This topic describes the ST_Perimeter function. This function calculates the perimeter of a geometry object or geography object.


float  ST_Perimeter(geometry  g1);
float  ST_Perimeter(geography  geog , boolean  useSpheroid);


Parameter Description
g1 The geometry object that you want to specify.
geog The geography object that you want to specify.
useSpheroid Specifies whether to use an ellipsoid.


  • If the geometry or geography object that you specify is an ST_Surface object or an ST_MultiSurface object, the ST_Perimeter function returns the 2D perimeter of the object. An ST_MultiSurface object is a collection of surfaces, which can be polygons or MultiPolygons.
  • If you specify a non-areal object, the ST_Perimeter function returns 0.
  • If you want to calculate the perimeter of a linear geometry object, we recommend that you use the ST_Length function.
  • If you specify a geometry object, the ST_Perimeter function returns the perimeter of the object in the unit that is specified by the spatial reference system of the object.
  • If you specify a geography object, the ST_Perimeter function returns an inverse geodesic distance, which is measured in meters.


Calculate the perimeter of an object by using the default parameter settings.
SELECT ST_Perimeter('POLYGON((0 0,0 2,2 2,2 0,0 0))'::geometry);
(1 row)