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PolarDB:View DDL execution speed and build progress for IMCIs

Last Updated:Nov 13, 2023

This topic describes how to view the DDL execution speed and build progress for In-Memory Column Indexes (IMCIs) in the IMCI and InnoDB scenarios when large tables or time-consuming DDL statements are involved.

IMCI scenario

You can view the following information in the corresponding tables:

  • In the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_INDEXES table, view the state of an IMCI.

  • In the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_INDEX_STATS table, view the write speed of an IMCI.

  • In the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_ASYNC_DDL_STATS table, view the DDL execution speed and build progress for IMCIs. A task for building IMCI data is cleared within 5 to 10 minutes after the task is completed. You can view the complete status information of IMCIs in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_INDEXES table.

    • When the version of a PolarDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition cluster is 8.0.1.x earlier than or 8.0.2.x earlier than, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_ASYNC_DDL_STATS table has the following schema:

        `SCHEMA_NAME` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The database name.
        `TABLE_NAME` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The table name.
        `CREATED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task was created.
        `STARTED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task starts.
        `FINISHED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task ends.
        `STATUS` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The status.
        `APPROXIMATE_ROWS` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The estimated number of rows for baseline data.
        `SCANNED_ROWS` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The number of scanned rows. The actual number may be greater than the estimated number.
        `AVG_SPEED` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The average speed of the task. Unit: rows per second.
        `SPEED_LAST_SECOND` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The speed of the last second. Unit: rows per second.
        `ESTIMATE_SECOND` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- The estimated remaining time. Unit: seconds.
    • When the version of a PolarDB for MySQL Enterprise Edition cluster is 8.0.1.x earlier than or 8.0.2.x earlier than, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IMCI_ASYNC_DDL_STATS table has the following schema:

        `SCHEMA_NAME` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The database name.
        `TABLE_NAME` varchar(193) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The table name.
        `CREATED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task was created.
        `STARTED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task starts.
        `FINISHED_AT` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The timestamp when the task ends.
        `STATUS` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The status.
        `APPROXIMATE_ROWS` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The estimated number of rows for baseline data.
        `SCANNED_ROWS` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The number and percentage of scanned rows. The actual number may be greater than the estimated number.
        `SCAN_SECOND` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The number of seconds that a scan operation has been executed.
        `SORT_ROUNDS` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The number of sorting rounds. This column is applicable only to scenarios that involve sort keys.
        `SORT_SECOND` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The number of seconds that a sorting operation has been executed. This column is applicable only to scenarios that involve sort keys.
        `BUILD_ROWS` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- The number and percentage of written rows after sorting. This column is applicable only to scenarios that involve sort keys.
        `BUILD_SECOND` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  -- The time required to write data after sorting. This column is applicable only to scenarios that involve sort keys.
        `AVG_SPEED` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The average speed of the task. Unit: rows per second.
        `SPEED_LAST_SECOND` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', -- The speed of the last second. Unit: rows per second. This column is applicable to the scanning and sorting phases.
        `ESTIMATE_SECOND` bigint(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- The estimated remaining time. Unit: seconds. This column is applicable to the scanning and sorting phases.

      The SPEED_LAST_SECOND value may fluctuate depending on system resources and concurrent tasks. The ESTIMATE_SECOND value may fluctuate because it is obtained by dividing the remaining number of rows by the speed of the last second. If write throttling is triggered, the speed of the last second may be 0. In this case, the ESTIMATE_SECOND value is 9223372036854775807.

InnoDB scenario

When you use a DDL statement to add an IMCI or build an index, the AP node replays redo logs and writes data to the IMCI. The performance of the AP node is primarily dependent on the log replay speed and the DDL execution speed on the primary node. You can refer to the performance monitoring information in the PolarDB console to assess the log replay speed, and refer to the DDL monitoring information on InnoDB to evaluate the speed of DDL execution on the primary node.

The DDL monitoring information on InnoDB depends on the Performance Schema module. You can query the DDL statements that are being executed in the events_stages_current table and the DDL statements that have been executed in the events_stages_history table. The main metrics include WORK_COMPLETED and WORK_ESTIMATED. Both are measured in pages. For more information, see MySQL documentation.