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Apsara File Storage NAS:Configure a basic alert rule

Last Updated:Jul 12, 2024

This topic describes how to create an alert rule to monitor the usage of Apsara File Storage NAS (NAS) file systems. If resource metrics meet specific alert conditions, alerts are triggered and CloudMonitor sends alert notifications. This way, you can identify and handle the exceptions of monitoring data at the earliest opportunity.



  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alert Rules. On the Alert Rules page, click Create Alert Rule.

  3. In the Create Alert Rule panel, configure the parameters.

    1. Configure the basic parameters as described in the following table.




      Select NAS from the drop-down list.

      Resource Range

      Select the range of the resources to which the alert rule applies. Valid values:

      • All Resources: The alert rule is applied to all NAS file systems.


        Both NAS file systems and Cloud Parallel File Storage (CPFS) file systems can be monitored by CloudMonitor. If you select All Resources, both NAS file systems and CPFS file systems are monitored by using the configured alert rule.

      • Application Groups: The alert rule is applied to all resources in the specified application group of NAS.

      • Instances: The alert rule is applied to the specified resources of NAS.

      Associated Resources

      If the resource range is set to Application Groups or Instances, select the associated resources from the drop-down list.

      Rule Description

      Specify the condition that triggers the alert rule. If a metric meets the specified condition, an alert is triggered. To specify conditions, perform the following steps:

      1. Click Add Rule.

      2. In the Config Rule Description panel, enter a rule name and specify conditions.

        • Simple Metric: Select a metric and configure the threshold and alert level for the metric.

        • Combined Metrics: Select an alert level and configure alert conditions for two or more metrics.

        • Expression: Select an alert level and enter an alert rule expression. For more information about how to configure complex alert conditions, see Alert rule expressions.

        • Dynamic Threshold: For more information about dynamic thresholds, see Overview and Create dynamic threshold-triggered alert rules.


          The dynamic threshold feature is in invitational preview. To use the feature, you must submit a ticket.

      3. Click OK.


      For more information about the metrics supported by NAS, see Metrics.

      Mute For

      Select the interval at which CloudMonitor resends alert notifications before an alert is cleared. Valid values: 5 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 60 Minutes, 3 Hours, 6 Hours, 12 Hours, and 24 Hours.

      If the value of a metric reaches the alert threshold, an alert is triggered and CloudMonitor sends alert notifications.

      • If the alert is triggered again within the mute period, CloudMonitor does not resend alert notifications.

      • If the alert is not cleared after the mute period ends, CloudMonitor resends alert notifications.

      For example, if Mute For is set to 12 Hours and the alert is not cleared, CloudMonitor resends an alert notification 12 hours later.

      Effective Period

      Specify the period of time during which the alert rule is effective. CloudMonitor monitors the specified resources and generates alerts only within the specified period.

      Alert Contact Group

      Select the alert contact groups to which alert notifications are sent.

      The alert notifications are sent to the alert contacts that belong to the selected alert contact groups. An alert contact group can contain one or more alert contacts.

      For more information about how to create an alert contact and an alert contact group, see Create an alert contact or alert contact group.


      Specify tags for the alert rule. A tag consists of a key and a value.


      You can specify a maximum of six tags.

    2. Optional. Click Advanced Settings and configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.



      Alert Callback

      The callback URL that can be accessed over the Internet. CloudMonitor sends HTTP POST requests to push alert notifications to the specified URL. Only the HTTP protocol is supported. For more information about how to configure alert callback, see Use the alert callback feature to send notifications about threshold-triggered alerts.

      To test the connectivity of an alert callback URL, perform the following steps:

      1. Click Test next to the callback URL.

        In the Webhook Test panel, you can check and troubleshoot the connectivity of the alert callback URL based on the returned status code and test result details.


        To obtain the details of the test result, configure the Test Template Type and Language parameters and click Test.

      2. Click Close.

      Auto Scaling

      If you turn on Auto Scaling, the specified scaling rule is enabled when an alert is triggered. In this case, you must configure the Region, ESS Group, and ESS Rule parameters.

      Simple Log Service

      If you turn on Simple Log Service, the alert information is sent to the specified Logstore when an alert is triggered. In this case, you must configure the Region, ProjectName, and Logstore parameters.

      For more information about how to create a project and a Logstore, see Getting Started.

      Message Service - Topic

      If you turn on Message Service - Topic, the alert information is sent to the specified topic in Message Service (MNS) when an alert is triggered. In this case, you must configure the Region and topicName parameters.

      For more information about how to create a topic, see Create a topic.

      Function Compute

      If you turn on Function Compute, an alert notification is sent to Function Compute for format processing when an alert is triggered. In this case, you must configure the Region, Service, and Function parameters.

      For more information about how to configure services and functions, see Create a function in the Function Compute console.

      Method to handle alerts when no monitoring data is found

      The method that is used to handle alerts when no monitoring data is found. Valid values:

      • Do not do anything (default)

      • Send alert notifications

      • Treated as normal

  4. Click Confirm to complete the configuration.

    If the value of a metric exceeds the specified threshold, alert notifications are automatically sent. This allows you to obtain the information about abnormal monitoring data at the earliest opportunity.

Examples of configuring alert rules

You can refer to the following examples to configure alert rules for NAS file systems, all resources, or application groups. This way, you can identify and handle monitoring data exceptions at the earliest opportunity. For more information about the metrics supported by NAS, see Metrics.

Configure an alert rule based on a simple metric

For example, you can configure an alert rule for a General-purpose NAS file system. If the read latency of the file system exceeds 5 milliseconds for three consecutive cycles, a Warn-level alert is triggered. The following figure shows the recommended configurations for the resource range and rule description. For information about other parameters, see Step 3.

  • Resource Range: Instances.

  • Associated Resources: Select the ID of a General-purpose NAS file system, for example, 2973ef4xxxx.资源范围

  • Rule Description读延迟



    Metric Type

    Simple Metric


    Read latency

    Threshold and Alert Level

    • Alert level: Warn

    • Cycle: 3 Consecutive Cycles (1 Cycle = 1 Minute)

    • Operator: >=

    • Threshold: 5

Configure an alert rule based on combined metrics

For example, if the read or write latency of a file system exceeds 5 ms within one consecutive cycle, or the storage usage of the IA storage class increases by 40% compared with the storage usage at the same time yesterday, a Critical-level alert is triggered. The following figure shows the recommended configurations for the resource range and rule description.

  • Resource Range: Instances.

  • Associated Resources: Select the ID of a General-purpose NAS file system, for example, 2973ef4xxxx.资源范围

  • Rule Description多指标配置



    Metric Type

    Combined Metrics

    Alert Level


    Multi-metric Alert Condition

    1. Click Add Metric. In the Metric drop-down list, choose capacity > Storage Usage of IA Storage Class.

    2. Select an operator. In this example, select Compared With Yesterday Rise.

    3. Set the threshold. In this example, set the threshold to 40.

    4. Click Add Metric and choose volume > Read Latency and volume > Write Latency in sequence and configure the related settings.


    For more information about how to configure complex alert conditions, see Alert rule expressions.

    Relationship Between Metrics

    Generate alerts if one of the conditions is met (||)

    Alert Threshold Triggers

    1 Consecutive Cycle
