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MaxCompute:Example: Use complex data types in UDFs

Last Updated:Sep 01, 2023

This topic describes how to use complex data types in Java user-defined functions (UDFs) and Python UDFs.


In this example, a UDF named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA is created.


This example shows how to use the ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT complex data types in the UDF. For Java UDFs, the same UDF name can be used for the preceding data types based on the overloading method. For Python UDFs, you must create UDFs named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_ARRAY, UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_MAP, and UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_STRUCT to use the preceding data types.

  • Syntax:

    array<string> UDF_COMPLEX_DATA(array<bigint> <as>) 
    map<string, string> UDF_COMPLEX_DATA(map<string,bigint> <ms>) 
    struct<output_name:string,output_time:string> UDF_COMPLEX_DATA(<input_name:string,input_timestamp:bigint> <st>) 
  • Description:

    Converts an input timestamp into a time string in the yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format. The input parameters are of the ARRAY, MAP, and STRUCT complex data types.

  • Parameters:

    • as: This parameter is of the ARRAY<BIGINT> data type. A list of timestamps is specified. This parameter is required.

    • ms: This parameter is of the MAP<STRING, BIGINT> data type. The value of each map element is a timestamp. This parameter is required.

    • st: This parameter is of the STRUCT data type. The value of the input_timestamp field is a timestamp.

Development and usage procedure

1. Write a UDF

Sample code of a Java UDF

package com.aliyun; // Specify a package name.

import com.aliyun.odps.udf.UDF;
import com.aliyun.odps.udf.annotation.Resolve;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

@Resolve("struct<input_name:string, input_timestamp:bigint>->map<string,string>")
public class ComplexDataTypeExample extends UDF{
    private static final String PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

     * Convert a list of timestamps into a list of time strings.
     * @param timestamps Enter a list of timestamps.
     * @return Obtain a list of time strings.
    public List<String> evaluate(List<Long> timestamps) {
        if (timestamps == null) {
            return null;
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN);
        for (Long timestamp : timestamps) {
            Date date = new Date(timestamp < 9999999999L ? timestamp * 1000 : timestamp);
            String dateString = formatter.format(date);
        return result;

     * Convert timestamps of the MAP data type into time strings of the MAP data type.
     * @param timestamps Enter data of the MAP data type in which values are timestamps.
     * @return Obtain a list of time strings of the MAP data type.
    public Map<String, String> evaluate(Map<String, Long> timestamps) {
        if (timestamps == null) {
            return null;
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(timestamps.size());
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN);
        for (String key : timestamps.keySet()) {
            Long timestamp = timestamps.get(key);
            Date date = new Date(timestamp < 9999999999L ? timestamp * 1000 : timestamp);
            String dateString = formatter.format(date);
            result.put(key, dateString);
        return result;

     * Convert a timestamp into a time string.
     * @param input Enter a timestamp of the STRUCT data type.
     * @return Obtain a time string of the STRUCT data type.
    public Map<String, String> evaluate(Struct input) {
        if (input == null) {
            return null;
        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN);
        String nameValue = (String) input.getFieldValue("input_name");
        Long timestampValue = (Long) input.getFieldValue("input_timestamp");
        Date date = new Date(timestampValue < 9999999999L ? timestampValue * 1000 : timestampValue);
        String dateString = formatter.format(date);
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>(8);
        result.put("output_name", nameValue);
        result.put("output_time", dateString);
        return result;

In the sample code, three evaluate methods are defined for the overloading of the UDF.

  • Method 1: Use ARRAY as a parameter that corresponds to the java.util.List class.

  • Method 2: Use MAP as a parameter that corresponds to the java.util.Map class.

  • Method 3: Use STRUCT as a parameter that corresponds to the class.


    You cannot use the reflection feature for the class to obtain the names and data types of fields. If you want to use the STRUCT data type for a UDF, you must add the @Resolve annotation to the class. This annotation affects only the overloading of a UDF whose input parameters or return value contains the class.

If you write a UDF in Java, you must inherit the UDF class. In this example, the evaluate method defines three input parameters of the STRING data type and the return value of the STRING data type. The data types of the input parameters and return value are used as the signature of the UDF in SQL statements. For more information about other code specifications and requirements, see Java UDFs.

Sample code of a Python 3 UDF

In the following example, the input parameters are of the MAP<STRING, BIGINT> data type. The sample code creates a UDF named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_MAP.

from odps.udf import annotate
import datetime
class MapExample:
    def evaluate(self, intput_dict):
        output_dict = dict()
        for key in intput_dict:
            value = intput_dict[key]
            t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value)
            output_dict[key] = t
        return output_dict

In the following example, the input parameter is of the ARRAY<BIGINT> data type. The sample code creates a UDF named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_ARRAY.

from odps.udf import annotate
import datetime
class ArrayExample:
    def evaluate(self, intput_list):
        output_list = list()
        for item in intput_list:
            t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(item)
        return output_list

In the following example, the input parameters are of the STRUCT<input_name:string,input_timestamp:bigint> data type. The sample code creates a UDF named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_STRUCT.

from odps.udf import annotate
import datetime, collections
class StructExample:
    def evaluate(self, intput_namedtuple):
        OutputNamedTuple = collections.namedtuple('output_namedtuple', ['output_name', 'output_time'])
        name_val = intput_namedtuple.input_name
        time_val = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(intput_namedtuple.input_timestamp)
        output_namedtuple = OutputNamedTuple(name_val, time_val)
        return output_namedtuple

By default, Python 2 is used to run UDFs in MaxCompute projects. If you want to run UDFs in Python 3, run the following command at the session level: set odps.sql.python.version=cp37. For more information about Python 3 UDF specifications, see Python 3 UDFs.

2. Upload resources and create a UDF

After you develop and debug UDF code, upload resources to MaxCompute and create a UDF. In this example, a UDF named UDF_COMPLEX_DATA is created. For Python UDFs, you must create the following UDFs: UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_ARRAY, UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_MAP, and UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_STRUCT. For more information about how to upload resources and create a Java UDF, see Package a Java program, upload the package, and create a MaxCompute UDF. For more information about how to upload resources and create a Python UDF, see Upload a Python program and create a MaxCompute UDF.

3. Use the UDF

After the UDF is created, run the following commands to convert the timestamps of the ARRAY data type into time strings:

set odps.sql.python.version=cp37; -- To use a UDF in Python 3, run this command.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA(array(1554047999, 1554047989)); -- Call a Java UDF.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_ARRAY(array(1554047999, 1554047989)); -- Call a Python UDF.

The following result is returned:

| _c0                                         |
| [2019-03-31 23:59:59, 2019-03-31 23:59:49]  |

Run the following commands to convert timestamps of the MAP data type into time strings:

set odps.sql.python.version=cp37; -- To use a UDF in Python 3, run this command.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE(map('date1', 1554047989, 'date2', 1554047999)); -- Call a Java UDF.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE_MAP(map('date1', 1554047989, 'date2', 1554047999)); -- Call a Python UDF.

The following result is returned:

| _c0                                                            |
| {"date1":"2019-03-31 23:59:49","date2":"2019-03-31 23:59:59"}  |

Run the following commands to convert a timestamp of the STRUCT data type into a time string:

set odps.sql.python.version=cp37; -- To use a UDF in Python 3, run this command.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE(struct('date', 1554047989)); -- Call a Java UDF.
SELECT UDF_COMPLEX_DATA_TYPE_MAP(sturct('date', 1554047989)); -- Call a Python UDF.

The following result is returned:

| _c0                                                         |
| {"output_name":"date","output_time":"2019-03-31 23:59:49"}  |