.
ListKeyPairsListKeyPairsQueries the AccessKey pairs that are bound to simple application servers in a specific region.
AttachKeyPairAttachKeyPairBinds a key pair to simple application servers.
DetachKeyPairDetachKeyPairUnbinds key pairs from simple application servers.
DeleteInstanceKeyPairDeleteInstanceKeyPairDeletes the key pair of a simple application server.
DeleteKeyPairsDeleteKeyPairsDeletes the SSH key pairs of simple application servers.

Firewall Template

CreateFirewallTemplateCreateFirewallTemplateCreates a firewall template.
DescribeFirewallTemplatesDescribeFirewallTemplatesQueries details about firewall templates.
CreateFirewallTemplateRulesCreateFirewallTemplateRulesAdds firewall rules to a firewall template based on your business requirements.
ApplyFirewallTemplateApplyFirewallTemplateUses a firewall template to apply firewall rules to multiple simple application servers at a time. This improves your efficiency of setting firewall rules.
ModifyFirewallTemplateModifyFirewallTemplateModifies the firewall rule in a firewall template. You can apply the new firewall rule to simple application servers.
DescribeFirewallTemplateApplyResultsDescribeFirewallTemplateApplyResultsQueries the result of applying a firewall template to simple application servers.
DescribeFirewallTemplateRulesApplyResultDescribeFirewallTemplateRulesApplyResultQueries the result of applying a firewall template rule to simple application servers.
DeleteFirewallTemplateRulesDeleteFirewallTemplateRulesDeletes firewall rules from a firewall template based on your requirements.
DeleteFirewallTemplatesDeleteFirewallTemplatesDeletes firewall templates from a simple application server.


DeleteFirewallRulesDeleteFirewallRulesDeletes multiple firewall rules of a simple application server.
CreateFirewallRuleCreateFirewallRuleCreates a firewall rule for a simple application server.
CreateFirewallRulesCreateFirewallRulesCreates multiple firewall rules for a simple application server at a time.
ListFirewallRulesListFirewallRulesQueries the firewall rules of a simple application server.
ModifyFirewallRuleModifyFirewallRuleModifies the firewall rule of a simple application server.
EnableFirewallRuleEnableFirewallRuleEnables a firewall rule for a simple application server.
DisableFirewallRuleDisableFirewallRuleDisables a firewall rule of a simple application server.
DeleteFirewallRuleDeleteFirewallRuleDeletes a firewall rule of a simple application server.


CreateSnapshotCreateSnapshotCreates a snapshot for a disk.
ListSnapshotsListSnapshotsQueries the information about snapshots that are created for a simple application server.
UpdateSnapshotAttributeUpdateSnapshotAttributeModifies the remarks of a snapshot of a simple application server.
DeleteSnapshotDeleteSnapshotDeletes a snapshot of a simple application server.
DeleteSnapshotsDeleteSnapshotsDeletes snapshots of a simple application server.


UpdateDiskAttributeUpdateDiskAttributeModifies the remarks for the data disk that is attached to a simple application server.
ListDisksListDisksQueries the information about disks in a region.
ResetDiskResetDiskRolls back a disk based on a snapshot.

Custom Images

CreateCustomImageCreateCustomImageCreates a custom image based on a snapshot of a simple application server.
ListCustomImagesListCustomImagesQueries the information about custom images in a region.
ModifyImageShareStatusModifyImageShareStatusShares or unshares a custom image to Elastic Compute Service (ECS).
AddCustomImageShareAccountAddCustomImageShareAccountShares a custom image with other Alibaba Cloud accounts in the same region to quickly deploy the same environment configurations for multiple simple application servers at a time. This improves deployment efficiency.
ListCustomImageShareAccountsListCustomImageShareAccountsQueries information about custom images that are shared across Alibaba Cloud accounts in a region.
RemoveCustomImageShareAccountRemoveCustomImageShareAccountUnshares a custom image that is shared across Alibaba Cloud accounts.
DeleteCustomImageDeleteCustomImageDeletes a custom image.
DeleteCustomImagesDeleteCustomImagesDeletes custom images. If you no longer require a custom image, you can call this operation to delete the custom image. You can also call this operation to delete multiple custom images at the same time. After a custom image is deleted, you cannot use the custom image to reset the simple application servers that were created based on the custom image.

Command Assistant

DescribeCloudAssistantAttributesDescribeCloudAssistantAttributesQueries the Command Assistant information of simple application servers.
UpdateCommandAttributeUpdateCommandAttributeModifys the parameter of a command.
InvokeCommandInvokeCommandRuns a Command Assistant command for one or more simple application servers.
DescribeCommandsDescribeCommandsQueries the commands that you created or the common commands that Alibaba Cloud provides.
DescribeCommandInvocationsDescribeCommandInvocationsQueries the executions and execution status of a Cloud Assistant command.
DeleteCommandDeleteCommandDeletes a Command Assistant command.
CreateCommandCreateCommandCreates a Cloud Assistant command.
StartTerminalSessionStartTerminalSessionCreates a session for a simple application server.
InstallCloudAssistantInstallCloudAssistantInstalls the Cloud Assistant client on simple application servers at a time.
DescribeCloudAssistantStatusDescribeCloudAssistantStatusQueries whether the Cloud Assistant client is installed on simple application servers.
DescribeInvocationResultDescribeInvocationResultQueries the execution result of a command.
RunCommandRunCommandRuns commands on a simple application server.
DescribeInvocationsDescribeInvocationsQueries details about command execution.


TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to simple application servers, snapshots, custom images, commands, firewall rules, and disks to facilitate the viewing and management of the preceding resources.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are added to simple resources, such as instances, snapshots, disks, images, commands, and firewall rules.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesUnbinds and deletes tags from specified lightweight resources, such as instances, snapshots, disks, images, commands, and firewall rules.

Other resources

ListRegionsListRegionsQueries all regions in which Simple Application Server is supported.
ListImagesListImagesQueries the information about images in a region.
ListPlansListPlansQueries all plans provided by Simple Application Server in a region.