You can share an existing template with other Alibaba Cloud accounts in the Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) console. This facilitates centralized template management and reduces operational costs. This topic describes how to share a template. In this example, Alibaba Cloud Account A shares a template with Alibaba Cloud Account B.


  • A template is created. For more information, see Create a template.
  • The IDs of one or more destination Alibaba Cloud accounts are obtained. In this example, the ID of Alibaba Cloud Account B is 123435555956****.

Background information

When you share a template, take note of the following limits on destination accounts:

  • A destination account must be an Alibaba Cloud account and cannot be a RAM user.
  • A template cannot be shared with the Alibaba Cloud account that owns the template. For example, if you use Alibaba Cloud Account A to log on to the ROS console, you cannot share a template with Alibaba Cloud Account A.
  • A template can be shared with up to 50 Alibaba Cloud accounts.


  1. Log on to the ROS console by using Alibaba Cloud Account A.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Templates > My Templates.
  3. On the My Templates page, find the template that you want to share and click the template name.
  4. In the Template Details section, click Edit to the right of the Sharing Status parameter.
  5. In the Template Sharing Status dialog box, click Add Share.
  6. In the Add Share dialog box, set the Shared Target parameter. In this example, enter 123435555956****.
    Note If you enter IDs of multiple Alibaba Cloud accounts, separate these IDs with commas (,).
  7. Set the Shared Version parameter. Valid values:
    • All Versions: shares all versions of the template.
    • Specified Version: shares only a specific version of the template. In this case, you must specify a version.
    • Always the Latest Version: shares only the latest version of the template. If the template is updated, the shared version changes to ensure that the latest version is shared.
  8. Click OK.
    After a template is shared, the specified one or more destination accounts can use the shared template to perform related operations, such as creating a stack and a stack group. In this example, Alibaba Cloud Account B can use the shared template.