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Object Storage Service:Overview

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2024

This topic describes a variety of methods that OSS SDK for Java provides to upload objects.

Objects are the basic unit for data operations in OSS. OSS SDK for Java provides the following methods to upload objects:

  • Simple upload: supports the upload of an object that is up to 5 GB in size. Simple upload allows you to perform streaming upload and object upload.

  • Form upload: supports the upload of an object that is up to 5 GB in size.

  • Append upload: supports the upload of an object that is up to 5 GB in size.

  • Resumable upload: supports the upload of an object that is up to 48.8 TB in size. This method is suitable for the upload of large objects. Concurrent upload is supported. You can define the size of each part.

  • Multipart upload: supports the upload of an object that is up to 48.8 TB in size. This method is suitable for the upload of large objects.

During the upload, you can set object metadata and view the upload progress. For more information, see Manage object metadata and Progress bar. After the upload is complete, you can receive callbacks. For more information, see Upload callbacks.