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ApsaraDB RDS:ModifyDBInstanceProxyConfiguration

Last Updated:Jul 07, 2024

You can call the ModifyDBInstanceProxyConfiguration operation to configure the database proxy for an instance.

Operation description

Note This operation is phased out.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the instance.


The key of the configuration item for the database proxy. Valid values:

  • TransparentSwitch: transparent switchover
  • PersistentConnections: short-lived connection optimization
  • AttacksProtection: brute-force attack protection

The features and status of the database proxy:

  • TransparentSwitch: transparent switchover. Valid values:

    • Enable: The feature is enabled. This is the default value.
    • Disable: The feature is disabled.
  • PersistentConnections: short-lived connection optimization. Valid values:

    • Enable: The feature is enabled.
    • Disable: The feature is disabled. This is the default value.
  • AttacksProtection: brute-force attack protection. Valid values:

    • Enable: The feature is enabled.
    • Disable: The feature is disabled. This is the default value.

Format: {"Feature 1":"Status 1","Feature 2":"Status 2"...}


Response parameters


The request ID.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "9705B5D2-C5B6-4526-B779-26D755EC1B8C"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400ConnectionModeNotSupportedConnectionMode specified cannot be replicate with the source DB Instance.The operation failed. The connection mode that is specified by the ConnectionMode parameter cannot be replicated with the original RDS instance.
400InvalidConfigurationValue.MalformedSpecified ConfigurationValue is not valid.The operation failed. The values of some parameters are invalid.
400InvalidConfigurationValueStatus.MalformedSpecified ProxyConfigurationValue (status) is not valid.-
400ProxyConnectionPersistExistsSpecified same ProxyConnectionPersist already exists.-
400ProxyFailoverExistsSpecified same ProxyFailoverExists already exists.-
403InvalidConfigurationValueOrther.MalformedSpecified ProxyConfigurationValue (check_interval_seconds or max_failed_login_attempts or blocking_seconds ) is not valid.The value of the ProxyConfigurationValue parameter is invalid. Check the value of this parameter before you proceed.
403ProxyConnectionPersist.NotFoundSpecified ProxyConnectionPersist is not found.-
403ProxyConnectionPersistParametersInvalidProxyConnectionPersist parameter out of range.-
403InvalidConfigValueProxyConnectionPersist parameter config table not exits or data error.-
403InvalidDBInstance.NotFoundSpecified instance does not exist or not support.The RDS instance cannot be found, is deleted, or does not support the operation.
403ProxyFailover.NotFoundSpecified ProxyFailover is not found.-
404EngineVersionNotSupportedEngineVersion specified cannot be replicate with the source DB Instance.Instance cloning is not supported for the database engine version of the current instance.
404EngineNotSupportedEngine specified cannot be supported the operation.The operation failed. This operation is not supported for the database engine version of the RDS instance. Update the minor engine version of the RDS instance.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.