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PolarDB:Trajectory model

Last Updated:May 07, 2024

Trajectory data records the continuous location update information about a moving feature, such as a vehicle or a person. Trajectory data is a type of typical spatio-temporal data. You can analyze and use trajectory data to study important issues.


Ganos Trajectory is an extension of PolarDB. Ganos Trajectory provides a series of data types, functions, and stored procedures. This allows you to manage, query, and analyze spatio-temporal trajectory data.


Ganos Trajectory 1.6 is incompatible with Ganos Trajectory 1.0. If you want to upgrade Ganos Trajectory from 1.0 to 1.6, contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.

Getting started

  • Create an extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION ganos_trajectory with schema public CASCADE;
  • Create a trajectory table.

    CREATE TABLE traj_table (id integer, traj trajectory);
  • Insert trajectory data records into the trajectory table.

    INSERT INTO traj_table VALUES
    (1, ST_MakeTrajectory('STPOINT'::leaftype, st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING (114 35, 115 36, 116 37)', 4326), '[2010-01-01 14:30, 2010-01-01 15:30)'::tsrange, '{"leafcount": 3,"attributes" : {"velocity" : {"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"accuracy":{"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"bearing":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"acceleration":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]}}}')),
    (2, ST_MakeTrajectory('STPOINT'::leaftype, st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING (114 35, 115 36, 116 37)', 4326), '2010-01-01 14:30'::timestamp, '2010-01-01 15:30'::timestamp, '{"leafcount": 3,"attributes" : {"velocity" : {"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"accuracy":{"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"bearing":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"acceleration":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]}}}')),
    (3, ST_MakeTrajectory('STPOINT'::leaftype, st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING (114 35, 115 36, 116 37)', 4326), ARRAY['2010-01-01 14:30'::timestamp, '2010-01-01 15:00'::timestamp, '2010-01-01 15:30'::timestamp], '{"leafcount": 3,"attributes" : {"velocity" : {"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"accuracy":{"type":"integer","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"bearing":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]},"acceleration":{"type":"float","length":4,"nullable":false,"value":[120, 130, 140]}}}')),
    (4, ST_MakeTrajectory('STPOINT'::leaftype, st_geomfromtext('LINESTRING (114 35, 115 36, 116 37)', 4326), '[2010-01-01 14:30, 2010-01-01 15:30)'::tsrange, null));
  • Create a trajectory index to accelerate various queries.

    --Create a trajectory index to accelerate the process of filtering spatio-temporal data records.
    CREATE INDEX tr_index ON traj_table USING trajgist (traj);
    --Run spatial data queries. You can find that the trajectory index accelerates the process of filtering spatial data records.
    SELECT id, traj FROM traj_table WHERE st_3dintersects(traj, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((116.46747851805917 39.92317964155052,116.4986540687358 39.92317964155052,116.4986540687358 39.94452401711516,116.46747851805917 39.94452401711516,116.46747851805917 39.92317964155052))'));
    --Run temporal data queries. You can find that the trajectory index accelerates the process of filtering temporal data records.
    SELECT id, traj FROM traj_table WHERE st_TIntersects(traj, '2010-01-01 12:30:44'::timestamp,'2010-01-01 14:30:44'::timestamp);
    --Run spatio-temporal data queries. You can find that the trajectory index accelerates the process of filtering spatio-temporal data records.
    SELECT id, traj FROM traj_table WHERE st_3dintersects(traj, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((116.46747851805917 39.92317964155052,116.4986540687358 39.92317964155052,116.4986540687358 39.94452401711516,116.46747851805917 39.94452401711516,116.46747851805917 39.92317964155052))'),'2010-01-01 13:30:44'::timestamp,'2010-01-03 17:30:44'::timestamp);
  • Query the start time and end time of trajectories.

    SELECT st_startTime(traj), st_endTime(traj) FROM traj_table ;
        st_starttime     |     st_endtime
     2010-01-01 14:30:00 | 2010-01-01 15:30:00
     2010-01-01 14:30:00 | 2010-01-01 15:30:00
     2010-01-01 14:30:00 | 2010-01-01 15:30:00
     2010-01-01 14:30:00 | 2010-01-01 15:30:00
    (4 rows)
  • Analyze the proximity among trajectories.

    WITH traj AS (
      SELECT ST_makeTrajectory('STPOINT', 'LINESTRING(1 1, 5 6, 9 8)'::geometry, '[2010-01-01 11:30, 2010-01-01 15:00)'::tsrange,
      '{"leafcount":3,"attributes":{"velocity": {"type": "integer", "length": 2,"nullable" : true,"value": [120,130,140]}, "accuracy": {"type": "float", "length": 4, "nullable" : false,"value": [120,130,140]}, "bearing": {"type": "float", "length": 8, "nullable" : false,"value": [120,130,140]}, "acceleration": {"type": "string", "length": 20, "nullable" : true,"value": ["120","130","140"]}, "active": {"type": "timestamp", "nullable" : false,"value": ["Fri Jan 01 11:35:00 2010", "Fri Jan 01 12:35:00 2010", "Fri Jan 01 13:30:00 2010"]}}, "events": [{"2" : "Fri Jan 02 15:00:00 2010"}, {"3" : "Fri Jan 02 15:30:00 2010"}]}') a,
      ST_makeTrajectory('STPOINT', 'LINESTRING(1 0, 4 2, 9 6)'::geometry, '[2010-01-01 11:30, 2010-01-01 15:00)'::tsrange,
      '{"leafcount":3,"attributes":{"velocity": {"type": "integer", "length": 2,"nullable" : true,"value": [120,130,140]}, "accuracy": {"type": "float", "length": 4, "nullable" : false,"value": [120,130,140]}, "bearing": {"type": "float", "length": 8, "nullable" : false,"value": [120,130,140]}, "acceleration": {"type": "string", "length": 20, "nullable" : true,"value": ["120","130","140"]}, "active": {"type": "timestamp", "nullable" : false,"value": ["Fri Jan 01 11:35:00 2010", "Fri Jan 01 12:35:00 2010", "Fri Jan 01 13:30:00 2010"]}}, "events": [{"2" : "Fri Jan 02 15:00:00 2010"}, {"3" : "Fri Jan 02 15:30:00 2010"}]}') b)
    SELECT ST_euclideanDistance(a, b) FROM traj;
    (1 row)
  • Delete an extension.

    DROP EXTENSION ganos_trajectory CASCADE;
