The K-NN component selects the K-nearest records from a row in the prediction table for classification. The most common class of the K-nearest records is used as the class of the row.

Configure the component

You can use one of the following methods to configure the K-NN component.

Method 1: Configure the component on the pipeline page

You can configure the parameters of the K-NN component on the pipeline page of Machine Learning Designer of Machine Learning Platform for AI (PAI). Machine Learning Designer is formerly known as Machine Learning Studio. The following table describes the parameters.
Fields SettingFeature Columns in the Training TableThe feature columns that are used for training.
Specifies the label column in the training tableThe label column that is selected for training.
Feature Columns in the Prediction TableIf this parameter is not specified, the feature columns selected from the prediction table are the same as the feature columns in the training table.
Append ID Column to Output TableThe ID columns that are used to obtain the predicted values of a column. By default, the feature columns selected from the prediction table are used as the ID columns.
Input in Sparse FormatSpecifies whether the input data is in the sparse format. If you select the check box, the input data is in the key-value format.
KV Pair DelimiterThe delimiter that is used to separate key-value pairs. Commas (,) are used by default.
Key and Value DelimiterThe delimiter that is used to separate keys and values. Colons (:) are used by default.
Parameters SettingNumber of NeighborsDefault value: 100.
TuningNumber of CoresThe number of cores. By default, the system determines the value.
Memory SizeThe memory size of each core. By default, the system determines the value.

Method 2: Use PAI commands

Configure the component parameters by using PAI commands. You can use the SQL Script component to call PAI commands. For more information, see SQL Script.
PAI -name knn
ParameterRequiredDescriptionDefault value
trainTableNameYesThe name of the training table. N/A
trainFeatureColNamesYesThe names of the feature columns in the training table. N/A
trainLabelColNameYesThe name of the label column in the training table. N/A
trainTablePartitionsNoThe partitions that are selected from the training table for training. All partitions
predictTableNameYesThe name of the prediction table. N/A
outputTableNameYesThe name of the output table. N/A
predictFeatureColNamesNoThe names of the feature columns in the prediction table. Same as the value of the trainFeatureColNames parameter
predictTablePartitionsNoThe partitions that are selected from the prediction table for prediction. All partitions
appendColNamesNoThe names of the columns appended to the output table. Same as the value of the predictFeatureColNames parameter
outputTablePartitionNoThe partitions in the output table. Full table
kNoThe number of K-nearest neighbors. Valid values: 1 to 1000. 100
enableSparseNoSpecifies whether data in the input table is in the sparse format. Valid values: true and false. false
itemDelimiterNoThe delimiter that is used to seperate key-value pairs. ,
kvDelimiterNoThe delimiter that is used to separate the key and value in a key-value pair. :
coreNumNoThe number of cores. This parameter must be used with the memSizePerCore parameter. Valid values: 1 to 20000. Determined by the system
memSizePerCoreNoThe memory size of each core. Valid values: 1024 to 64 x 1024. Unit: MB. Determined by the system
lifecycleNoThe lifecycle of the output table. N/A


  1. Generate the training data.
    create table pai_knn_test_input as
    select * from
      select 1 as f0,2 as f1, 'good' as class from dual
      union all
      select 1 as f0,3 as f1, 'good' as class from dual
      union all
      select 1 as f0,4 as f1, 'bad' as class from dual
      union all
      select 0 as f0,3 as f1, 'good' as class from dual
      union all
      select 0 as f0,4 as f1, 'bad' as class from dual
  2. Run the following PAI command to submit the parameters of the K-NN component:
    pai -name knn
  3. View the training result. ResultThe result contains the following columns:
    • f0 and f1: the appended columns.
    • prediction_result: lists the classification results.
    • prediction_score: lists the probabilities for the classification results.
    • prediction_detail: lists the classes of the K-nearest neighbors and their probabilities.