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OpenSearch:Data import for reindexing

Last Updated:Feb 23, 2023

The source from which data is imported and the method of data inheritance after reindexing that is triggered by different operations vary based on the data sources that are configured by users. To prevent online issues that are caused by data synchronization failures due to misoperations, this topic describes the details of data import for reindexing.

  • Operations that trigger reindexing: scheduled reindexing and offline change.

Application type

Data source

Scheduled reindexing

Offline change

High-performance Search Edition

ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources

Full data from ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources

Full data from ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources

Full data from ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources and incremental data from Data Transmission Service (DTS)

Full data from ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources and incremental data from DTS

Full data from ApsaraDB for RDS or PolarDB data sources and incremental data from DTS

Full data from MaxCompute data sources and incremental data pushed by calling API operations

Full data from MaxCompute data sources

Full data from MaxCompute data sources and incremental data pushed by calling API operations during reindexing

No data source

Not supported

Not supported