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ApsaraDB RDS:DescribeDBInstanceProxyConfiguration

Last Updated:Jul 05, 2024

Queries the settings of shared proxies that are enabled on an instance.

Operation description

Supported database engines

  • MySQL
  • SQL Server

Feature description

This operation is used to query the shared proxy settings of an instance that runs MySQL or the read/write splitting settings of an instance that runs SQL Server. For more information about how to query the dedicated proxy settings of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, see DescribeDBProxy .


Before you call this operation, make sure that the following requirements are met:

  • The shared proxy feature must be enabled for the primary instance.
  • The read/write splitting feature must be enabled for the primary instance.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The instance ID. You can call the DescribeDBInstances operation to query the instance ID.


Response parameters


The response parameters.


Indicates whether the short-lived connection optimization feature is enabled.

  • Enable
  • Disable

In this case, the return value is a JSON string. Examples:


Indicates whether the mechanism that is used to mitigate brute-force attacks is enabled:

  • Enable
  • Disable

The return value is a JSON string. Example:

{"status":"Disable", "check_interval_seconds": 60,
          "max_failed_login_attempts": 60, "blocking_seconds": 600}


  • Each client allows {max_failed_login_attempts} logon attempts that fail due to incorrect passwords within {check_interval_seconds} seconds. If one more such attempt is conducted, the client must wait for {blocking_seconds} seconds before you can try again.

  • Valid values:

    • check_interval_seconds: 30 to 600. Unit: seconds.
    • max_failed_login_attempts: 10 to 5000. Unit: times.
    • blocking_seconds: 30 to 3600. Unit: seconds.

The request ID.


Indicates whether the transparent switchover feature is enabled.

  • Enable
  • Disable

The return value is a JSON string. Example:



Sample success responses


  "PersistentConnectionsConfiguration": "{\\\"status\\\":\\\"Disable\\\"}",
  "AttacksProtectionConfiguration": "{\\\"check_interval_seconds\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"max_failed_login_attempts\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"blocking_seconds\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"status\\\":\\\"Disable\\\"}",
  "RequestId": "E9DD55F4-1A5F-48CA-BA57-DFB3CA8C4C34",
  "TransparentSwitchConfiguration": "{\\\"status\\\":\\\"Enable\\\"}"

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.