DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster is used to query the information about an ApsaraDB for ClickHouse cluster.
"Type": "DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster",
"Properties": {
"DBClusterId": String
Property | Type | Required | Editable | Description | Constraint |
DBClusterId | String | Yes | Yes | The cluster ID. | None. |
Return values
Category: the edition of the cluster.
ResourceGroupId: the ID of the resource group.
VpcIpAddr: the IP address that is used to connect to the cluster over the virtual private cloud (VPC).
Port: the HTTP port.
DBClusterId: the cluster ID.
EncryptionKey: the key of Key Management Service (KMS).
DbNodeStorage: the storage capacity of a single node of the cluster.
DBClusterType: the cluster type.
SupportBackup: indicates whether data backup is supported.
CommodityCode: the commodity code.
PaymentType: the billing method.
SupportOss: indicates whether tiered storage of hot data and cold data is supported.
PublicConnectionString: the public endpoint.
SupportHttpsPort: indicates whether HTTPS ports are supported.
LockReason: the reason why the cluster is locked.
Bid: the site ID.
DbNodeClass: the specifications of the cluster.
MaintainTime: the maintenance window of the cluster.
Engine: the type of the database engine.
IsExpired: indicates whether the cluster has expired.
EncryptionType: the encryption type.
SecurityIps: the IP addresses that are allowed in the whitelist.
EngineVersion: the version of the database engine.
StorageType: the storage type.
ZoneId: the zone ID.
PublicIpAddr: the IP address that is used to connect to the cluster over the Internet.
VSwitchId: the vSwitch ID.
CreateTime: the time when the cluster was created.
DbNodeCount: the number of nodes.
LockMode: the lock mode of the cluster.
DBClusterName: the cluster name.
ScaleOutStatus: the state of the data migration task.
VpcId: the VPC ID.
DBClusterIPArrayName: the name of the IP address whitelist.
DbClusterNetworkType: the network type.
VpcCloudInstanceId: the ID of the VPC resource.
SupportMysqlPort: indicates whether the cluster supports MySQL ports.
ConnectionString: the VPC endpoint.
ExpireTime: the expiration time of the cluster.
PublicPort: the TCP port in the public endpoint.
AliUid: the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account.
formatROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01' Parameters: DBClusterId: Description: en: Instance ID. Required: true Type: String Resources: ExtensionDataSource: Properties: DBClusterId: Ref: DBClusterId Type: DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster Outputs: AliUid: Description: Alibaba Cloud account. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - AliUid Bid: Description: The ID of the business process flow. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - Bid Category: Description: Copy configuration, value description:. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - Category CommodityCode: Description: Buy Product Code. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - CommodityCode ConnectionString: Description: Connection string. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - ConnectionString CreateTime: Description: The creation time of the resource. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - CreateTime DBClusterIPArrayName: Description: The name of the whitelist group to be modified. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DBClusterIPArrayName DBClusterId: Description: Instance ID. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DBClusterId DBClusterName: Description: The cluster description information. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DBClusterName DBClusterType: Description: Instance type. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DBClusterType DbClusterNetworkType: Description: Network type. Currently, only VPC is supported. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DbClusterNetworkType DbNodeClass: Description: Set the node type. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DbNodeClass DbNodeCount: Description: 'Value range: S-Series: 1 to 48 C Series: 1-24 units:.' Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DbNodeCount DbNodeStorage: Description: 'Single-node storage space. Value range: 100 GB to 32000GB.' Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - DbNodeStorage EncryptionKey: Description: Key management service KMS key ID. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - EncryptionKey EncryptionType: Description: Currently only supports ECS disk encryption, with a value of CloudDisk, not encrypted when empty. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - EncryptionType Engine: Description: Engine. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - Engine EngineVersion: Description: The engine version. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - EngineVersion ExpireTime: Description: The expiration time. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - ExpireTime IsExpired: Description: If the instance has expired. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - IsExpired LockMode: Description: The lock mode. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - LockMode LockReason: Description: Lock reason. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - LockReason MaintainTime: Description: Examples of the maintenance window, in the format of hh:mmZ-hh:mm Z. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - MaintainTime PaymentType: Description: The paymen type of the resource. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - PaymentType Port: Description: Connection port. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - Port PublicConnectionString: Description: A public IP address for the connection. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - PublicConnectionString PublicIpAddr: Description: Public IP address. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - PublicIpAddr PublicPort: Description: Public network port. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - PublicPort ResourceGroupId: Description: The ID of the resource group. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - ResourceGroupId ScaleOutStatus: Description: Scale state. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - ScaleOutStatus SecurityIps: Description: The whitelist supports the following two formats:. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - SecurityIps StorageType: Description: 'Storage type CloudSSD:SSD cloud disk CloudEfficiency: Ultra cloud disk.' Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - StorageType SupportBackup: Description: Support fallback scheme. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - SupportBackup SupportHttpsPort: Description: The system supports http port number. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - SupportHttpsPort SupportMysqlPort: Description: Supports Mysql, and those of the ports. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - SupportMysqlPort SupportOss: Description: Whether hot and cold stratification is supported, 0 means not, and 1st generation table supports it. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - SupportOss VSwitchId: Description: Switch ID. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - VSwitchId VpcCloudInstanceId: Description: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC cloud instance ID. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - VpcCloudInstanceId VpcId: Description: VPC ID. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - VpcId VpcIpAddr: Description: VPC IP address. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - VpcIpAddr ZoneId: Description: On behalf of the zone resource attribute field. Value: Fn::GetAtt: - ExtensionDataSource - ZoneId
format{ "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01", "Parameters": { "DBClusterId": { "Type": "String", "Description": { "en": "Instance ID." }, "Required": true } }, "Resources": { "ExtensionDataSource": { "Type": "DATASOURCE::ClickHouse::DBCluster", "Properties": { "DBClusterId": { "Ref": "DBClusterId" } } } }, "Outputs": { "Category": { "Description": "Copy configuration, value description:.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "Category" ] } }, "ResourceGroupId": { "Description": "The ID of the resource group.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "ResourceGroupId" ] } }, "VpcIpAddr": { "Description": "VPC IP address.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "VpcIpAddr" ] } }, "Port": { "Description": "Connection port.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "Port" ] } }, "DBClusterId": { "Description": "Instance ID.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DBClusterId" ] } }, "EncryptionKey": { "Description": "Key management service KMS key ID.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "EncryptionKey" ] } }, "DbNodeStorage": { "Description": "Single-node storage space. Value range: 100 GB to 32000GB.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DbNodeStorage" ] } }, "DBClusterType": { "Description": "Instance type.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DBClusterType" ] } }, "SupportBackup": { "Description": "Support fallback scheme.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "SupportBackup" ] } }, "CommodityCode": { "Description": "Buy Product Code.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "CommodityCode" ] } }, "PaymentType": { "Description": "The paymen type of the resource.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "PaymentType" ] } }, "SupportOss": { "Description": "Whether hot and cold stratification is supported, 0 means not, and 1st generation table supports it.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "SupportOss" ] } }, "PublicConnectionString": { "Description": "A public IP address for the connection.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "PublicConnectionString" ] } }, "SupportHttpsPort": { "Description": "The system supports http port number.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "SupportHttpsPort" ] } }, "LockReason": { "Description": "Lock reason.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "LockReason" ] } }, "Bid": { "Description": "The ID of the business process flow.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "Bid" ] } }, "DbNodeClass": { "Description": "Set the node type.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DbNodeClass" ] } }, "MaintainTime": { "Description": "Examples of the maintenance window, in the format of hh:mmZ-hh:mm Z.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "MaintainTime" ] } }, "Engine": { "Description": "Engine.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "Engine" ] } }, "IsExpired": { "Description": "If the instance has expired.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "IsExpired" ] } }, "EncryptionType": { "Description": "Currently only supports ECS disk encryption, with a value of CloudDisk, not encrypted when empty.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "EncryptionType" ] } }, "SecurityIps": { "Description": "The whitelist supports the following two formats:.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "SecurityIps" ] } }, "EngineVersion": { "Description": "The engine version.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "EngineVersion" ] } }, "StorageType": { "Description": "Storage type CloudSSD:SSD cloud disk CloudEfficiency: Ultra cloud disk.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "StorageType" ] } }, "ZoneId": { "Description": "On behalf of the zone resource attribute field.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "ZoneId" ] } }, "PublicIpAddr": { "Description": "Public IP address.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "PublicIpAddr" ] } }, "VSwitchId": { "Description": "Switch ID.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "VSwitchId" ] } }, "CreateTime": { "Description": "The creation time of the resource.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "CreateTime" ] } }, "DbNodeCount": { "Description": "Value range: S-Series: 1 to 48 C Series: 1-24 units:.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DbNodeCount" ] } }, "LockMode": { "Description": "The lock mode.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "LockMode" ] } }, "DBClusterName": { "Description": "The cluster description information.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DBClusterName" ] } }, "ScaleOutStatus": { "Description": "Scale state.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "ScaleOutStatus" ] } }, "VpcId": { "Description": "VPC ID.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "VpcId" ] } }, "DBClusterIPArrayName": { "Description": "The name of the whitelist group to be modified.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DBClusterIPArrayName" ] } }, "DbClusterNetworkType": { "Description": "Network type. Currently, only VPC is supported.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "DbClusterNetworkType" ] } }, "VpcCloudInstanceId": { "Description": "Virtual Private Cloud (VPC cloud instance ID.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "VpcCloudInstanceId" ] } }, "SupportMysqlPort": { "Description": "Supports Mysql, and those of the ports.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "SupportMysqlPort" ] } }, "ConnectionString": { "Description": "Connection string.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "ConnectionString" ] } }, "ExpireTime": { "Description": "The expiration time.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "ExpireTime" ] } }, "PublicPort": { "Description": "Public network port.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "PublicPort" ] } }, "AliUid": { "Description": "Alibaba Cloud account.", "Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "ExtensionDataSource", "AliUid" ] } } } }