DATASOURCE::ESS::ScalingGroups is used to query scaling groups.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ESS::ScalingGroups",
"Properties": {
"ScalingGroupNames": List,
"GroupType": String,
"ScalingGroupIds": List,
"RefreshOptions": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
ScalingGroupNames | List | No | Yes | The names of the scaling groups. | For the names of inactive scaling groups, the system does not display the names in the query result or report an error. Note You can query up to 20 scaling group names in a request. |
GroupType | String | No | Yes | The type of the instances that are managed in the scaling group. | Valid values:
ScalingGroupIds | List | No | Yes | The IDs of the scaling groups. | For the IDs of inactive scaling groups, the system does not display the IDs in the query result or report an error. Note You can query up to 20 scaling group IDs in a request. |
RefreshOptions | String | No | Yes | The refresh policy for data source resources when the stack is updated. | Valid values:
Return values (Fn::GetAtt)
ScalingGroups: details of the scaling groups.
ScalingGroupIds: the IDs of the scaling groups.
Property | Type | Description | Constraint |
ScalingGroupIds | List | The IDs of the scaling groups. | None. |
ScalingGroups | List | Details of the scaling groups. | None. |
DesiredCapacity | Number | The expected number of ECS instances in the scaling group. | Auto Scaling automatically maintains the expected number of ECS instances in the scaling group. |
LifecycleState | String | The status of the scaling group. | Valid values:
TotalInstanceCount | Number | The total number of ECS instances in the scaling group. | None. |
Weighted | Boolean | Indicates whether the weight of an instance type is specified. | Valid values:
RemovalPolicies | List | The policies based on which ECS instances are removed from the scaling group. | Valid values:
PendingWaitCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are pending to be added to the scaling group. | None. |
TotalCapacity | Number | The total weighted capacity of all ECS instances in the scaling group if Weighted is specified, or the total number of all ECS instances in the scaling group if Weighted is not specified. | None. |
RemovingWaitCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are pending to be removed from the scaling group. | None. |
IsElasticStrengthInAlarm | Boolean | Indicates whether alerts are triggered. | None. |
ProtectedCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are being protected in the scaling group. | None. |
StandbyCapacity | Number | The number of instances that are standby in the scaling group. | None. |
ScalingPolicy | String | The reclaim mode of the scaling group. | Valid values:
Note For more information about how to remove instances, see RemoveInstances. |
SuspendedProcesses | List | The suspended processes. | Valid values:
RemovingCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are being removed from the scaling group. | None. |
VSwitchIds | List | The IDs of the vSwitches that are associated with the scaling group. | If VSwitchIds is specified, VSwitchId is ignored. |
ScalingGroupId | String | The ID of the scaling group. | None. |
PendingCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are being added to the scaling group and still being configured. | None. |
VSwitchId | String | The ID of the vSwitch that is associated with the scaling group. | None. |
LoadBalancerIds | List | The IDs of the Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances that are associated with the scaling group. | None. |
GroupDeletionProtection | Boolean | Indicates whether the deletion protection feature is enabled for the scaling group. | Valid values:
MaxSize | Number | The upper limit on the number of ECS instances in the scaling group. | None. |
ScalingGroupName | String | The name of the scaling group. | None. |
MinSize | Number | The lower limit on the number of ECS instances in the scaling group. | None. |
ActiveCapacity | Number | The number of ECS instances that are added to the scaling group and run as expected. | None. |
DefaultCooldown | Number | The default cooldown period of the scaling group. | During the cooldown period, Auto Scaling executes only the scaling activities that are triggered by CloudMonitor event-triggered tasks in the scaling group. |
VpcId | String | The ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) to which the scaling group belongs. | None. |
GroupType | String | The type of the instances that are managed in the scaling group. | Valid values:
SystemSuspended | Boolean | Indicates whether Auto Scaling stops executing scaling activities in the scaling group. | Valid values:
CreationTime | String | The time when the scaling group was created. | None. |
MultiAZPolicy | String | The scaling policy for ECS instances in the multi-zone scaling group. | Valid values:
StoppedCapacity | Number | The number of instances that are in the economical mode in the scaling group. | None. |
DBInstanceIds | List | The IDs of the ApsaraDB RDS instances that are associated with the scaling group. | Example: |
HealthCheckType | String | The health check type of the scaling group. | Valid values:
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"GroupType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The type of instances that are managed by the scaling group. Valid values:\nECS: the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances\nECI: the elastic container instances\nDefault value: ECS.",
"Default": "ECS"
"Resources": {
"ExtensionDataSource": {
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ESS::ScalingGroups",
"Properties": {
"GroupType": {
"Ref": "GroupType"
"Outputs": {
"ScalingGroups": {
"Description": "The list of scaling groups.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"ScalingGroupIds": {
"Description": "The list of scaling group IDs.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
Type: String
Description: |-
The type of instances that are managed by the scaling group. Valid values:
ECS: the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances
ECI: the elastic container instances
Default value: ECS.
Default: ECS
Type: DATASOURCE::ESS::ScalingGroups
Ref: GroupType
Description: The list of scaling groups.
- ExtensionDataSource
- ScalingGroups
Description: The list of scaling group IDs.
- ExtensionDataSource
- ScalingGroupIds