Domain Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateDomain | CreateDomain | Create domain. |
GetDomain | GetDomain | Get domain information. |
UpdateDomain | UpdateDomain | Update domain information. |
ListDomains | ListDomains | |
SearchDomains | SearchDomains | Search domain with specified attributes |
DeleteDomain | DeleteDomain | Delete the domain |
Authentication and Authorization
API | Title | Description |
Authorize | Authorize | Requests permissions by using OAuth 2.0. |
Token | Token | Generates an access token based on Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0. |
Account Management
API | Title | Description |
GetLinkInfoByUserId | GetLinkInfoByUserId | Queries the information about a user based on the user ID. |
LinkAccount | LinkAccount | Associates an account with a user. |
Group Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateGroup | CreateGroup | Creates a group. |
UpdateGroup | UpdateGroup | Modifies the information about a group. |
GetGroup | GetGroup | Queries the information about a group. |
ListGroup | ListGroup | Queries groups. |
DeleteGroup | DeleteGroup | Deletes groups. Before you delete a group, make sure that no other groups or users exist in the group. Otherwise, the group fails to be deleted. |
AddGroupMember | AddGroupMember | Adds a member to a group. |
RemoveGroupMember | RemoveGroupMember | Removes a member from a group. |
ListGroupMember | ListGroupMember | Queries the members of a group. |
User Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateUser | CreateUser | Creates a user. |
ImportUser | ImportUser | Imports a user. |
UpdateUser | UpdateUser | Modifies the information about a user. |
GetUser | GetUser | Queries the information about a user. |
ListUser | ListUser | Queries users. |
SearchUser | SearchUser | Searches for users. |
DeleteUser | DeleteUser | Deletes a user. |
Space Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateDrive | CreateDrive | Creates a drive. |
UpdateDrive | UpdateDrive | Modifies a drive. |
GetDrive | GetDrive | Queries the information about a drive. |
ListDrive | ListDrive | Queries a list of drives. |
GetDefaultDrive | GetDefaultDrive | Queries the default drive of a user. |
ListMyDrives | ListMyDrives | Queries the drives of the current user. |
SearchDrive | SearchDrive | Queries drives. |
DeleteDrive | DeleteDrive | Deletes a drive. |
File Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateFile | CreateFile | Creates a file or folder. |
DeleteFile | DeleteFile | Deletes a file or folder. |
UpdateFile | UpdateFile | Modifies the information about a file instead of the file data. |
SearchFile | SearchFile | Queries files. For more information about best practices, visit |
ListFile | ListFile | Queries a list of files and folders. |
GetFile | GetFile | Queries the information about a file. |
DownloadFile | DownloadFile | Downloads a file. |
GetUploadUrl | GetUploadUrl | Queries the upload URL of a file. |
ListUploadedParts | ListUploadedParts | Queries the file parts that are uploaded. |
CompleteFile | CompleteFile | Completes the upload of a file. |
MoveFile | MoveFile | Moves files or folders. |
CopyFile | CopyFile | Copies a file or folder. |
GetDownloadUrl | GetDownloadUrl | Queries the download URL of a file. For more information about best practices, visit |
FilePutUserTags | FilePutUserTags | Adds custom tags to a file. |
FileDeleteUserTags | FileDeleteUserTags | Removes custom tags from a file. |
File multi-version management
API | Title | Description |
DeleteRevision | DeleteRevision | Deletes a historical version of a file. You cannot delete the latest version of a file. |
UpdateRevision | UpdateRevision | Updates the version information. You can call this operation to permanently retain a version or modify the description of a version. You can permanently retain up to 50 versions of a file. |
RestoreRevision | RestoreRevision | Restores a historical version of a file. You cannot restore the latest version of a file. |
ListRevision | ListRevision | Queries the versions of a file. |
GetRevision | GetRevision | Queries the information about a version. |
Incremental processing
API | Title | Description |
ScanFile | ScanFile | Scans files. |
ListDelta | ListDelta | Queries incremental information. |
DeltaGetLastCursor | DeltaGetLastCursor | Queries the cursor of incremental information. |
Permission Management
API | Title | Description |
ListReceivedFile | ListReceivedFile | Queries a list of files that are shared with a user. You can call this operation to query a list of files in a personal drive on which a user is granted permissions. |
ListMyGroupDrive | ListMyGroupDrive | Queries the team drives that can be accessed by the authorized users. |
FileRemovePermission | FileRemovePermission | Cancels the permissions on a shared file. |
FileAddPermission | FileAddPermission | Grants permissions to access files to a user or group. |
FileListPermission | FileListPermission | Queries the sharing authorization records of a file. |
ListAssignment | ListAssignment | Queries a list of assigned roles. For example, you can query the administrators of a group by group ID. |
AssignRole | AssignRole | Assigns a group administrator role to a user. |
CancelAssignRole | CancelAssignRole | Cancels a role. |
ShareLink Management
API | Title | Description |
CreateShareLink | CreateShareLink | Creates a share URL. |
UpdateShareLink | UpdateShareLink | Modifies a share link. |
SearchShareLink | SearchShareLink | Queries share URLs. |
CancelShareLink | CancelShareLink | Deletes a share link. |
ListShareLink | ListShareLink | Queries shares. |
GetShareLink | GetShareLink | Queries the share URL of a file. |
GetShareLinkByAnonymous | GetShareLinkByAnonymous | Queries the information about a share link anonymously. |
GetShareLinkToken | GetShareLinkToken | Queries a share token anonymously. |
Recycle Bin Management
API | Title | Description |
TrashFile | TrashFile | Moves a file or folder to the recycle bin. |
ClearRecyclebin | ClearRecyclebin | Empties the recycle bin. |
ListRecyclebin | ListRecyclebin | Queries the information about files and folders in the recycle bin. |
RestoreFile | RestoreFile | Restores a file or folder from the recycle bin. |
Job Management
API | Title | Description |
GetAsyncTask | GetAsyncTask | Queries the information about an asynchronous task. |
API | Title | Description |
Batch | Batch | Calls multiple operations at a time to improve call efficiency. |