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Resource Management:AddMessageContact

Last Updated:Jun 25, 2024

Adds a contact.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The name of the contact.

The name must be unique in your resource directory.

The name must be 2 to 12 characters in length and can contain only letters.


The email address of the contact.

After you specify an email address, you need to call SendEmailVerificationForMessageContact to send verification information to the email address. After the verification is passed, the email address takes effect.


The mobile phone number of the contact.

Specify the mobile phone number in the <Country code>-<Mobile phone number> format.

Note Only mobile phone numbers in the 86-<Mobile phone number> format in the Chinese mainland are supported.

After you specify a mobile phone number, you need to call SendPhoneVerificationForMessageContact to send verification information to the mobile phone number. After the verification is passed, the mobile phone number takes effect.


The job title of the contact.

Valid values:

  • FinanceDirector

  • TechnicalDirector

  • MaintenanceDirector

  • CEO

  • ProjectDirector

  • Other


The types of messages received by the contact.


The type of the message received by the contact.

Valid values:

  • ServiceMessage

  • FaultMessage

  • AccountExpenses

  • SecurityMessage

  • ActivityMessage

  • ProductMessage


Response parameters


The returned result.


The request ID.


The information about the contact.


The ID of the contact.


The time when the contact was created.

2023-03-27 17:19:21


Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "2DFCE4C9-04A9-4C83-BB14-FE791275EC53",
  "Contact": {
    "ContactId": "c-qL4HqKONzOM7****",
    "CreateDate": "2023-03-27 17:19:21"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400MissingParameter.NameYou must specify Name.You must specify Name.
400InvalidParameter.NameThe Name is invalid.The value of the Name parameter is invalid. The value can contain only letters.
400InvalidParameter.Name.LengthThe Name exceeds the length limit.The length of the value specified for the Name parameter exceeds the upper limit. The value must be 2 to 12 characters in length and can contain only letters.
400InvalidParameter.Name.AlreadyUsedThe Name already exists. Please change to another name.The contact name already exists in the resource directory. Use another name.
400MissingParameter.EmailAddressYou must specify EmailAddress.The EmailAddress parameter is not configured.
400InvalidParameter.EmailAddressThe EmailAddress is invalid.The value of the EmailAddress parameter is invalid.
400MissingParameter.PhoneNumberYou must specify PhoneNumber.The PhoneNumber parameter is not configured.
400InvalidParameter.PhoneNumberThe PhoneNumber is invalid.The value of the PhoneNumber parameter is invalid.
400MissingParameter.TitleYou must specify Title.The Title parameter is not configured.
400InvalidParameter.TitleThe Title is invalid.The value of the Title parameter is invalid.
400MissingParameter.MessageTypesYou must specify MessageTypes.The MessageTypes parameter is not configured.
400InvalidParameter.MessageTypesThe MessageTypes is invalid.The value of the MessageTypes parameter is invalid.
400LimitExceeded.ContactsThe maximum number of contacts in a resource directory exceeds the limit.The number of contacts exceeds the upper limit.
400InvalidParameter.MobileCountryCodeThe current site does not support the country code.The specified country code is not supported at the current site.
400InvalidParameter.EmailAddress.LengthThe EmailAddress exceeds the length limit.The length of the value specified for the EmailAddress parameter exceeds the upper limit.
429ConcurrentCallNotSupportedThe operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later.The operation conflicts with other operations. Try again later.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2023-07-25The Error code has changedsee changesets
Change itemChange content
Error CodesThe Error code has changed.
    delete Error Codes: 400
    delete Error Codes: 429