You can use the WINDOW keyword to specify a custom window and specify a name for a window function.


WINDOW <window_name> AS (<window_definition>)
    [, <window_name> AS (<window_definition>)]
  • window_name: required. This parameter indicates the name that you specify for a custom window function when you define the function. The custom name is represented by a named window.
  • window_definition: required. This parameter indicates the window function for which a custom name is specified. For more information about window functions, see Window functions.


  • A named window can be used to define another named window. If you use a named window to define another named window, the two named windows have the same meaning. An undefined named window cannot be used to define a named window.
  • A named window cannot be defined multiple times in the same scope.

Sample data

-- Create a table.
create table if not exists emp
   (empno bigint,
    ename string,
    job string,
    mgr bigint,
    hiredate datetime,
    sal bigint,
    comm bigint,
    deptno bigint);

-- Query data.
select * from emp;
-- The following result is returned:
| empno      | ename      | job        | mgr        | hiredate   | sal        | comm       | deptno     |
| 7369       | SMITH      | CLERK      | 7902       | 1980-12-17 00:00:00 | 800        | NULL       | 20|
| 7499       | ALLEN      | SALESMAN   | 7698       | 1981-02-20 00:00:00 | 1600       | 300        | 30|
| 7521       | WARD       | SALESMAN   | 7698       | 1981-02-22 00:00:00 | 1250       | 500        | 30|
| 7566       | JONES      | MANAGER    | 7839       | 1981-04-02 00:00:00 | 2975       | NULL       | 20|
| 7654       | MARTIN     | SALESMAN   | 7698       | 1981-09-28 00:00:00 | 1250       | 1400       | 30|
| 7698       | BLAKE      | MANAGER    | 7839       | 1981-05-01 00:00:00 | 2850       | NULL       | 30|
| 7782       | CLARK      | MANAGER    | 7839       | 1981-06-09 00:00:00 | 2450       | NULL       | 10|
| 7788       | SCOTT      | ANALYST    | 7566       | 1987-04-19 00:00:00 | 3000       | NULL       | 20|
| 7839       | KING       | PRESIDENT  | NULL       | 1981-11-17 00:00:00 | 5000       | NULL       | 10|
| 7844       | TURNER     | SALESMAN   | 7698       | 1981-09-08 00:00:00 | 1500       | 0          | 30|
| 7876       | ADAMS      | CLERK      | 7788       | 1987-05-23 00:00:00 | 1100       | NULL       | 20|
| 7900       | JAMES      | CLERK      | 7698       | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 950        | NULL       | 30|
| 7902       | FORD       | ANALYST    | 7566       | 1981-12-03 00:00:00 | 3000       | NULL       | 20|
| 7934       | MILLER     | CLERK      | 7782       | 1982-01-23 00:00:00 | 1300       | NULL       | 10|
| 7948       | JACCKA     | CLERK      | 7782       | 1981-04-12 00:00:00 | 5000       | NULL       | 10|
| 7956       | WELAN      | CLERK      | 7649       | 1982-07-20 00:00:00 | 2450       | NULL       | 10|
| 7956       | TEBAGE     | CLERK      | 7748       | 1982-12-30 00:00:00 | 1300       | NULL       | 10|


  • Example 1: Define a named window.
    -- In the following sample code, no WINDOW keyword is used.
    SELECT deptno,
           row_number() OVER (partition by deptno order by sal desc) AS nums
    FROM emp;
    -- The following result is returned:
    | deptno     | ename      | sal        | nums       |
    | 10         | JACCKA     | 5000       | 1          |
    | 10         | KING       | 5000       | 2          |
    | 10         | CLARK      | 2450       | 3          |
    | 10         | WELAN      | 2450       | 4          |
    | 10         | TEBAGE     | 1300       | 5          |
    | 10         | MILLER     | 1300       | 6          |
    | 20         | SCOTT      | 3000       | 1          |
    | 20         | FORD       | 3000       | 2          |
    | 20         | JONES      | 2975       | 3          |
    | 20         | ADAMS      | 1100       | 4          |
    | 20         | SMITH      | 800        | 5          |
    | 30         | BLAKE      | 2850       | 1          |
    | 30         | ALLEN      | 1600       | 2          |
    | 30         | TURNER     | 1500       | 3          |
    | 30         | MARTIN     | 1250       | 4          |
    | 30         | WARD       | 1250       | 5          |
    | 30         | JAMES      | 950        | 6          |
    -- In the following sample code, the WINDOW keyword is used.
    SELECT deptno,
           row_number() OVER w1 AS nums
    FROM emp
    WINDOW w1 AS (partition by deptno order by sal desc);
    -- The returned result is the same as the returned result in the sample code in which no WINDOW keyword is used.
    | deptno     | ename      | sal        | nums       |
    | 10         | JACCKA     | 5000       | 1          |
    | 10         | KING       | 5000       | 2          |
    | 10         | CLARK      | 2450       | 3          |
    | 10         | WELAN      | 2450       | 4          |
    | 10         | TEBAGE     | 1300       | 5          |
    | 10         | MILLER     | 1300       | 6          |
    | 20         | SCOTT      | 3000       | 1          |
    | 20         | FORD       | 3000       | 2          |
    | 20         | JONES      | 2975       | 3          |
    | 20         | ADAMS      | 1100       | 4          |
    | 20         | SMITH      | 800        | 5          |
    | 30         | BLAKE      | 2850       | 1          |
    | 30         | ALLEN      | 1600       | 2          |
    | 30         | TURNER     | 1500       | 3          |
    | 30         | MARTIN     | 1250       | 4          |
    | 30         | WARD       | 1250       | 5          |
    | 30         | JAMES      | 950        | 6          |
  • Example 2: Define multiple named windows. Sample code:
    SELECT deptno, ename,
        max(sal) OVER w2 AS max_sal,
        row_number() OVER w1 AS nums
    FROM emp
    WINDOW w1 AS (partition by deptno order by sal desc),
           w2 AS (partition by deptno);
  • Example 3: Use the WINDOW keyword to globally define a named window. Sample code:
    WINDOW w1 AS (partition by deptno order by sal desc);
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table1 SELECT row_number() OVER w1 AS nums FROM table2;
    INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table3 SELECT max(column1) OVER w1 AS nums FROM table4;
  • Example 4: Use one named window to define another named window. Sample code:
    SELECT deptno, ename,
        max(sal) OVER w2 AS max_sal,
        row_number() OVER w1 AS nums
    FROM emp
    WINDOW w1 AS (partition by deptno order by sal desc),
           w2 AS w1;
    Note After another named window is defined, the two named windows have the same meaning.
  • Example 5: An undefined named window cannot be used to define a named window. The following sample code provides an incorrect example. The W1 and W2 windows are not defined.
    SELECT deptno, ename,
        row_number() OVER w1 AS nums
    FROM emp
    WINDOW w1 AS w2;
  • Example 6: A named window cannot be defined multiple times in the same scope. The following sample code provides an incorrect example. The W1 window is defined multiple times.
    SELECT deptno, ename,
        row_number() OVER w1 AS nums
    FROM emp
    WINDOW w1 AS (partition by deptno order by sal desc),
           w1 AS (partition by ename order by sal desc);