This topic describes the ST_FDWDrivers function. This function is used to query the drivers that are supported by the Ganos_FDW extension.


setof record ST_FDWDrivers(out integer id ,
              out text driver_name ,
              out text open_options );


Parameter Description
id The ID of the driver that you want to query.
driver_name The name of the driver that you want to query.
open_options The options based on which the data source is accessed.


This function is used to query the drivers that are supported by the Ganos_FDW extension. The open_options parameter in this function can be used in the CREATE SERVER statement.


select * from
(select (st_fdwdrivers()).*) table_test
where driver_name='ESRI Shapefile';

 id |  driver_name   |         open_options
  4 | ESRI Shapefile | <OpenOptionList>  <Option name='ENCODING' type='string' description='to override the encoding interpretation of the DBF with any encoding supported by CPLRecode or to "" to avoid any recod
ing'/>  <Option name='DBF_DATE_LAST_UPDATE' type='string' description='Modification date to write in DBF header with YYYY-MM-DD format'/>  <Option name='ADJUST_TYPE' type='boolean' description='Whether to read w
hole .dbf to adjust Real->Integer/Integer64 or Integer64->Integer field types if possible' default='NO'/>  <Option name='ADJUST_GEOM_TYPE' type='string-select' description='Whether and how to adjust layer geomet
ry type from actual shapes' default='FIRST_SHAPE'>    <Value>NO</Value>    <Value>FIRST_SHAPE</Value>    <Value>ALL_SHAPES</Value>  </Option>  <Option name='AUTO_REPACK' type='boolean' description='Whether the s
hapefile should be automatically repacked when needed' default='YES'/>  <Option name='DBF_EOF_CHAR' type='boolean' description='Whether to write the 0x1A end-of-file character in DBF files' default='YES'/></Open
(1 row)