This topic describes the message types of Native RTS SDK.

Message ID Supported minimum version Description (timing of occurrence) Solution
100 No limit The Help Support ID message, which is returned before a connection is initiated by calling the open function. N/A.
102 No limit The Help Support ID message, which is returned during a connection.
103 No limit The Help Support ID message, which is returned during stream ingest.
104 No limit The Help Support ID message, which is returned during stream pulling.
105 No limit The message that is used to collect data every 4 seconds.
Note If the ID of a returned message is 105, the content format of desc is \"key1:val1,key2:val2,...\".
106 No limit Indicates that Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) key information is obtained.
121 2.2.0 Indicates that stream pulling stops.
20000 ~ 30000 No limit The error code that is returned.
20001 (E_DNS_FAIL) 1.0 Indicates that Domain Name System (DNS) resolution failed. We recommend that you switch to traditional live streaming over a degraded protocol.
20002 (E_AUTH_FAIL) 1.0 Indicates that authentication failed.
20011 (E_CONN_TIMEOUT) 2.2.0 Indicates that connection signaling timed out. The timeout period can be configured, and is 10 seconds by default.
20012 (E_SUB_TIMEOUT) 1.0 Indicates that an error occurred during subscription signaling, or subscription signaling timed out. The timeout period can be configured, and is 10 seconds by default.
20013 (E_SUB_NO_STREAM) 1.0 Indicates that the stream to which you subscribe does not exist.
20052 (E_STREAM_BROKEN) 1.0 Indicates that the media timed out and no audio and video packets were received. The timeout period can be configured, and is 8 seconds by default. The network may be interrupted. We recommend that you retry once. If the retry fails, switch to traditional live streaming over a degraded protocol.
20053 (E_STREAM_RECOVERED) 1.0 Indicates that the E_STREAM_BROKEN error is resolved. This is not an error code. It appears in pairs with 20052 (E_STREAM_BROKEN).
20061 (E_RECV_STOP_SIGNAL) 2.5 Indicates that the code and message are returned in the callback if you receive the stop signaling message after the stream is pulled. You can take measures based on your business requirements. For example, if an error code that indicates the transcoded stream is unavailable is returned, you can play the source stream instead.