Quick BI provides collaborative operation permissions on data sources, including the Edit and Use permissions. This topic describes how to grant users the collaborative operation permissions on data sources.

Background information

Organization administrators, permission administrators, workspace administrators, and resource owners can grant users the collaborative operation permissions on data sources. The following table describes the different types of users and the related permissions that can be granted to the users.
  • Supported: This type of user can perform the operation if they are granted this permission.
  • Not supported: This type of user cannot perform the operation and cannot be granted this permission.
Item User type Edit Use
Member in the workspace Developer Supported Supported
Analyst Not supported Supported
Visitor Not supported Not supported
Member that is not in the workspace Developer, analyst, or visitor Not supported Not supported
Take note of the following points on the collaborative operation permissions:
  • Edit: If a developer is granted the Edit permission on a specified data source, the developer can edit, replace, and delete the data source.
  • Use: If a developer is granted the Use permission on a specified data source, the developer can create datasets based on the data source.

Entry point

Log on to the Quick BI console. You can grant users the collaborative operation permissions on a specified data source in the current workspace. Data sources

Grant a user the permissions to edit a specified data source

Permission administrators can grant a developer the permissions to edit a specified data source only when Specified Developers or All Workspace Developers is selected for Editing Permission.

  1. On the Data Sources page, find the data source that you want to manage and click the Collaborative Authorization icon on the right side of the data source. In the Collaborative Authorization panel, configure Editing Permission and grant the permissions.
    The following figure shows that Specified Developers is selected for Editing Permission and Developer B is granted the Edit permission. Data
  2. Log on to the Quick BI console as pop_call2 and access and edit the data source. Data Sources

Grant a user the permissions to use a specified data source

If Private is selected for Editing Permission, permission administrators can grant a developer the Use permission on a data source.

  1. In the Collaborative Authorization panel, configure Editing Permission and grant the permissions.
    The following figure shows that Private is selected for Editing Permission and pop_call2 is granted the Use permission. Use a data source
  2. Log on to the Quick BI console as pop_call2, access the data source, and create a dataset based on the data source. Create a dataset