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ApsaraVideo Live:DescribeLiveUpVideoAudioInfo

Last Updated:Apr 07, 2024

Queries the audio and video quality data during stream ingest.

Usage notes

  • The maximum time range for a query is 24 hours.
  • The minimum time range for a query is 1 hour.
  • You can query data in the last 31 days.

QPS limit

You can call this operation up to 10 times per minute per account. Requests that exceed this limit are dropped and you will experience service interruptions. We recommend that you take note of this limit when you call this operation. For more information, see QPS limits.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes DescribeLiveUpVideoAudioInfo

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeLiveUpVideoAudioInfo.

Stream String Yes rtmp://

The name of the stream that you want to query. Specify this parameter in the following format: rtmp://Ingest domain/Application name/Stream name.

StartTime String No 2015-12-10T15:00:00Z

The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.

EndTime String No 2015-12-10T15:10:00Z

The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.

Response parameters





RequestId String BC858082-736F-4A25-867B-E5B67C85ACF7

The request ID.

UpItems Array of PublishItem

The details about the audio and video data of the stream ingest occurrences.

PublishTime String 2015-12-10T15:00:00Z

The start time of stream ingest. The time is displayed in UTC.

AppName String AppName

The name of the application to which the ingested stream belongs.

CodecInfo String H264/AAC

The audio and video encoding information.

PublishIp String cn397

The IP address of the stream ingest client.

StreamName String StreamName

The name of the stream.

PublishStatus String 1

The stream ingest status. A value of 1 indicates that the stream is being ingested. A value of 0 indicates that the stream was ingested.

UniqueId String 2.-395_37261_9848098_1538080899396

The unique ID of each stream ingest occurrence.

PublishInterval String -

The stream ingest duration. Unit: seconds. A hyphen (-) indicates that the stream is being ingested and the duration cannot be returned.

StopTime String 2015-12-10T15:10:00Z

The end time of stream ingest. The time is displayed in UTC.

DomainName String

The ingest domain.

VideoFrames Array of VideoFrames

The frame rate of the video. Unit: frames.

Value Integer 29

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AudioFrames Array of AudioFrames

The frame rate of the audio. Unit: frames.

Value Integer 23

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

VideoStamps Array of VideoStamps

The video timestamp. Unit: milliseconds.

Value Integer 725053781

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AudioStamps Array of AudioStamps

The audio timestamp. Unit: milliseconds.

Value Integer 725053422

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

VideoAndAudioStamp Array of V_AStamp

The difference between the audio and video timestamps. Unit: milliseconds.

Value Integer 359

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AvcHeaders Array of AvcHeaders

The number of AVC headers in the audio.

Value Integer 11

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AacHeaders Array of AacHeaders

The number of AAC headers in the audio.

Value Integer 20

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

VideoBitRate Array of VideoBitRate

The bitrate of the video. Unit: bit/s.

Value Integer 3970160

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AudioBitRate Array of AudioBitRate

The bitrate of the audio. Unit: bit/s.

Value Integer 24552

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

VideoInterval Array of VideoInterval

The maximum video frame interval. Unit: milliseconds.

Value Integer 278

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

AudioInterval Array of AudioInterval

The maximum audio frame interval. Unit: milliseconds.

Value Integer 254

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

ErrorFlags Array of ErrorFlags

The number of times the error code that indicates interrupted stream ingest was returned.

Value Integer 0

The metric value at a granularity of seconds at the query time.

Time Long 1538134750408

The query time. The value is a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.

If a parameter does not exist, an empty string is returned.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "BC858082-736F-4A25-867B-E5B67C85ACF7",
  "UpItems" : {
    "PublishTime" : "2015-12-10T15:00:00Z",
    "AppName" : "AppName",
    "CodecInfo" : "H264/AAC",
    "PublishIp" : "cn397",
    "StreamName" : "StreamName",
    "PublishStatus" : 1,
    "UniqueId" : "2.-395_37261_9848098_1538080899396",
    "PublishInterval" : "-",
    "StopTime" : "2015-12-10T15:10:00Z",
    "DomainName" : "",
    "VideoFrames" : {
      "Value" : 29,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AudioFrames" : {
      "Value" : 23,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "VideoStamps" : {
      "Value" : 725053781,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AudioStamps" : {
      "Value" : 725053422,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "VideoAndAudioStamp" : {
      "Value" : 359,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AvcHeaders" : {
      "Value" : 11,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AacHeaders" : {
      "Value" : 20,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "VideoBitRate" : {
      "Value" : 3970160,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AudioBitRate" : {
      "Value" : 24552,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "VideoInterval" : {
      "Value" : 278,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "AudioInterval" : {
      "Value" : 254,
      "Time" : 1538134750408
    "ErrorFlags" : {
      "Value" : 0,
      "Time" : 1538134750408

Error codes

HTTP status code

Error code

Error message


400 InvalidStartTime.Malformed Specified StartTime is malformed. The format of the start time is invalid. Check whether the value of the StartTime parameter is valid.
400 InvalidEndTime.Malformed Specified EndTime is malformed. The format of the end time is invalid. Check whether the value of the EndTime parameter is valid.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.