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Object Storage Service:Appendix: Supported fields and operators

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2023

This topic describes the fields and operators that are supported in simple query conditions, aggregation operations, and sorting operations. This topic also describes operators supported for specific fields.

Usage notes

  • The following operators are supported in simple query conditions: eq (equal to), gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equal to), lt (less than), lte (less than or equal to), match (fuzzy query), and prefix (prefix query). The following operators are supported in aggregation operations: min (minimum), max (maximum), average (average), sum (sum), count (count), distinct (distinct count), and group (group count).

  • When you use the OSSUserMeta.* field to query objects, replace the asterisk (*) with the key of the user metadata. The system queries objects based on the key-value of the user metadata. The key of a user metadata field is not case-sensitive. However, the value is case-sensitive.

    For example, if you want to query objects that contain the x-oss-meta-location=hangzhou user metadata field, set the query condition to {"Field": "OSSUserMeta.x-oss-meta-location", "Value": "hangzhou", "Operation": "eq"}.

  • When you use the OSSTagging.* field to query an object, replace the asterisk (*) with the key of an object tag. The system queries the object based on the key-value of the object tag. The keys and values of object tags are case-sensitive.

    For example, if you want to query objects that contain the owner=John tag, set the query condition to {"Field": "OSSTagging.owner", "Value": "John", "Operation": "eq"}.

Supported fields and operators

The following table describes the fields and operators that are supported in simple query conditions, aggregation operations, and sorting operations.

In the following table, the check mark (✓) indicates that the operators are supported for the corresponding fields, and the cross mark (×) indicates that the operators are not supported for the fields.



Operator in simple query conditions

Operator in aggregation operations


eq, gt,

gte, lt, and lte



min, max,

sum, and average


distinct, and group


The identifier of the object content.




The time when the object was last modified.





The object name with the complete path to the object included.



The access control list (ACL) of the object.




The CRC-64 value of the object.




The type of the object.




The storage class of the object.




The tags of the object.






The number of tags of the object.




The user metadata of the object.






The server-side encryption algorithm for the object.




The algorithm that is used to encrypt the object on the client side.




The size of the object.

