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Resource Orchestration Service:ALIYUN::SLS::Audit

Last Updated:Jun 21, 2024

ALIYUN::SLS::Audit is used to configure Log Audit Service.

Note For more information about Log Audit Service, see Overview of Log Audit Service.


  "Type": "ALIYUN::SLS::Audit",
  "Properties": {
    "VariableMap": Map,
    "DisplayName": String,
    "MultiAccount": List


VariableMapMapYesYesThe detailed configuration of Log Audit Service. For more information, see VariableMap properties.
DisplayNameStringYesNoThe display name of Log Audit Service. The name can be up to 128 characters in length.
MultiAccountListNoYesThe Alibaba Cloud accounts for which you want to configure Log Audit Service. You must separate multiple Alibaba Cloud account IDs with commas (,).

You can specify up to 100 Alibaba Cloud accounts.

VariableMap syntax

"VariableMap": {
  "ApigatewayTtl": Number,
  "SasCrackEnabled": Boolean,
  "CpsEnabled": Boolean,
  "ApigatewayEnabled": Boolean,
  "WafEnabled": Boolean,
  "OssSyncTtl": Number,
  "SasTtl": Number,
  "ActiontrailTtl": Number,
  "OssAccessEnabled": Boolean,
  "OssSyncEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSnapshotAccountEnabled": Boolean,
  "SlbSyncEnabled": Boolean,
  "SlbAccessTtl": Number,
  "BastionEnabled": Boolean,
  "RdsEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSessionEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasLocalDnsEnabled": Boolean,
  "OssAccessTtl": Number,
  "SasHttpEnabled": Boolean,
  "BastionTtl": Number,
  "OssMeteringEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasProcessEnabled": Boolean,
  "NasEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasDnsEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSnapshotPortEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSecurityAlertEnabled": Boolean,
  "SlbAccessEnabled": Boolean,
  "NasTtl": Number,
  "SasNetworkEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasLoginEnabled": Boolean,
  "WafTtl": Number,
  "OssMeteringTtl": Number,
  "SasSnapshotProcessEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSecurityHcEnabled": Boolean,
  "RdsTtl": Number,
  "CpsTtl": Number,
  "SlbSyncTtl": Number,
  "CloudfirewallTtl": Number,
  "ActiontrailEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasSecurityVulEnabled": Boolean,"ApigatewayTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "RdsSlowCollectionPolicy": String,
  "PolardbSlowCollectionPolicy": String,
  "BastionAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "DdosCooAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "RdsAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "ActiontrailOpenapiPolicySetting": List,
  "BastionTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sIngressTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbEnabled": Boolean,
  "WafTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "RedisSyncTtl": Number,
  "OssAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "AppconnectTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "ApigatewayAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "NasTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "RdsPerfTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "ActiontrailOpenapiCollectionPolicy": String,
  "DrdsSyncTtl": Number,
  "K8sEventEnabled": Boolean,
  "RedisSyncEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbPerfTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "CpsTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "CloudfirewallTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "OssAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbSlowTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "RedisAuditTtl": Number,
  "RdsAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "OssMeteringCollectionPolicy": String,
  "ActiontrailTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "SasTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "DdosCooAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "WafAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "CloudfirewallAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "RedisAuditEnabled": Boolean,
  "CpsCallbackPolicySetting": List,
  "BastionAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "PolardbSlowEnabled": Boolean,
  "DrdsAuditEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbTtl": Number,
  "RdsPerfPolicySetting": List,
  "K8sIngressTtl": Number,
  "OssMeteringPolicySetting": List,
  "K8sEventCollectionPolicy": String,
  "DrdsAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "WafAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "CloudfirewallEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "RedisAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "RedisAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "SlbAccessPolicySetting": List,
  "PolardbTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "ApigatewayAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "DrdsAuditTtl": Number,
  "AppconnectEnabled": Boolean,
  "DrdsSyncEnabled": Boolean,
  "OssMeteringTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbSlowTtl": Number,
  "DrdsAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "K8sAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "K8sEventPolicySetting": List,
  "RdsSlowTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sIngressPolicySetting": List,
  "RedisAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "PolardbPerfTtl": Number,
  "AppconnectTtl": Number,
  "DrdsAuditTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sAuditEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbPerfPolicySetting": List,
  "NasAuditPolicySetting": List,
  "K8sEventTtl": Number,
  "CpsCallbackCollectionPolicy": String,
  "PolardbAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "RdsPerfEnabled": Boolean,
  "RdsSlowEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbSlowPolicySetting": List,
  "DdosCooAccessTtl": Number,
  "PolardbPerfCollectionPolicy": String,
  "SlbAccessTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "PolardbPerfEnabled": Boolean,
  "AppconnectOpPolicySetting": List,
  "K8sEventTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "AppconnectOpCollectionPolicy": String,
  "NasAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "K8sAuditTtl": Number,
  "SlbAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "K8sIngressEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sAuditCollectionPolicy": String,
  "RdsPerfTtl": Number,
  "OssAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "RdsSlowPolicySetting": List,
  "RdsSlowTtl": Number,
  "RdsPerfCollectionPolicy": String,
  "DdosCooAccessEnabled": Boolean,
  "DdosCooAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "CloudfirewallAccessCollectionPolicy": String,
  "RdsTiEnabled": Boolean,
  "K8sIngressCollectionPolicy": String

VariableMap properties

ApigatewayTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of API Gateway are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SasCrackEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the brute-force attack logs of Security Center (SAS). Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
CpsEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the push receipt events of Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ApigatewayEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of API Gateway. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
WafEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of Web Application Firewall (WAF). Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
OssSyncTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the Object Storage Service (OSS) logs are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

For more information about centralized storage, see Technical advantages.

SasTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the SAS logs are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

ActiontrailTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the operation logs of ActionTrail are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssAccessEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of OSS. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
OssSyncEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to synchronize the access logs of OSS to the central project. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
Note You can synchronize the collected logs to the central project. This improves efficiency when you query, analyze, and visualize the collected logs. You can also configure alerts and perform custom development for OSS.
SasSnapshotAccountEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the account snapshots of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SlbSyncEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to synchronize the access logs of Server Load Balancer (SLB) to the central project. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SlbAccessTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of SLB are stored in the Logstore of the regional project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

BastionEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the operation logs of Bastionhost (BH). Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RdsEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the SQL audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasSessionEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the network session logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasLocalDnsEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the local Domain Name System (DNS) logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
OssAccessTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of OSS are stored in the Logstore of the regional project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SasHttpEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the web access logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
BastionTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the operation logs of BH are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssMeteringEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the metering logs of OSS. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasProcessEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the process startup logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
NasEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS). Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasDnsEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the DNS logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasSnapshotPortEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the port snapshots of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasSecurityAlertEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the security alert logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SlbAccessEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of SLB. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
NasTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of NAS are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SasNetworkEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the network connection logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasLoginEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the logon logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
WafTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of WAF are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssMeteringTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the metering logs of OSS are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SasSnapshotProcessEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the process snapshots of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasSecurityHcEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the baseline logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RdsTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the SQL audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

CpsTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the push receipt events of Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SlbSyncTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of SLB are stored in the Logstore of the regional project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

CloudfirewallTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the logs of traffic that passes through the Cloud Firewall (CFW) Internet firewall are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

ActiontrailEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the operation logs of ActionTrail. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasSecurityVulEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the vulnerability logs of SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ApigatewayTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for API Gateway. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RdsSlowCollectionPolicyStringNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the policy for the slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbSlowCollectionPolicyStringNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the slow query logs of PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
BastionAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of BH. None.
DdosCooAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for Anti-DDoS. None.
RdsAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of ApsaraDB RDS. None.
ActiontrailOpenapiPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the API policy for ActionTrail. None.
BastionTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for BH. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sIngressTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for the Ingress access logs of Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK). Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the audit logs of PolarDB. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
WafTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for WAF. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RedisSyncTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the access policy for OSS. None.
AppconnectTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for Cloud Service Bus (CSB) App Connect. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ApigatewayAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for API Gateway. None.
NasTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for NAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RdsPerfTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ActiontrailOpenapiCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the API logs of ActionTrail. None.
DrdsSyncTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X are synchronized to the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

K8sEventEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the Kubernetes event center of ACK. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RedisSyncEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to synchronize the audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis to the central project. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbPerfTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
CpsTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
CloudfirewallTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for CFW. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
OssAccessTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for OSS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbSlowTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for the slow query logs of PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RedisAuditTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the access logs of ApsaraDB for Redis are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 7.

Unit: days.

RdsAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for ApsaraDB RDS. None.
OssMeteringCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the metering logs of OSS. None.
ActiontrailTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ActionTrail. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
SasTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for SAS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
DdosCooAccessTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for Anti-DDoS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
WafAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for WAF logs. None.
CloudfirewallAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the collection policy for CFW logs. None.
RedisAuditEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
CpsCallbackPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the collection policy for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push logs. None.
BastionAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the collection policy for BH logs. None.
PolardbSlowEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the slow query logs of PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
DrdsAuditEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the audit logs of PolarDB are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

RdsPerfPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the performance policy for ApsaraDB RDS. None.
K8sIngressTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the Ingress access logs of ACK are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssMeteringPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the metering policy for OSS. None.
K8sEventCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the event logs of ACK. None.
DrdsAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for PolarDB-X. None.
WafAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for WAF. None.
CloudfirewallEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the logs of traffic that passes through the CFW VPC firewall. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for PolarDB. None.
RedisAuditTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ApsaraDB for Redis. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RedisAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for ApsaraDB for Redis. None.
SlbAccessPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for SLB. None.
PolardbTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
ApigatewayAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe audit policy for API Gateway. None.
DrdsAuditTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X are stored in the Logstore of the regional project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

AppconnectEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the operation logs of CSB App Connect. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
DrdsSyncEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to synchronize the SQL audit logs of PolarDB-X to the central project. Default value: true. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
OssMeteringTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for the metering logs of OSS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sAuditTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ACK. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbSlowTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the slow query logs of PolarDB are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

DrdsAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of PolarDB-X. None.
K8sAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for ACK. None.
K8sEventPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the event policy for ACK. None.
RdsSlowTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for the slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sIngressPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the Ingress policy for ACK. None.
RedisAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of ApsaraDB for Redis. None.
PolardbPerfTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the performance logs of PolarDB are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

AppconnectTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the operation logs of CSB App Connect are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

DrdsAuditTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for PolarDB-X. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sAuditEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the Kubernetes audit logs of ACK. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbPerfPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the performance logs of PolarDB. None.
NasAuditPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for NAS. None.
K8sEventTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the event logs of ACK are stored in the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

CpsCallbackCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for Alibaba Cloud Mobile Push logs. None.
PolardbAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of PolarDB. None.
RdsPerfEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
RdsSlowEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbSlowPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the slow query log policy for PolarDB. None.
DdosCooAccessTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the Anti-DDoS logs are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

PolardbPerfCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the performance logs of PolarDB. None.
SlbAccessTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for SLB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
PolardbPerfEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the performance logs of PolarDB. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
AppconnectOpPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the audit policy for CSB App Connect. None.
K8sEventTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ACK. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
AppconnectOpCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for CSB App Connect logs. None.
NasAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of NAS. None.
K8sAuditTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the Kubernetes audit logs of ACK are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

SlbAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of SLB. None.
K8sIngressEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the Ingress access logs of ACK. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sAuditCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of ACK. None.
RdsPerfTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

OssAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the access logs of OSS. None.
RdsSlowPolicySettingListNoYesThe settings of the slow query log policy for ApsaraDB RDS. None.
RdsSlowTtlNumberNoYesThe period of time during which the slow query logs of ApsaraDB RDS are stored in the Logstore of the central project. Valid values: 3 to 3000.

Default value: 180.

Unit: days.

RdsPerfCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the performance logs of ApsaraDB RDS. None.
DdosCooAccessEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to audit the access logs of Anti-DDoS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
DdosCooAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of Anti-DDoS. None.
CloudfirewallAccessCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the audit logs of WAF. None.
RdsTiEnabledBooleanNoYesSpecifies whether to enable the threat intelligence feature for ApsaraDB RDS. Default value: false. Valid values:
  • true
  • false
K8sIngressCollectionPolicyStringNoYesThe collection policy for the Ingress access logs of ACK. None.

Return values


DisplayName: the display name of Log Audit Service.


JSON format

  "ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
  "Parameters": {
    "VariableMap": {
      "Type": "Json",
      "Description": "Log audit detailed configuration."
    "DisplayName": {
      "Type": "String",
      "Description": "Name of SLS log audit.",
      "MaxLength": 128
    "MultiAccount": {
      "Type": "Json",
      "Description": "Multi-account configuration, please fill in multiple aliuid.",
      "MinLength": 0,
      "MaxLength": 100
  "Resources": {
    "Audit": {
      "Type": "ALIYUN::SLS::Audit",
      "Properties": {
        "VariableMap": {
          "Ref": "VariableMap"
        "DisplayName": {
          "Ref": "DisplayName"
        "MultiAccount": {
          "Ref": "MultiAccount"
  "Outputs": {
    "DisplayName": {
      "Description": "Name of SLS log audit.",
      "Value": {
        "Fn::GetAtt": [

YAML format

ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
    Description: Name of SLS log audit.
    MaxLength: 128
    Type: String
    Description: Multi-account configuration, please fill in multiple aliuid.
    MaxLength: 100
    MinLength: 0
    Type: Json
    Description: Log audit detailed configuration.
    Type: Json
        Ref: DisplayName
        Ref: MultiAccount
        Ref: VariableMap
    Type: ALIYUN::SLS::Audit
    Description: Name of SLS log audit.
      - Audit
      - DisplayName