Lists the versions of all objects in a bucket, including delete markers.
Usage notes
When you call the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation, all versions of objects in the bucket are returned, including delete markers. When you call the ListObjects (GetBucket) operation, the current versions of objects in the bucket are returned, excluding delete markers.
When you call the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation, objects are returned in alphabetic order, but the versions of each object are returned by creation time in descending order.
If you enable logging and real-time log query for the bucket for which you call the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation, the value of the operation field in the log generated by calling the operation is GetBucket.
You are charged based on the number of PUT requests when you call the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation. For more information, see API operation calling fees.
Request structure
GET /?versions HTTP/1.1
Date: GMT Date
Authorization: SignatureValue
Request headers
All headers in a DescribeRegions request are common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.
Request parameters
When you call the GetBucketVersions (ListObjectVersions) operation, you can specify the following parameters to filter the returned results: prefix, key-marker, version-id-marker, delimiter, and max-keys.
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
delimiter | String | No | / | The character that you want to use to group objects by name. If you specify prefix and delimiter in the request, the response contains CommonPrefixes. The objects whose name contains the same string from the prefix to the next occurrence of the delimiter are grouped as a single result element in CommonPrefixes. If you set prefix to a directory name and delimiter to a forward slash (/), only objects in the directory are returned. The names of the subdirectories within the directory are returned in the CommonPrefixes element. However, objects and directories in the subdirectories are not listed. By default, this parameter is left empty. |
key-marker | String | The key-marker parameter is required if the version-id-marker parameter is specified. | example | Specifies that objects whose names are alphabetically after the value of the key-marker parameter are returned. This parameter can be specified together with version-id-marker. The value of key-marker must be less than 1,024 bytes in length. By default, this parameter is left empty. |
version-id-marker | String | No | CAEQMxiBgICbof2D0BYiIGRhZjgwMzJiMjA3MjQ0ODE5MWYxZDYwMzJlZjU1**** | Specifies that the versions created before the version specified by version-id-marker for the object whose name is specified by key-marker are returned by creation time in descending order. By default, if this parameter is not specified, the results are returned from the latest version of the object whose name is alphabetically greater than the key-marker value. By default, this parameter is left empty. Valid values: version IDs. |
max-keys | String | No | 100 | The maximum number of objects to return. If the number of returned objects exceeds the value of the max-keys parameter, the response contains the Valid values: 1 to 999. Default value: 100. |
prefix | String | No | fun | The prefix that the names of returned objects must contain.
If you set prefix to a directory name in the request, the objects whose names contain the prefix are listed, including all objects and subdirectories in the directory. By default, this parameter is left empty. |
encoding-type | String | No | URL | The encoding type of the content in the response. By default, this parameter is left empty. Valid value: URL. Important The values of delimiter, marker, prefix, NextMarker, and Key are UTF-8 encoded. If the value of delimiter, marker, prefix, NextMarker, or Key contains a control character that is not supported by the XML 1.0 standard, you can specify the encoding-type parameter to encode the value in the response. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
ListVersionsResult | Container | N/A | The container that stores the results of the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation. Child nodes: Name, Prefix, Marker, MaxKeys, Delimiter, IsTruncated, NextMarker, Version, and DeleteMarker Parent nodes: none |
CommonPrefixes | Container | N/A | Indicates that if the delimiter parameter is specified in the request, the response contains the CommonPrefixes parameter. Objects whose names contain the same string from the prefix to the next occurrence of the delimiter are grouped as a single result element in CommonPrefixes. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
Delimiter | String | / | The character that is used to group objects by name. The objects whose names contain the same string from the prefix to the next occurrence of the delimiter are grouped as a single result element in the CommonPrefixes parameter. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
EncodingType | String | URL | The encoding type of the content in the response. If you specify encoding-type in the request, the values of Delimiter, Marker, Prefix, NextMarker, and Key are encoded in the response. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
IsTruncated | String | true | Indicates whether the returned results are truncated.
Valid values: true and false. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
KeyMarker | String | example | Indicates the object from which the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation starts. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
VersionIdMarker | String | CAEQMxiBgICbof2D0BYiIGRhZjgwMzJiMjA3MjQ0ODE5MWYxZDYwMzJlZjU1**** | The version from which the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation starts. This parameter is used together with KeyMarker. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
NextKeyMarker | String | test | If not all results are returned for the request, the NextKeyMarker parameter is included in the response to indicate the key-marker value of the next ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) request. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
NextVersionIdMarker | String | CAEQGBiBgIC_jq7P9xYiIDRiZWJkNjY2Y2Q4NDQ5ZTI5ZGE5ODIxMTIyZThl**** | If not all results are returned for the request, the NextVersionIdMarker parameter is included in the response to indicate the version-id-marker value of the next ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) request. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
MaxKeys | String | 1000 | The maximum number of objects that can be returned in the response. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
Name | String | examplebucket-1250000000 | The name of the bucket. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
Prefix | String | fun | The prefix that must be included in the names of the listed objects. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
Version | Container | N/A | The container that stores the versions of objects, excluding delete markers. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
DeleteMarker | Container | N/A | The container that stores delete markers. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult |
ETag | String | 250F8A0AE989679A22926A875F0A2**** | The ETag that is generated when an object is created. ETags are used to identify the content of objects.
Note The ETag of an object can be used only to check whether the object content was modified. We recommend that you use the MD5 hash of an object instead of the ETag of the object to verify data integrity. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version |
Key | String | example | The name of the object. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
LastModified | Time | 2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z | The time when the returned objects were last modified. Note
Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
TransitionTime | Time | 2024-04-23T07:21:42.000Z | The time when the storage class of the returned objects is changed to Cold Archive or Deep Cold Archive based on lifecycle rules. Note
Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
VersionId | String | CAEQMxiBgMDNoP2D0BYiIDE3MWUxNzgxZDQxNTRiODI5OGYwZGMwNGY3MzZjN**** | The version ID of the object. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
IsLatest | String | true | Indicates whether the version is the current version. Valid values:
Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
Size | String | 93731 | The size of the object. Unit: bytes. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
StorageClass | String | Standard | The storage class of the object. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
Owner | Container | N/A | The container that stores information about the bucket owner. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker |
DisplayName | String | 12345125285864390 | The name of the object owner. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version.Owner and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker.Owner |
ID | String | 1234512528586**** | The user ID of the bucket owner. Parent nodes: ListVersionsResult.Version.Owner and ListVersionsResult.DeleteMarker.Owner |
RestoreInfo | String | ongoing-request="true" | The restoration status of the object.
For more information about the common response headers, such as x-oss-request-id
and Content-Type
in the response to a ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) request, see Common response headers.
List the versions of objects in an unversioned bucket
Sample requests
GET /?versions HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:27:48 GMT Authorization: OSS qn6q**************:77Dv****************
Sample success response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: 1262 Connection: keep-alive Date: Thu, Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:27:48 GMT Server: AliyunOSS x-oss-request-id: 534B371674E88A4D8906**** <ListVersionsResult> <Name>examplebucket-1250000000</Name> <Prefix/> <KeyMarker/> <VersionIdMarker/> <MaxKeys>1000</MaxKeys> <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated> <Version> <Key>example-object-1.jpg</Key> <VersionId/> <IsLatest>true</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-08-5T12:03:10.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>5B3C1A2E053D763E1B669CC607C5A0FE1****</ETag> <Size>20</Size> <StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass> <Owner> <ID>1250000000</ID> <DisplayName>1250000000</DisplayName> </Owner> <TransitionTime>2024-04-23T07:21:42.000Z</TransitionTime> </Version> <Version> <Key>example-object-2.jpg</Key> <VersionId/> <IsLatest>true</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-08-9T12:03:09.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>5B3C1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5A0FE1****</ETag> <Size>20</Size> <StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass> <Owner> <ID>1250000000</ID> <DisplayName>1250000000</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> <Version> <Key>example-object-3.jpg</Key> <VersionId/> <IsLatest>true</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-08-10T12:03:08.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>4B3F1A2E053D763E1B002CC607C5AGTRF****</ETag> <Size>20</Size> <StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass> <Owner> <ID>1250000000</ID> <DisplayName>1250000000</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> </ListVersionsResult>
List the versions of objects in a versioning-enabled bucket
In this example, two objects named example and pic.jpg are stored in a bucket named oss-example. The object named example has the following three versions that are displayed by creation time in descending order: 111222, 000123 (delete marker), and 222333. The object named pic.jpg has only one version whose ID is 232323.
If you set key-marker to example and version-id-marker to 111222, the following three versions are returned in sequence: 000123 of example, 222333 of example, and 232323 of pic.jpg.
Sample requests
GET /?versions&key-marker=example&version-id-marker=CAEQMxiBgICbof2D0BYiIGRhZjgwMzJiMjA3MjQ0ODE5MWYxZDYwMzJlZjU1**** HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:27:48 GMT Authorization: OSS qn6q**************:77Dv****************
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-oss-request-id: 5CAC4974B7AEADE01700**** Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:27:48 GMT Content-Type: application/xml Connection: keep-alive Server: AliyunOSS <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ListVersionsResult xmlns=""> <Name>oss-example</Name> <Prefix></Prefix> <KeyMarker>example</KeyMarker> <VersionIdMarker>CAEQMxiBgICbof2D0BYiIGRhZjgwMzJiMjA3MjQ0ODE5MWYxZDYwMzJlZjU1****</VersionIdMarker> <MaxKeys>100</MaxKeys> <Delimiter></Delimiter> <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated> <DeleteMarker> <Key>example</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgICAof2D0BYiIDJhMGE3N2M1YTI1NDQzOGY5NTkyNTI3MGYyMzJm****</VersionId> <IsLatest>false</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </DeleteMarker> <Version> <Key>example</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgMDNoP2D0BYiIDE3MWUxNzgxZDQxNTRiODI5OGYwZGMwNGY3MzZjN****</VersionId> <IsLatest>false</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>"250F8A0AE989679A22926A875F0A2****"</ETag> <Type>Normal</Type> <Size>93731</Size> <StorageClass>Standard</StorageClass> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> <Version> <Key>pic.jpg</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgMCZov2D0BYiIDY4MDllOTc2YmY5MjQxMzdiOGI3OTlhNTU0ODIx****</VersionId> <IsLatest>true</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>"3663F7B0B9D3153F884C821E7CF4****"</ETag> <Type>Normal</Type> <Size>574768</Size> <StorageClass>Standard</StorageClass> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> </ListVersionsResult>
Archive objects and Cold Archive objects stored in the requested bucket
In this example, the examplebucket bucket contains the following Cold Archive objects: exampleobject1.txt, exampleobject2.txt, and exampleobject3.txt. The three objects are in the following states:
No RestoreObject requests are sent to restore exampleobject1.txt or the RestoreObject requests sent to restore the object have expired.
A RestoreObject request is sent to restore exampleobject2.txt and the object is being restored.
A RestoreObject request is sent to restore exampleobject3.txt and the object is restored.
Sample requests
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 08:43:27 GMT Authorization: OSS qn6q**************:77Dv****************
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK x-oss-request-id: 5CAC4974B7AEADE01700**** Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:27:48 GMT Content-Type: application/xml Connection: keep-alive Server: AliyunOSS <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ListVersionsResult xmlns=""> <Name>oss-example</Name> <Prefix></Prefix> <KeyMarker>example</KeyMarker> <VersionIdMarker>CAEQMxiBgICbof2D0BYiIGRhZjgwMzJiMjA3MjQ0ODE5MWYxZDYwMzJlZjU1****</VersionIdMarker> <MaxKeys>100</MaxKeys> <Delimiter></Delimiter> <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated> <Version> <Key>exampleobject1.txt</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgICAof2D0BYiIDJhMGE3N2M1YTI1NDQzOGY5NTkyNTI3MGYyMzJm****</VersionId> <IsLatest>false</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> <Version> <Key>exampleobject2.txt</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgMDNoP2D0BYiIDE3MWUxNzgxZDQxNTRiODI5OGYwZGMwNGY3MzZjN****</VersionId> <IsLatest>false</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>"250F8A0AE989679A22926A875F0A2****"</ETag> <Type>Normal</Type> <Size>93731</Size> <StorageClass>Standard</StorageClass> <RestoreInfo>ongoing-request="true"</RestoreInfo> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> <Version> <Key>exampleobject3.txt</Key> <VersionId>CAEQMxiBgMCZov2D0BYiIDY4MDllOTc2YmY5MjQxMzdiOGI3OTlhNTU0ODIx****</VersionId> <IsLatest>true</IsLatest> <LastModified>2019-04-09T07:27:28.000Z</LastModified> <ETag>"3663F7B0B9D3153F884C821E7CF4****"</ETag> <Type>Normal</Type> <Size>574768</Size> <StorageClass>Standard</StorageClass> <RestoreInfo>ongoing-request="false", expiry-date="Thr, 24 Mon 2020 12:40:33 GMT"</RestoreInfo> <Owner> <ID>1234512528586****</ID> <DisplayName>12345125285864390</DisplayName> </Owner> </Version> </ListVersionsResult>
You can use OSS SDKs for the following programming languages to call the ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) operation:
Error codes
Error code | HTTP status code | Description |
NoSuchBucket | 404 | The requested bucket does not exist. Check whether the name of the requested bucket complies with the naming rules. |
AccessDenied | 403 | You do not have the permissions to access the bucket. Only the bucket owner and RAM users who are granted the |
InvalidArgument | 400 |