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Object Storage Service:How am I charged if I use lifecycle rules to convert the storage class of objects or delete objects?

Last Updated:Apr 25, 2024

This topic describes the fees that are generated when you use lifecycle rules to convert the storage class of objects or delete objects and parts.

API operation calling fees

Successful API operations that are asynchronously called to perform actions triggered by lifecycle rules are recorded in access logs. You are charged for only successful API operations. Failed operations are not recorded or charged. The following items describe the fees generated when API operations are called to convert the storage class of objects or delete objects and parts based on lifecycle rules:

  • PUT request fees generated for converting the storage class of objects

    You are charged PUT request fees based on the storage class of objects before the storage class is converted. For example, when a Standard object is converted to an Infrequent Access (IA) object based on a lifecycle rule, you are charged for PUT requests based on the Standard storage class. The CommitTransition operation is called to convert the storage class of an object based on lifecycle rules. In this case, you are charged for PUT requests based on the number of storage class conversion tasks of objects.


    When an IA object is converted to an Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive object based on lifecycle rules, you are charged higher PUT request fees compared with the PUT request fees when a Standard object is converted to an IA, Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive object.

  • PUT request fees generated for deleting objects

    You are charged PUT request fees based on the storage class of objects when the objects are deleted. The ExpireObject operation is called to delete an object based on lifecycle rules. In this case, you are charged for PUT requests based on the number of deleted objects.

    • In regions in the Chinese mainland, when an IA, Archive, or Cold Archive object is deleted based on lifecycle rules, you are charged higher PUT request fees compared with the PUT request fees when a Standard object is deleted. You are not charged PUT request fees when you use lifecycle rules to delete Deep Cold Archive objects.

    • In the China (Hong Kong) region and regions outside the Chinese mainland, you are not charged PUT request fees when you use lifecycle rules to delete objects of any storage class.

    For more information, see Regions and OSS endpoints in the public cloud.

  • PUT request fees generated for deleting parts

    You are charged PUT request fees based on the storage class of parts when the parts are deleted. The AbortMultipartUpload operation is called to delete a part based on lifecycle rules. In this case, you are charged for PUT requests based on the number of deleted parts.

  • Important
    • In regions in the Chinese mainland, when an IA, Archive, or Cold Archive part is deleted based on lifecycle rules, you are charged higher PUT request fees compared with the PUT request fees when a Standard part is deleted. You are not charged PUT request fees when you use lifecycle rules to delete Deep Cold Archive parts.

    • In the China (Hong Kong) region and regions outside the Chinese mainland, you are not charged PUT request fees when you use lifecycle rules to delete parts of any storage class.

For more information, see API operation calling fees.

Storage costs

You are charged for the objects stored in Object Storage Service (OSS) based on the storage class, size, and storage duration.

IA, Archive, Cold Archive, and Deep Cold Archive objects have a minimum billable size. Objects that are smaller than 64 KB are charged for 64 KB. Objects that are greater than or equal to 64 KB are charged based on their actual sizes.

If you use lifecycle rules to delete an IA, Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive object within the minimum storage duration, you are charged for the storage usage of the object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration.

Storage duration calculation



The minimum storage duration is 30 days for IA objects and 60 days for Archive objects. The minimum storage duration of an IA or Archive object is calculated based on the last modified time of the object.

OSS converts a Standard object to an IA object 10 days after the object is created, converts the IA object to an Archive object after 20 days, and then deletes the Archive object after 5 days based on a lifecycle rule.

  • Storage usage for the Standard object of 10 days

  • Storage usage for the IA object of 20 days

  • Storage usage for the Archive object of 5 days

  • Storage usage for the Archive object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration (30 - 5 = 25 days)

The minimum storage duration is 180 days for Cold Archive and Deep Cold Archive objects. The minimum storage duration of a Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object is calculated based on the time when the storage class of the object is converted to Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive.

OSS converts a Standard object to a Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object 10 days after the Standard object is created, and deletes the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object after 1 day based on a lifecycle rule.

  • Storage usage for the Standard object of 10 days

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object of 1 day

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration (180 - 1 = 179 days)

OSS converts an Archive object to a Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object 30 days after the Archive object is created, and deletes the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object after 1 day based on a lifecycle rule.

  • Storage usage for the Archive object of 30 days

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object of 1 day

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration (180 - 1 = 179 days)

OSS converts a Cold Archive object to a Deep Cold Archive object after 10 days, and deletes the Deep Cold Archive object after 1 day based on a lifecycle rule.

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive object of 10 days

  • Storage usage for the Cold Archive object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration (180 - 10 = 170 days)

  • Storage usage for the Deep Cold Archive object of 1 day

  • Storage usage for the Deep Cold Archive object that is stored for less than the minimum storage duration (180 - 1 = 179 days)

For more information, see Storage fees.