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Quick BI:Create and Manage Download Tasks

Last Updated:Jan 20, 2025

Once you have configured the download settings, you can create and manage tasks to download your data.

Access the download page

  1. Log on to the Quick BI console.

  2. On the Quick BI product home page, click Workspace.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Downloads.image.png

Create a download task

  • Create a download task through the download editing page.

    1. Click the download you want to download.

    2. On the download editing page, create a download task using one of the following two methods:

      1. Method 1: Click the image icon below the task list to create a download task.image

      2. Method 2: Click the image icon above the task list to access the task list interface, then click Create a download task.image

    3. Specify the download task name and choose an export format. Available formats include plain data Excel, formatted Excel, plain data CSV, and formatted CSV.image

    4. Click Confirm.image The new download task will appear in the Task List.image

  • Create a download task through a cross table.

    1. Navigate to the cross table editing page and enter the download as illustrated.image.png


      Upon clicking download, you will be directed to a preview page. The preview page's style matches the content of the file that will be downloaded:

      • Downloads do not support a mixed row and column layout. If the cross table uses a mixed layout, it will be converted to a standard layout during the download process.

      • Downloads do not support advanced calculations. If advanced calculations are configured in the cross table, they will revert to basic aggregation, and fields set for the last day will be concealed.

    2. On the download preview page, create a download task using one of the following two methods:

      1. Method 1: Click the image icon below the task list to create a download task.image

      2. Method 2: Click the image icon above the task list to access the task list interface, then click Create a download task.image

    3. Specify the download task name and choose an export format. Available formats include plain data Excel, formatted Excel, plain data CSV, and formatted CSV.image

    4. Click Confirm.image

    5. The new download task for the current cross table will be visible in the Task List.image

    6. To return to the cross table editing page, click the Exit Download button in the upper right corner.image

Manage download tasks

  • In the Downloads tab on the Download Tasks page, click the Operation column for the desired download and select the Download icon to download the file to your local machine as an Excel or CSV file.image.png

  • From the download editing page or the Task List for a cross table download task, click the Operation column for the desired download and select the Download icon to download the file to your local machine as an Excel or CSV file.image

Download task formats

  • Plain Data Excel

    Exports data without formatting, in Excel file format.

  • Formatted Excel

    Allows for exporting with retained formatting such as data display format, date field format, alignment, and field renaming.


    Field renaming is configured in the field display settings:image

    • If the Data Display Format for the download or cross table is set to Automatic, and no specific alignment or field renaming is configured, the exported Excel data will be unformatted. In this case, selecting formatted Excel or plain data Excel will yield the same result.

    • If the Data Display Format for the download task or cross table is set to integer, decimal place retention, percentage, or custom, or if specific alignment or field renaming is configured, choosing Formatted Excel will ensure the exported Excel data retains these formats.image

  • Plain Data CSV

    Exports data without formatting, in CSV file format.

  • Formatted CSV

    Allows for exporting with retained formatting such as data display format, date field format, alignment, and field renaming.