You can use the stored procedures in the DBMS_AQ package to add messages to a queue or delete messages from a queue, or register or unregister a Procedural Language for SQL (PL/SQL) callback procedure.

PolarDB also provides extended features for the DBMS_AQ package by using the following SQL statements:
Table 1. DBMS_AQ functions and stored procedures
Function or stored procedure Return value type Description
ENQUEUE N/A Posts a message to a queue.
DEQUEUE N/A Retrieves a message from a queue if a message is available or when a message becomes available.
REGISTER N/A Registers a callback procedure.
UNREGISTER N/A Unregisters a callback procedure.
The following table describes the constants that are supported by PolarDB.
Constant Description Applicable parameter
DBMS_AQ.BROWSE (0) Reads a message without locking. dequeue_options_t.dequeue_mode
DBMS_AQ.LOCKED (1) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. dequeue_options_t.dequeue_mode
DBMS_AQ.REMOVE (2) Deletes a message after it is read. This parameter is the default value. dequeue_options_t.dequeue_mode
DBMS_AQ.REMOVE_NODATA (3) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. dequeue_options_t.dequeue_mode
DBMS_AQ.FIRST_MESSAGE (0) Returns the first available message that matches the search terms. dequeue_options_t.navigation
DBMS_AQ.NEXT_MESSAGE (1) Returns the next available message that matches the search terms. dequeue_options_t.navigation
DBMS_AQ.NEXT_TRANSACTION (2) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. dequeue_options_t.navigation
DBMS_AQ.FOREVER (0) Keeps waiting if a message that matches the search keyword is not found. This parameter is the default value. dequeue_options_t.wait
DBMS_AQ.NO_WAIT (1) Does not wait if a message that matches the search keyword is not found. dequeue_options_t.wait
DBMS_AQ.ON_COMMIT (0) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. enqueue_options_t.visibility, dequeue_options_t.visibility
DBMS_AQ.IMMEDIATE (1) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. enqueue_options_t.visibility, dequeue_options_t.visibility
DBMS_AQ.PERSISTENT (0) The message must be stored in a table. enqueue_options_t.delivery_mode
DBMS_AQ.BUFFERED (1) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. enqueue_options_t.delivery_mode
DBMS_AQ.READY (0) Specifies that the message is ready to be processed. message_properties_t.state
DBMS_AQ.WAITING (1) Specifies that the message is waiting to be processed. message_properties_t.state
DBMS_AQ.PROCESSED (2) Specifies that the message has been processed. message_properties_t.state
DBMS_AQ.EXPIRED (3) Specifies that the message is in an exception queue. message_properties_t.state
DBMS_AQ.NO_DELAY (0) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. message_properties_t.delay
DBMS_AQ.NEVER (NULL) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package. message_properties_t.expiration
DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ (0) Receives notifications from DBMS_AQ queues.$_reg_info.namespace
DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_ANONYMOUS (1) A constant that must fall within the range of the PL/SQL constant package.$_reg_info.namespace


You can use the ENQUEUE stored procedure to add an entry to a queue. Syntax:
  queue_name IN VARCHAR2,
  enqueue_options IN DBMS_AQ.ENQUEUE_OPTIONS_T,
  message_properties IN DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T,
  payload IN <type_name>,
  msgid OUT RAW)
  • queue_name
    The name of an existing queue. This name may be a schema-qualified name.
    • If you omit the schema name, the server uses the schema that is specified by SEARCH_PATH.
    • To include special characters or use a case-sensitive name, enclose the name in double quotation marks.
  • enqueue_options
    enqueue_options is a value of the enqueue_options_t type.
      relative_msgid RAW(16) DEFAULT NULL,
      sequence_deviation BINARY INTEGER DEFAULT NULL,
      transformation VARCHAR2(61) DEFAULT NULL,
    The following table lists the only parameter values that are supported by enqueue_options_t.
    Parameter Default value
    visibility ON_COMMIT
    delivery_mode PERSISTENT
    sequence_deviation NULL
    transformation NULL
    relative_msgid NULL
  • message_properties
    message_properties is a value of the message_properties_t type.
          message_properties_t IS RECORD(
        priority INTEGER,
        delay INTEGER,
        expiration INTEGER,
        correlation CHARACTER VARYING(128) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
        attempts INTEGER,
        exception_queue CHARACTER VARYING(61) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
        enqueue_time TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
          state INTEGER,
         original_msgid BYTEA,
          transaction_group CHARACTER VARYING(30) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
          delivery_mode INTEGER
    The following table describes the values that are supported by message_properties_t.
    Parameter Description
    priority If the queue table definition includes sort_list that references priority, this parameter affects the order in which messages are dequeued. A lower value specifies a higher dequeuing priority.
    delay The number of seconds elapsed before a message becomes available for dequeuing. Alternatively, you can set this parameter to NO_DELAY.
    expiration The number of seconds elapsed before a message expires.
    correlation The message associated with the entry. Default value: NULL.
    attempts The number of attempts to dequeue the message. This value is maintained by the system.
    exception_queue The name of an exception queue. If the message expires or is dequeued by a transaction that is rolled back for a number of times, the message is moved to this queue.
    enqueue_time The time when the entry was added to the queue.
    state This parameter is maintained by DBMS_AQ. Valid values:
    • DBMS_AQ.READY: The queue entry is not delayed.
    • DBMS_AQ.WAITING: The queue entry is ready for being processed.
    • DBMS_AQ.PROCESSED: The queue entry has been processed.
    • DBMS_AQ.EXPIRED: The queue entry has been moved to the exception queue.
    original_msgid This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
    transaction_group This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
  • payload

    You can use the payload parameter to provide the data that is associated with the queue entry. The payload type must match the type that is specified when you create the corresponding queue table. For more information, see CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE.

  • msgid

    You can use the msgid parameter to retrieve a unique message identifier that is generated by the system.


The following anonymous block calls DBMS_AQ.ENQUEUE to add a message to a queue that is named work_order:

  enqueue_options    DBMS_AQ.ENQUEUE_OPTIONS_T;
  message_properties DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T;
  message_handle     raw(16);
  payload            work_order;


  payload := work_order('Smith', 'system upgrade');

  queue_name         => 'work_order',
  enqueue_options    => enqueue_options,
  message_properties => message_properties,
  payload            => payload,
  msgid              => message_handle


You can use the DEQUEUE stored procedure to dequeue a message. Syntax:
  queue_name IN VARCHAR2,
  dequeue_options IN DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T,
  message_properties OUT DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T,
  payload OUT type_name,
  msgid OUT RAW)
  • queue_name
    The name of an existing queue. This name may be a schema-qualified name.
    • If you omit the schema name, the server uses the schema that is specified by SEARCH_PATH.
    • To include special characters or use a case-sensitive name, enclose the name in double quotation marks.
  • dequeue_options
    dequeue _options is a value of the dequeue_options_t type.
      consumer_name CHARACTER VARYING(30),
      dequeue_mode INTEGER,
      navigation INTEGER,
      visibility INTEGER,
      wait INTEGER,
      msgid BYTEA,
      correlation CHARACTER VARYING(128),
      deq_condition CHARACTER VARYING(4000),
      transformation CHARACTER VARYING(61),
      delivery_mode INTEGER);
    The following table describes the values that are supported by dequeue_options_t.
    Parameter Description
    consumer_name Must be NULL.
    dequeue_mode The locking behavior of the dequeuing operation. Valid values:
    • DBMS_AQ.BROWSE: reads a message without obtaining a lock.
    • DBMS_AQ.LOCKED: reads a message after a lock is obtained.
    • DBMS_AQ.REMOVE: reads a message before the message is deleted.
    • DBMS_AQ.REMOVE_NODATA: reads a message but does not delete the message.
    navigation Identifies the message to be retrieved. Valid values:
    • FIRST_MESSAGE: the first message in the queue that matches the search keyword.
    • NEXT_MESSAGE: the next available message that matches the first keyword.
    visibility Must be ON_COMMIT: If you roll back the current transaction, the dequeued item remains in the queue.
    wait Must be a number larger than 0, or one of the following values:
    • DBMS_AQ.FOREVER: waits indefinitely.
    • DBMS_AQ.NO_WAIT: does not wait.
    msgid The ID of the message to be dequeued.
    correlation This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
    deq_condition A VARCHAR2 expression that calculates a BOOLEAN value and specifies whether a message must be dequeued.
    transformation This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
    delivery_mode Must be PERSISTENT. Buffered messages are not supported in this mode.
  • message_properties
    message_properties is a value of type message_properties_t:
        message_properties_t IS RECORD(
        priority INTEGER,
        delay INTEGER,
        expiration INTEGER,
        correlation CHARACTER VARYING(128) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
        attempts INTEGER,
        exception_queue CHARACTER VARYING(61) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
        enqueue_time TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE,
        state INTEGER,
        original_msgid BYTEA,
        transaction_group CHARACTER VARYING(30) COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
        delivery_mode INTEGER
    The following table describes the values that are supported by message_properties_t.
    Parameter Description
    priority If the queue table definition includes sort_list that references priority, this parameter affects the order in which messages are dequeued. A lower value specifies a higher dequeuing priority.
    delay The number of seconds elapsed before a message is available for dequeuing. The NO_DELAY constant specifies that a message is dequeued immediately after the message is available.
    expiration The number of seconds elapsed before a message expires.
    correlation The message associated with the entry. Default value: NULL.
    attempts The number of attempts to dequeue the message. This value is maintained by the system.
    exception_queue The name of an exception queue. If the message expires or is dequeued by a transaction that is rolled back for a number of times, the message is moved to this queue.
    enqueue_time The time when the entry was added to the queue.
    state This parameter is maintained by DBMS_AQ. Valid values:
    • DBMS_AQ.WAITING: The queue entry is not delayed.
    • DBMS_AQ.READY: The queue entry is ready for being processed.
    • DBMS_AQ.PROCESSED: The queue entry has been processed.
    • DBMS_AQ.EXPIRED: The queue entry has been moved to the exception queue.
    original_msgid This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
    transaction_group This parameter is used for compatibility and can be ignored.
    delivery_mode This parameter is not supported. Specify a value of DBMS_AQ.PERSISTENT.
  • payload

    You can use the payload parameter to retrieve the payload of a message that is involved in a dequeuing operation. The payload type must match the type that is specified when you create the queue table.

  • msgid

    You can use the msgid parameter to retrieve a unique message identifier.


The following anonymous block calls DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE to retrieve a message from the queue and payload:

  dequeue_options    DBMS_AQ.DEQUEUE_OPTIONS_T;
  message_properties DBMS_AQ.MESSAGE_PROPERTIES_T;
  message_handle     raw(16);
  payload            work_order;

  dequeue_options.dequeue_mode := DBMS_AQ.BROWSE;

    queue_name         => 'work_queue',
    dequeue_options    => dequeue_options,
    message_properties => message_properties,
    payload            => payload,
    msgid              => message_handle

  'The next work order is [' || payload.subject || '].'
The payload is displayed by DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE.


You can use the REGISTER stored procedure to register an email address, procedure, or URL that is used to receive notifications when an item is enqueued or dequeued. Syntax:
  reg_list IN SYS.AQ$_REG_INFO_LIST,
  count IN NUMBER)
  • reg_list
    You can use the reg_list parameter to specify a list of the AQ$_REG_INFO_LIST type and provides the information about each subscription that you want to register. The type of each entry in the list is AQ$_REG_INFO. The following table describes the attributes that can be included in each entry.
    Attribute Type Description
    name VARCHAR2 (128) The name of a subscription. This name may be a schema-qualified name.
    namespace NUMERIC The value must be DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ (0).
    callback VARCHAR2 (4000) Describes the action to be performed upon notification. Only PL/SQL stored procedures are supported. The procedures are called in the following form: plsql://schema.procedure. The following items describe the fields in this form:
    • The schema field specifies the schema in which the stored procedure resides.
    • The procedure field specifies the name of the stored procedure to be notified.
    context RAW (16) A user-defined value required by the stored procedure.
  • count

    You can use the count parameter to specify the number of entries in reg_list.


The following anonymous block calls DBMS_AQ.REGISTER to register stored procedures that are notified when an item is added to or deleted from a queue. A set of attributes of the$_reg_info type is provided for each subscription that is identified in the DECLARE section.
   subscription1 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://assign_worker?PR=0',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));
   subscription2 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://add_to_history?PR=1',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));
   subscription3 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://reserve_parts?PR=2',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));

   subscriptionlist :=$_reg_info_list(subscription1, subscription2, subscription3);
   dbms_aq.register(subscriptionlist, 3);
You can use the subscriptionlist parameter to specify a list of the$_reg_info_list type and contains the$_reg_info objects that were described. The list name and the object count are passed to dbms_aq.register.


You can use the UNREGISTER stored procedure to disable notifications that are related to enqueuing and dequeuing. Syntax:
  reg_list IN SYS.AQ$_REG_INFO_LIST,
  • reg_list

    You can use the reg_list parameter to specify a list of the AQ$_REG_INFO_LIST type and provides the information about each subscription that you want to register. The type of each entry in the list is AQ$_REG_INFO. The following table describes the attributes that can be included in each entry.

    Attribute Type Description
    name VARCHAR2 (128) The name of a subscription. This name may be a schema-qualified name.
    namespace NUMERIC The value must be DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ (0).
    callback VARCHAR2 (4000) Describes the action to be performed upon notification. Only PL/SQL stored procedures are supported. The procedures are called in the following form: plsql://schema.procedure. The following items describe the fields in this form:
    • The schema field specifies the schema in which the stored procedure resides.
    • The procedure field specifies the name of the stored procedure to be notified.
    context RAW (16) A user-defined value required by the stored procedure.
  • count

    You can use the count parameter to specify the number of entries in reg_list.


The following anonymous block calls DBMS_AQ.UNREGISTER to disable the notifications that are specified in the example for DBMS_AQ.REGISTER:

You can use the subscriptionlist parameter to specify a list of the$_reg_info_list type and contains the$_reg_info objects that were described. The list name and object count are passed to dbms_aq.unregister.
   subscription1 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://assign_worker?PR=0',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));
   subscription2 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://add_to_history?PR=1',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));
   subscription3 :=$_reg_info('q', DBMS_AQ.NAMESPACE_AQ, 'plsql://reserve_parts?PR=2',HEXTORAW('FFFF'));

   subscriptionlist :=$_reg_info_list(subscription1, subscription2, subscription3);
   dbms_aq.unregister(subscriptionlist, 3);