After you associate an application acceleration bandwidth plan with a Smart Access Gateway (SAG) instance, you must configure an application acceleration rule. An application acceleration rule is used to allocate bandwidth resources to different applications. This topic describes how to add, modify, and delete an application acceleration rule.

Add an application acceleration rule

  1. Log on to the SAG console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Acceleration Plan.
  4. On the Application Acceleration Plan page, find the application acceleration plan and click its ID.
  5. On the details page, click the Application Acceleration Rules tab and click Add Application Acceleration Rule.
  6. In the Add Application Acceleration Rule dialog box, click + Add, set the following parameters, and then click OK.
    Parameter Definition
    Region Select the region where the application is deployed. Valid value: Global.
    Maximum Bandwidth Enter the maximum bandwidth that the on-premises networks can use to access the application. Unit: Mbit/s.

    For each application acceleration bandwidth plan, the sum of the bandwidth values that you specify for different application acceleration rules cannot exceed the maximum bandwidth value of the application acceleration bandwidth plan.

    Accelerated Application Select the application that you want to accelerate.

Replicate an application acceleration rule

You can replicate an application acceleration rule by performing the following steps:

  1. Log on to the SAG console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Acceleration Plan.
  4. On the Application Acceleration Plan page, find the application acceleration plan and click its ID.
  5. On the details page, click the Application Acceleration Rules tab.
  6. Find the application acceleration rule that you want to replicate and click Clone in the Actions column.
  7. In the Copy Application Acceleration Rule dialog box, set the Region, Maximum Bandwidth, and Accelerated Application parameters, and then click OK.

Modify an application acceleration rule

  1. Log on to the SAG console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Acceleration Plan.
  4. On the Application Acceleration Plan page, find the application acceleration plan and click its ID.
  5. On the details page, click the Application Acceleration Rules tab.
  6. Find the application acceleration rule that you want to modify and click Edit in the Actions column.
  7. In the Modify Application Acceleration Rule dialog box, modify the Maximum Bandwidth and Accelerated Application parameters, and click OK.

Delete an application acceleration rule

  1. Log on to the SAG console.
  2. In the top navigation bar, select the region.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Application Acceleration Plan.
  4. On the Application Acceleration Plan page, find the application acceleration plan and click its ID.
  5. On the details page, click the Application Acceleration Rules tab.
  6. Find the application acceleration rule that you want to delete and click Remove in the Actions column.
  7. In the Delete Application Acceleration Rule message, confirm the rule ID and click OK.
