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ApsaraDB RDS:Billing rules for the database proxy feature

Last Updated:Jul 17, 2024

This topic describes the billing rules for and pricing of the database proxy feature in ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL. The database proxies include general-purpose and dedicated database proxies.

Usage notes

  • Database proxy instances, read-only RDS instances, and primary RDS instances are separately billed.

  • If your primary RDS instance is locked, the database proxies that are enabled for the primary RDS instance are not released but can process only read requests.

  • If your primary RDS instance is released, the database proxies that are enabled for the primary RDS instance are automatically released. You are no longer charged for the database proxies.

  • If your RDS instance resides in Hangzhou Zone C or Hangzhou Zone D, database proxies cannot be enabled for the RDS instance. If you want to enable database proxies for the RDS instance, you must migrate the RDS instance from Hangzhou Zone C or Hangzhou Zone D to another zone. For more information, see Migrate an ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance across zones in the same region.

  • To view the details of a database proxy, perform the following operations: Log on to the ActionTrail console, go to the Advanced Event Query page, and then find the event whose Resource Type is acs::rds::dbproxy. The details include the time when the database proxy is enabled, the operator who enables the database proxy, and the IP address of the operator.

  • To disable database proxies, follow the instructions provided in Disable the database proxy feature.

Billing rules for general-purpose database proxies

General-purpose database proxies are provided free of charge.

Billing rules for dedicated database proxies

You are charged for the usage of dedicated database proxies. When you enable dedicated database proxies in the ApsaraDB RDS console, the system prompts you to view the billing rules. If you enable the dedicated database proxies, Alibaba Cloud considers that you acknowledge and agree to the billing rules. For more information about how to enable dedicated database proxies, see Enable the database proxy feature.


The system allows you to change the database proxy type. For more information, see Change the database proxy type and Database proxy types.

Billing method of dedicated database proxies

You are charged for the dedicated database proxies based on the pay-as-you-go billing method, and fees are deducted once per hour. To view the fees that are generated for dedicated database proxies, go to the Bill Details page and check the billable item whose Billing Item is Database Proxy Instance Shards.

Prices of dedicated database proxies

The following table describes the prices of dedicated database proxies.


Price (USD per proxy-hour)

UAE (Dubai)


Australia (Sydney)


Germany (Frankfurt)


China (Zhangjiakou) and China (Ulanqab)


Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)


US (Virginia)


US (Silicon Valley)


Japan (Tokyo)


Singapore and Indonesia (Jakarta)


India (Mumbai) Closing Down


UK (London)


China (Hong Kong)



