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Last Updated:Aug 03, 2023

Obtains metadata of a table by collecting statistics of data in the table. This statement helps optimize query performance.


  • Non-partitioned table

    analyze table <table_name> compute statistics for columns [(<col_name> [,<col_name> ...])];
  • Partitioned table

    analyze table <table_name> partition(<pt_spec>) compute statistics for columns (<column_name>[, <column_name>]);

You can also execute the following statements to delete statistics of data in a specified column or statistics of data in all columns.

  • Delete statistics of data in all columns.

  • Delete statistics of data in a specified column.

    ANALYZE TABLE <table_name> DELETE STATISTICS FOR COLUMNS (column_name>[, <column_name>]);


  • table_name: the name of the table

  • column_name: the name of the column from which data is collected for statistical analysis.

  • pt_spec: the partition from which data is collected for statistical analysis.


  • Collect data from specified columns or all columns of a non-partitioned table and perform statistical analysis.

    -- Create a non-partitioned table named analyze2_test.
    create table if not exists analyze2_test
     (tinyint1 tinyint,
      smallint1 smallint,
      int1 int,
      bigint1 bigint,
      double1 double,
      decimal1 decimal,
      decimal2 decimal(20,10),
      string1 string,
      varchar1 varchar(10),
      boolean1 boolean,
      timestamp1 timestamp,
      datetime1 datetime )
     lifecycle 30;
    -- Insert data into the table.
    insert overwrite table analyze2_test select * from values 
    (1Y, 20S, 4, 8L, 123452.3, 12.4, 52.5, 'str1', 'str21', false, timestamp '2018-09-17 00:00:00', datetime '2018-09-17 00:59:59'),
    (10Y, 2S, 7, 11111118L, 67892.3, 22.4, 42.5, 'str12', 'str200', true, timestamp '2018-09-17 00:00:00', datetime '2018-09-16 00:59:59'),
    (20Y, 7S, 4, 2222228L, 12.3, 2.4, 2.57, 'str123', 'str2', false, timestamp '2018-09-18 00:00:00', datetime '2018-09-17 00:59:59'),
    (null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null , null) 
    as t(tinyint1, smallint1, int1, bigint1, double1, decimal1, decimal2, string1, varchar1, boolean1, timestamp1, datetime1);
    -- Collect data in the tinyint1 column of the table and perform statistical analysis on the data.
    analyze table analyze2_test compute statistics for columns (tinyint1); 
    -- Collect data in the smallint1, string1, boolean1, and timestamp1 columns of the table and perform statistical analysis on the data.
    analyze table analyze2_test compute statistics for columns (smallint1, string1, boolean1, timestamp1);
    -- Collect data in all columns of the table and perform statistical analysis on the data.
    analyze table analyze2_test compute statistics for columns;

    Execute the SHOW STATISTIC statement to test the statistical result. Sample statements:

    -- Test the statistical result of the tinyint1 column. 
    show statistic analyze2_test columns (tinyint1);
    -- Test the statistical results of the smallint1, string1, boolean1, and timestamp1 columns. 
    show statistic analyze2_test columns (smallint1, string1, boolean1, timestamp1);
    -- Test the statistical results of all columns. 
    show statistic analyze2_test columns;

    The following result is returned:

    -- Statistical result of the tinyint1 column. 
    ID = 20201126085225150gnqo****
    tinyint1:MaxValue:      20                   -- The value of max. 
    tinyint1:DistinctNum:   4.0                  -- The value of ndv. 
    tinyint1:MinValue:      1                    -- The value of min. 
    tinyint1:NullNum:       1.0                  -- The value of nNulls. 
    tinyint1:TopK:  {1=1.0, 10=1.0, 20=1.0}      -- The value of topK. 10=1.0 indicates that the occurrence frequency of column value 10 is 1. Up to 20 values with the highest occurrence frequency can be returned. 
    -- Statistical results of the smallint1, string1, boolean1, and timestamp1 columns. 
    ID = 20201126091636149gxgf****
    smallint1:MaxValue:     20
    smallint1:DistinctNum:  4.0
    smallint1:MinValue:     2
    smallint1:NullNum:      1.0
    smallint1:TopK:         {2=1.0, 7=1.0, 20=1.0}
    string1:MaxLength       6.0                  -- The value of maxColLen. 
    string1:AvgLength:      3.0                  -- The value of avgColLen. 
    string1:DistinctNum:    4.0
    string1:NullNum:        1.0
    string1:TopK:   {str1=1.0, str12=1.0, str123=1.0}
    boolean1:DistinctNum:   3.0
    boolean1:NullNum:       1.0
    boolean1:TopK:  {false=2.0, true=1.0}
    timestamp1:DistinctNum:         3.0
    timestamp1:NullNum:     1.0
    timestamp1:TopK:        {2018-09-17 00:00:00.0=2.0, 2018-09-18 00:00:00.0=1.0}
    -- Statistical results of all columns. 
    ID = 20201126092022636gzm1****
    tinyint1:MaxValue:      20
    tinyint1:DistinctNum:   4.0
    tinyint1:MinValue:      1
    tinyint1:NullNum:       1.0
    tinyint1:TopK:  {1=1.0, 10=1.0, 20=1.0}
    smallint1:MaxValue:     20
    smallint1:DistinctNum:  4.0
    smallint1:MinValue:     2
    smallint1:NullNum:      1.0
    smallint1:TopK:         {2=1.0, 7=1.0, 20=1.0}
    int1:MaxValue:  7
    int1:DistinctNum:       3.0
    int1:MinValue:  4
    int1:NullNum:   1.0
    int1:TopK:      {4=2.0, 7=1.0}
    bigint1:MaxValue:       11111118
    bigint1:DistinctNum:    4.0
    bigint1:MinValue:       8
    bigint1:NullNum:        1.0
    bigint1:TopK:   {8=1.0, 2222228=1.0, 11111118=1.0}
    double1:MaxValue:       123452.3
    double1:DistinctNum:    4.0
    double1:MinValue:       12.3
    double1:NullNum:        1.0
    double1:TopK:   {12.3=1.0, 67892.3=1.0, 123452.3=1.0}
    decimal1:MaxValue:      22.4
    decimal1:DistinctNum:   4.0
    decimal1:MinValue:      2.4
    decimal1:NullNum:       1.0
    decimal1:TopK:  {2.4=1.0, 12.4=1.0, 22.4=1.0}
    decimal2:MaxValue:      52.5
    decimal2:DistinctNum:   4.0
    decimal2:MinValue:      2.57
    decimal2:NullNum:       1.0
    decimal2:TopK:  {2.57=1.0, 42.5=1.0, 52.5=1.0}
    string1:MaxLength       6.0
    string1:AvgLength:      3.0
    string1:DistinctNum:    4.0
    string1:NullNum:        1.0
    string1:TopK:   {str1=1.0, str12=1.0, str123=1.0}
    varchar1:MaxLength      6.0
    varchar1:AvgLength:     3.0
    varchar1:DistinctNum:   4.0
    varchar1:NullNum:       1.0
    varchar1:TopK:  {str2=1.0, str200=1.0, str21=1.0}
    boolean1:DistinctNum:   3.0
    boolean1:NullNum:       1.0
    boolean1:TopK:  {false=2.0, true=1.0}
    timestamp1:DistinctNum:         3.0
    timestamp1:NullNum:     1.0
    timestamp1:TopK:        {2018-09-17 00:00:00.0=2.0, 2018-09-18 00:00:00.0=1.0}
    datetime1:DistinctNum:  3.0
    datetime1:NullNum:      1.0
    datetime1:TopK:         {1537117199000=2.0, 1537030799000=1.0}
  • Collect data from a specified partition of a partitioned table and perform statistical analysis.

    -- Create a partitioned table named srcpart_test.
    create table if not exists srcpart_test 
      (key string,
        value string) 
    partitioned by (ds string, hr string) 
    lifecycle 30;
    -- Insert data into the table.
    insert into table srcpart_test partition(ds='20201220', hr='11') values 
    ('123', 'val_123'), ('76', 'val_76'), ('447', 'val_447'), ('1234', 'val_1234');
    insert into table srcpart_test partition(ds='20201220', hr='12') values
     ('3', 'val_3'), ('12331', 'val_12331'), ('42', 'val_42'), ('12', 'val_12');
    insert into table srcpart_test partition(ds='20201221', hr='11') values
     ('543', 'val_543'), ('2', 'val_2'), ('4', 'val_4'), ('9', 'val_9');
    insert into table srcpart_test partition(ds='20201221', hr='12') values
     ('23', 'val_23'), ('56', 'val_56'), ('4111', 'val_4111'), ('12333', 'val_12333');
    -- Collect data from a specified partition of the table and perform statistical analysis.
    analyze table srcpart_test partition(ds='20201221') compute statistics for columns (key , value);

    Execute the SHOW STATISTIC statement to test the statistical result. Sample statement:

    show statistic srcpart_test partition (ds='20201221') columns (key , value);

    The following result is returned:

    ID = 20210105121800689g28p****
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) key:MaxLength       3.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) key:AvgLength:      1.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) key:DistinctNum:    4.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) key:NullNum:        0.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) key:TopK:   {2=1.0, 4=1.0, 543=1.0, 9=1.0}
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) value:MaxLength     7.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) value:AvgLength:    5.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) value:DistinctNum:  4.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) value:NullNum:      0.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=11) value:TopK:         {val_2=1.0, val_4=1.0, val_543=1.0, val_9=1.0}
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) key:MaxLength       5.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) key:AvgLength:      3.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) key:DistinctNum:    4.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) key:NullNum:        0.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) key:TopK:   {12333=1.0, 23=1.0, 4111=1.0, 56=1.0}
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) value:MaxLength     9.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) value:AvgLength:    7.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) value:DistinctNum:  4.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) value:NullNum:      0.0
    (ds=20201221,hr=12) value:TopK:         {val_12333=1.0, val_23=1.0, val_4111=1.0, val_56=1.0}