This topic describes the ST_SetColorInterp function. This function configures the color interpretation type for a specified band of a raster object.
raster ST_SetColorInterp(raster rast, integer band_sn, ColorInterp interp);
Parameter | Description |
rast | The raster that you want to query. |
band_sn | The sequence number of the band, which starts from 0. |
interp | The color interpretation type. |
The following table describes the values of the interp parameter.
Value | Description |
Undefined | The color interpretation type is not defined. |
GrayIndex | The associated gray color table. |
RGBIndex | The associated RGB color table. |
RGBAIndex | The associated RGBA color table. |
CMYKIndex | The associated CMYK color table. |
HSLIndex | The associated HSL color table. |
RedBand | The red band. |
GreenBand | The green band. |
BlueBand | The blue band. |
AlphaBand | The alpha band. |
HueBand | The hue band in the HSL color model. |
SaturationBand | The saturation band in the HSL color model. |
LightnessBand | The lightness band in the HSL color model. |
CyanBand | The cyan band in the CMYK color model. |
MegentaBand | The magenta band in the CMYK color model. |
YellowBand | The yellow band in the CMYK color model. |
BlackBand | The black band in the CMYK color model. |
YBand | The Y band in the YCbCr color model. |
CbBand | The Cb band in the YCbCr color model. |
CrBand | The Cr band in the YCbCr color model. |
UPDATE raster_table SET rast = ST_SetColorInterp(rast, 0, 'YBand');
You can execute the SELECT enumlabel FROM pg_enum WHERE enumtypid = 'colorinterp'::regtype;
statement to query the color interpretation types that can be used.